How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
I got the covid vaccinations due to my family having health problems. My dad and his heart my sister and her cancer and so forth.... Well first shot nothing really but soar arm next day. Second one.... Not as bad as my manager made it sound he said he was wishing for death with how crappy he felt. I on the other hand had chills last night and felt drained so i went to bed around 9pm today my body is achy which is making my body want to move so get the achyness gone but when i start moving around my stomach feels like im gonna throw up. If i had a couch this would be the day i would lay on the couch and watch tv and maybe doze off but in my bed my body doesnt want to doze it wants to move around.
Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.

Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.