This is exactly
Well I had a very unpleasant thing happen to me at work today. Customer comes in, super nasty, smells awful, and not wearing a shirt. Just a reflector vest. He's quiet for a while, then I start hearing him swearing. Telling someone to 'shut the fuck up'. Coworker and I looked in that direction concerned. Then he gets louder and swears more aggressively. It escalates to him using the n-word, and slurs, and more swearing. I'm getting very concerned. Enough so that I had to have coworker watch the front while I called the manager.
She tells me to ask him to stop, if he doesn't tell him to leaves, if that doesn't work have someone (donation attendant) escort him out, if he fights then call the police. Also to tell Donation attendant what's going on. Donation attendant and I go up to the guy to ask him to stop. I was not going to do it alone. Guy says sorry and that he didn't know he was being that loud. Promises it won't happen anymore.
I give it a few minutes before I call manager back to let her know everything was alright.
what you think it is.