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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/27 07:47:26 )
@Siron: oooh sounds awesome! i hope you get it! Internships are important! ^_^

ah I have been RPing for over 15 years now so my RP style has not changed much in the last 4 years, but words I had been getting wrong or when I was too lazy to write them out fully... It's nice to see those changes for myself as English is a self taught language for me.

Starbound has that option and it's awesome <3 I only play that for super relaxation so I have it on an easier mode so i can just pop in and explore my lil heart out.

oooh hahaha yeah when the healer is the main problem... I feel for your party! RIP guys!!!

that's fun tho, makes a regular play-through more... interesting then just going through the motions again.

hahahahahhahahahahaa awww! It's a bit sad that you died after all. Sounds like an epic way to suicide in town tho!

I have been pretty good. Nothing to complain about but nothing all that interesting happened either.

@Totalanimefan: He listened while washing a glass from another patron and smiled "I can't think of a particular story. Sadly I am a vary urban creature. But when I was young we had proper winters, so I remember sliding down hills all winter long... Making snow angels. I really miss winter now. I have not moved but the weather has changed quite a bit..." he said with a melancholic tone at the end.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/27 13:01:16 )
@Naeril: They called me back and said they picked me so unless covid stuff/rules mess stuff up before then(summer vacation) i should be all set! :D

Oh that's a long time!
Also may i ask what your native language is? I'm curious now since English isn't my native language either; mine is Dutch. (:

A little chaos never hurt anyone- or well i mean, they respawned :p

It was unlucky but glorious yes, almost like that time where i was like, yeah we can take this boss, i believe in us
and then with one swipe it took more than half our health
so that quickly changed into ABORT MISSION

Or that time in another game where i didn't no collision was on, was walking backwards shooting stuff till i saw laughter in the chat and and automatic message said i team killed, turns out i pushed someone off a cliff by walking backwards

I have a bunch of random stories when it comes to doing dumb stuff in games :')

I mean that's good to hear! It's not like there's a whole lot of things to do in these times with all the rules limiting it.
Gotta find stuff to keep ourselves busy! (:

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/28 09:06:48 )
@Siron: wooohoo! Gratz! hope stuff holds up good!

Mine is Bulgarian ^_^

hahahahah as long as they respawn -wink-

wow! I hope you could safely escape! But yeah those things happen some times.

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA well they could have moved too so not entirely your fault!

ahhhh sounds like gaming with you is never boring!

Gamins is amazing! Always! -nods fast-

@Totalanimefan: "Your words are quite true, sadly those who can do something about it are too busy lining their pockets, so we should have to do our best to evolve and survive..." he said, shaking his head.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/02/28 15:18:12 )
@Naeril: Yess thanks! (:

Oh neat! Don't hear that as often o:
Now im just trying to think of instances i heard the language, feel like it might be similar to some others out there but i might be confusing it with some others rip.
Would you say it's a difficult language? (i find languages interesting c: )

You got it! :'D.
As long as people don't get mad/ can laugh about it it's all good. (:

Ever heard of the game project winter? (a social deception/survival game)
Met most of my friends there but since my pc doesn't run stuff to well i don't often rely of fighting people directly ,even when i get them alone so the situations that came out of that by just convincing others of certain things have been hilarious.
But also dumb stuff like accidentally axing someone as a reaction cause they're threw something at me (which hurt) only to hear them laugh cause the thing they threw were healing herbs lol.

Also trying to stop someone notorious for taking the escape pod and leaving us alone, ends up with the two of us downed, having someone walk in on us thinking we're saved only to find out they're the traitor and finish us off.
Good memories.

Sadly my mic laggs hardcore these days in that game but it's been so much fun.

But i suck at among us, had one good play that had everyone hysterical but all the other games were like, oh no one died yet, must be her that's the imposter and off into space i go lmao.

