Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/23 03:06:21 )
@ava: Oh! That sounds really awful to have hot flashes, I had those moments where I sweat pretty often despite sleeping in an air-conditioned room and that's very understandable as you would get uncomfortable and had to shower just to make that uncomfy feeling away.
I know right? It's game over if one forgets to bring their pads/tampons whether they have period or not (even if they don't, it's better to be safe than sorry). Dx I heard of menstrual cups and have only seen pictures of them but never saw them (same goes for tampons) in supermarkets due to the country I live in as pads are more common and easier to deal with (but ofc, one must change their pad if their flow gets heavy) and oh dear, that sounds very concerning! I really do hope you're okay. D: