Donator — She/Her
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/12 17:06:21 )
@whimsy: Thank you! it sounds like your aesthetic may be right up my alley lol
YAY another writer! I'm mostly writing this fanfic right now, some 1-a-day poetry/prose, and the sporadic short story
if you're writing too, what're you writing?
YES I've had the same conversation with my friends
a lot of these places are just showing people that they don't care if the work can be done from home, they just want to be able to monitor people in person and are probably hiding it behind "we want opportunities for in-person staff bonding" blahblahblah
@totalanimefan: exactly, I love the ping system, so useful!
I think that's a great idea! I'm glad it's working for you
last April I did this idea to write at least 1 good thing that happened each day
but that was too tedious for me as I forgot sometimes and had to think back often
but the list sounds much easier! not something you'd have to do everyday, but it is something you can look at and remind yourself of good things to come!
honestly, I'm one of the people that works better in the office sometimes, but those other times I'm just as unproductive in the office as I am at home
it really just depends on my tasks for the day and how much self-sabotage my subconscious has in store for me lol