I mean those games aren't everyone's cup of tea but i'd say with the right people it can be absolutely hilarious (:


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/4 00:50:02 )
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@naeril: haha you don't have to give anything in return!
i tried to get extras from the event for ppl who join after :-)
the events here usually have really great items and are super fun! i wasn't around much for the most recent winter one unfortunately tho

@siron: oohh congrats on the internship! what would you be doing? may i ask what you're in school for?

i've been ok! usually good for the most part despite some down days
i've been reading a lot lately and listening to a lot of video game music haha
do you listen to any vgm?

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/4 07:12:39 )
@Siron: it sounds vary similar to Russian. They are both Cyrilic languages. So it has a vary different looking spelling. I wouldn't say it's complicated but i spent my entire life with it. But learning English was easier I think.

I have played a few MOBAs and would rather not play with other people after that, in MMOs I play solo lol

I have heard it, but not played -nods-
hahahaha poor person wanting to give you healing herbs and getting an axe to the face....

awwww doesn't sound too fun, but if it was not frustrating could be fun too!

I am not good at playing with mic on, but I have 1 friend that I do it with and it has been fun.

I'm glad you managed to get the right people ^_^

@Totalanimefan: He nodded slowly, listening to her "Tell me about t, in my city we have transport options, but to get a job you need a drivers license even for desk jobs... Why...?" he said and shook his head small. "But your life sounds quite frustrating indeed." he had to agree. "And having more public transport would mean less gridlock for those that choose cars..."

@xvz: I got an event set from the winter by a kind soul, but I can't wait to experience an event here, and it seems there will be one soon! Here is for hoping the items won't be to pink.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/5 13:30:15 )
@xvz: It's to become a security guard as i would like to work with dogs one day and/or follow additional courses etc that have to do with either psychology or health.
The internship is basically an organization that's specialized with mental problems/disorders, they also have psych wards and such as well as people that finished for example a prison sentence and have to do time there as well (unsure what that's called in english)
I want to become a jack of all trades haha.

Ah i get it, we all have those days, glad to hear it's mostly been going well (:
Ohh, what have you been reading/playing?
And i do listen to video game music at times!
The instrumental ones help me concentrate/relax and the other ones just bring back fun memories c:
Also it's day dream material

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/5 13:40:15 )
@Naeril: Oh wow it's related to russian? o:
I had no idea you guys use a similar alphabet.
Would you say you can read each others languages? (aside from the meaning of the words probably)

OH mobas haha, yeah i can understand wanting to go solo after. :'D

To be fair, they were very non nonsense sometimes with him, i'd often bite the dust the moment he got suspicious of me lol.
The good thing is i mostly play with people i know so it's usually all good fun (:

Playing with mic is something else, like idk 2 years ago i would only ever type in games but project winter helped me get used to actually talking to people.
Before that i would hold my breath if i accidentally activated my voice lmao.
Glad to hear you have a friend you can play with while on mic though, it's a lot easier to communicate without missing things because you're in the text chat. c:

How are things? (:

I think over we are slowly getting more freedom from the covid rules
Unsure how long it'll last though haha.
Sorry if Reply late!
Please ping me!


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/12 03:55:33 )
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@siron: oh interesting! how much more school do you have left? do you have any favorite classes so far?
when would you be starting your internship?

i've been reading a lot of nonfiction lately :0 rn i'm reading a memoir by a dream researcher, it's like half memoir half dream research / brain stuff haha
for vgm , more recently i was listening to metroid prime and mother 3! (though tbh i haven't played either ... i'd like to play mother 3 at some point though! it's supposed to be super long tho, the soundtrack itself is like 6-7 hrs lol)
what kind of vgm do you like / do u have any recs?? i don't know of too many classical ones but i really like them + would love to know of more :-)

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/12 03:57:54 )
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@naeril: aw nice! i actually joined last year right after vibrance day so i didn't get a chance to experience the event. i heard it was really good though, i think they made dating sims for the npcs???
i'm like wow that's p impressive for a forum event of this size :0

reaping ritual was probably my favorite that i've been here for tho! i have extra bundles from it too if you'd like one ^^

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⠀∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀art shop⠀·⠀gallery⠀·⠀closet⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/18 07:13:00 )
@Totalanimefan: "it is" he nodded agreeing and smiled sadly "But that would take investments and to not disappoint the people on whose payroll you really are in the background when you work in a city hall..." he added, shaking his head. Having no faith in anybody related to politics and government.

