Donator β She
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 21:24:51 )
So I ordered my newish snail Sheldon a friend because I heard it's better for them and snails can feel lonely if they're on they're own.. so me and the seller got talking and she offered me another snail but for free and I was like hell yeah cus who doesn't want a free baby giant African land snail π€£ so here they are .. smaller then expected but cute none the lessπ₯°
β they/any
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 21:34:10 )
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@lilmisskushy: aww, what sweethearts! i actually never expected to find snails so adorable, but here they are. since they're giant african land snail babies, do you know how large they're going to be? i'm quite curious, since i've never raised big snails (or snails in general).
Donator β She
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 21:50:19 )
@scarabee: yeah most people find them gross but when u see their actual wee faces and the way they act u can't help but find them cute ^.^ depending on the species they can grow up to all different sizes the ones I have will probably grow between 13cm-17cm sometimes bigger .. I would like to own an ovum some day they grow to about 20cm plus alot bigger I think the biggest snail in the world is 39cm
Donator β She, Her
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/21 01:56:30 )
Cute!! These guys are the ones that get like really big right? At one time I had mystery/apple snails and they were pretry cool watch interact/coexist with the other fish in my aquarium etc.
Donator β She
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/21 10:00:19 )
@star2000shadow: hehe they're even cuter in person :D
@nixiefae:yeah they can get really big depending on the species .. mystery snails are adorable I was actually thinking of getting some different types of sea snails I have a tank with nothing in it XD I seen pretty purple ones .. snails are very interesting to watch .. I also got 10 dairy cow isopods they're called the clean up crew .. they look like wood louse with cow print on them XD
@koneko: very easy to look after once u get the hang of their foods protein and calcium .. have to make sure your heat and humidity is at the right temperature and u will have happy snails .. where u from ,? I know they're banned from the US but they're allowed certain snails .. apple snails and panda snails are beautiful
Donator β She
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/21 17:37:08 )
@koneko: milk snails are beautiful as well .. you should look into it.. oh my goodness a hermit crab they're adorable xD I wanted a blue mini lobster type thing XD
Donator β She
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 01:37:02 )
@priestess of pie: aww thank you .. some of them can be quite fragile the bigger they get and the more they have calcium the stronger and thicker the shell gets ^.^ they Can fix cracks but not holes
Donator β She
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 12:20:43 )
@ava: yeah Snails are quite social once they get used to u.. at first they're very shy it's cute when they stay in their shells and just stretch their eye stalks out to have a peek XD I have 2 big adults but they're too big for him to live with he has to be atleast half Their size before they can be in the same tank .. so he will be living with the other 2 babies when they get a bit bigger .. I let them all eat together though
Donator β She/Her
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 16:26:03 )
Questing: Ruby | Corrupted Icho | Falling Star | Untamed | Doggo of Death |Devil's Food Cake x2
LilMissKushy: @star2000shadow: I'm the same with spiders XD
'shudder' i can handle horror movie spiders to some extent, when they don't LOOK like normal spiders, but..'shudder' real life spiders give me the heebee jeebees. <:3( )~~