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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 01:03:23 )

Allen went home, headed up the stairs once inside and into his study where he made a few little bottles of medicine, using the herbs he'd gotten from the nursery and a couple of other things.

Aftering drinking the liquid, he fell asleep and didn't stir until morning. He'd gotten up and went outside just to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air, meeting Adira and the events following lingering in his imagination.

Early evening he took a stroll through the woods and let his feet guide him to the park, near the nursery. It was nice out, why stay cooped up all night?

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 05:52:37 )
Adira was talking to her friends when she spotted someone coming into the park and walk around. She hushed them both, and silently pointed at him, showing them who he was. Lillian and Ella looked over and gaped, turning to look back at her.

"He offered to let you stay with him?" Lillian asked, clearly referring to how good looking he was. Adira nodded. She pulled her friends closer, motioning for them to talk in whispers, so that there was no way he could hear them.

"He said I could come and go as I pleased, and help Mr Tanner at the nursery like I usually do," she said. "I'd just have to take care of the house every now and then."

"Well, then where's his house?" Ella asked. Adira shrugged.

"I have no idea." She looked at her friends. "What do you guys think I should do?"


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 15:21:56 )

Allen was lost in his moment of bliss, listening to the leaves and other sounds of nature. He heard faint whispers, but paid them no mind. It wasn't until he picked up on Adira's scent that he paused.

He turned slightly and began to walk in the direction where the benches usually were, holding hus hand out as to not walk into it and sat down when he found the old remodled bench.

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/20 17:34:27 )
"I'm not sure I like the idea of you living anywhere unless we know who it is," Lillian said, trying to keep her voice as low as possible. "Your aunt's a nasty piece of work, but at least we know where her house is, and we can find you if we think something's wrong."

"He seems harmless enough to me," Ella mused, looking in his direction. "He can't even see, so it's not like he'd pose much of a threat to Adi, right?"

At that moment, Adira saw him walk in their direction, and then sit down on a bench close to them. The girls were silent for a moment, before Lillian spoke up, her voice as hushed as possible, so that he wouldn't hear.

"Go talk to him," she said. "Tell him you need more details to decide whether you can take him up on his offer or not. It's only fair, he'll understand. And we'll stay quiet in the background, we just want to listen to him and see if he's suspicious or not."

The suspicion aside, Adira did think she needed to talk more about this. She quietly stood up and walked over to him.

"Hello, Mr Allen," she said, tentatively. "It's me, Adira."


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 10:18:32 )

Allen lightly turned his head when he heard footsteps indicating someone was approaching, and smiled warmly when Adira spoke. "Lady Adira, good evening." He greeted kindly.

"I do hope your aunt hadn't given you too much trouble yesterday." He spoke gently, remembering the nasty woman. His face was actually still a little sore from her striking him.

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 20:42:04 )
Lady Adira?

Adira turned around to shoot her friends a stern glare, forbidding them from making any noise even though she knew they'd heard him. She faced Allen again, an embarrassed expression on her face.

"You can just call me Adira, Mr Allen," she said, her voice a little smaller than it had been. "I'm not a Lady..."

Who even called anyone Lady anymore? It seemed like something out of a period drama or novel.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 22:14:06 )

Allen, though he couldn't see, could hear it in her voice when she spoke and offered her a gentle smile. "My apologies, Adira." He said. Maybe he'd been too formal? That's just how we was used to addressing young women. He hadn't meant to embarrass her.

"It's a lovely day we're having, isn't it?" He asked, just trying to change the topic to something a little more casual.

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/22 23:22:29 )
His sudden comment about the weather snapped her out of her train of thought and brought her back to the present. "Huh? Oh, yeah, it's lovely." She cleared her throat, wondering how to broach the subject of working for him.

"Um, Mr Allen? If you're okay with it, I'd like to talk a little more about your offer. You know, the one where you said I could take care of your house and.... stay with you?"

Behind her, she could feel her friends perking up with interest, trying to make sure they caught every word, but she kept her eyes trained on Allen.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/23 00:13:02 )

Allen would've blinked if he wasn't wearing the bandages around his eyes. She wanted to talk about his offer, which was normal. He did offer it without giving much details. He smiled. "It's only natural, we've only just met." He said calmly. "Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll give an honest answer." He said.

"And if you'd like, you're welcome to join me for dinner, just to get a look at the house yourself." Allen offered.

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/23 09:47:38 )
"Oh!" His offer for dinner had surprised her, but she thought it might be a good idea. Glancing at her friends behind her, who seemed to be giving her encouraging nods, she turned back to him.

"Okay," she said. "I'd like that."

She moved to sit on the bench with him, a respectable distance away.