@Siron: Well the alphabet was actually made for our nation and we shared it with them. But having the same alphabet doesn't mean much. They are about as similar as English and German. But yes, other then that it's the exact same alphabet +- a few extra letters that they have. -points to earlier example-

oh I have always been a soloer in MMOs. It's just my style. Just once I got super involved in a guild I joined as I was a top player and the stress there and the drama... omg... I rather never do THAT again.

niiice! I love a game named Path of Exile and I often solo it, but it's pretty fun when I can game with my friends too.

Yeah, mic is handy, if you don't have that russian mobster accent it seems hahaha people keep telling me they love my accent and each time I hear that I just wanna die >.< but can't be helped I got one and to me it sounds normal -flail-

things are ok for me, just been on a lazy streak and did not feel like posting anywhere for a while...

With covid things are getting pretty bad here... We're hitting new records on patient numbers... I wish people would just wear their masks and wash their hands properly so we wouldn't have to go on an nth lockdown again the moment things loosen up.

@xvz: oooo sounds like the events here are pretty damn fun! I am quite eager to experience my first one ^_^

awww I'd love one if possible, thank you.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/18 07:14:09 )
@Ava: He perked up hearing the order and smiled "ah how about a mix of beet and carrot juice? It's quite sweet and earthy" he offered.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 07:30:34 )
@Ava: ((omfg you look adorkable!!))

"Oh it will be two copper coins" he replied and moved to get some juices and mix them up for her having big cool jars holding juice from harder substances that would be hard to juice on the spot.

Donator — Any Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 08:05:15 )
I'm here to float around like a jellyfish.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/20 14:23:17 )
@Kira: Watches the person float around like a Jellyfish "oh that's quite new."

@Ava: He watched her struggle with the coins and smiled soft "I have change for bigger coins and I might accept other currencies as well. As long as they amount to two copper." he reassured seeing her so flustered. He gladly took the two coins and placed the juice before his adorkable customer.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/21 09:05:05 )
@Ava: He watched her satisfied look and smiled soft "Oh? Where I am from this month has more snow then the entire winter combined" he said, shaking his head. "Such a strange weather..."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/22 08:36:18 )
@Ava: "Well I must say that in my land the snow used to be mostly in December and January, now the most snowy month for a few years in a row is March... It was not unusual for snow this month but it was not the most white one of the year" he said and shook his head small, then focused on her words. "Well it does not sound like where you are now is too bad either, but I can understand the nostalgia. And the wish to return. I hope you get the chance to move once more and enjoy snow once more."

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/23 07:20:30 )
@Ava: "Ah... Too cold for snow... I see. Here lately in the winter months the temperature is in the positive digits... So it rains... And March gets all the snow..." he said with a small sulk, then chuckled a bit "Ah... I am better at complaining I'm afraid! But I'm glad you feel comfortable to talk to me"

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/25 07:31:27 )
@Ava: "Oh..." he said watching the drop "I'm afraid that will stain..." he said soft then smiled "This season I have juices from citruses and other tropical fruits" he added and smiled "Complaining does let things off one's chest"

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/26 06:55:56 )
@Ava: "Oh, I see, perhaps you should look in to a magic that can protect your clothes..." he pondered, then cleared his throat hearing her question "Sadly I can't really sample my work directly..." the said and rubbed the back of his head.
"I must agree, once you start letting it out it tends to all just flow before you can stop yourself" he nodded.

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