"I just wanted to tell you a little bit about myself first, because you sort of gave me the job just like that. I'm still in school, so I'm usually there from morning till late in the afternoon. And I usually only work for Mr Tanner on some nights when I have to stay out of the house to..."

She trailed off, not really wanting to finish her sentence: "to escape my aunt and cousins." He'd witnessed enough of her aunt's madness that day, and it embarrassed her. She cleared her throat,

"Anyway, if I'll be working for Mr Tanner regularly, it would have to be in the evening. So, maybe I could come back from school, take care of the house like you want me to, and then go to Mr Tanner's later in the evening. Does that sound okay to you, Mr Allen?"


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/23 16:03:01 )

Allen nodded lightly to the acceptance of his invitation, and listened quietly as she spoke.

She was a student and usually only worked for Mr. Tanner on some nights she needed to get away from her aunt. He could understand after his intercounter with the woman.

He offeres Adira a gentle smile. "My dear, as I mentioned when the proposal was made, you are free to come and go as you please. I certainly don't expect you to stay at the house all day. You have a life of your own, live it to the fullest." He said calmly, hoping she understood his gesture.

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/23 18:31:51 )
Lillian and Ella made small gushing noises when they heard him speak, and Adira frantically waved at them to shut up, or he'd hear. When she'd successfully silenced her friends, she cleared her throat again, hoping to God that he hadn't heard them.

"Thank you so much," she said, some of her characteristic cheeriness coming back to her voice; she could almost see her way out, two of her biggest wishes coming true in one fell swoop.

"Oh, is there anything you'd like to ask me?" she asked him. If he was going to be her employer and have her live with him, he must have some questions for her too.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/23 20:53:45 )

Allen could faintly hear the girls' voices, and bit back a chuckle. They were trying so hard to hide, he couldn't understand it. If they were her friends, why not come with her to meet him? His focus however was on Adira, hearing the cheerfulness in her voice.

When she asked if there was anything he'd like to ask her, he lightly tilted his head in the direction of her friends. "Do your friends mind coming out to meet me?" He asked quietly. "They must care a lot about you." He spoke, offering her a small smile.

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/24 12:48:39 )
Adira flinched when he mentioned her friends, sending them a positively frightening glare when they realized they'd been found out. She then turned to look at him sheepishly.

"Please don't mind, Mr. Allen," she said, an apologetic note in her voice. "They're a little protective of me because they've known me for really long, and they know what my aunt and cousins are like... They're here now, standing in front of you." She waved them over, gesturing for them to come over and meet him. Ella was the first one to introduce herself, and she did so politely.

"Hello, I'm Ella," she said. "Please don't mind us, we're just trying to look out for our friend." Lillian on the other hand, was more direct.

"I'm Lillian," she said. "Why does Adira keep calling you Mr Allen? You look like you're around our age, it's weird hearing her call you that."


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/25 12:37:40 )

Allen grew curious as he listened to her apologize for her friends eavesdropping. He shook his head lightly and offered Adira a small smile. "They sound like wonderful friends." He said calmly.

When other voices sounded, he listened as the girls intoduced themselves. Ella was first, then came Lillian. "Miss Ella, and Miss Lillian. It's a pleasure to meet you both." He said, geiunly relieved Adira had friends like them to go to. Though, he wasn't sure why.

He couldn't help the chuckle that escaped at Lillian's more direct question. "Perhaps because I address her as Miss Adira?" He said, his answer sounding more like a question in itself. It wasn't something he often thought about.

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/25 17:15:37 )
"You talk like you're an old man," Lillian muttered, but said nothing more along those lines, quailing under the glare Adira was throwing her way. "We just wanted to find out what kind of person you are, so we can decide whether it's okay for Adi to work and live with you or not. She's been through enough."

At this, Lillian seemed to sober up, and Adira's expression softened, as she turned back to Allen.

"Is it okay if they come along to the dinner you offered?" she asked, a little shyly. "I think I'd feel a little better if they knew where I'm going to live from now on."

"That, and we're gonna be helping her move in, so knowing where you live will help," Lillian added.


Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/25 17:23:31 )
Raisa seemed please hearing that Maddie liked the food; Ezra chuckled.

"You should try her chili sometime," he said. "I haven't had better chili even in some of the best restaurants in town." Raisa made dismissive gestures with her hand.

"He flatters me too much," she said. "There's dessert after, so make sure you both leave space for it, okay?"


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/25 17:25:07 )

Allen chuckled quietly at Lillian's murmur, and nodded in understanding. "After meeting her aunt last night, I understand your concern. No one deserves to be treated as such." He spoke quietly.

He only took a moment to ponder the question Adira asked, and shook his head lightly. "I don't mind." He answered honestly, then sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "So long as you don't mind what shape the house is in." He added. It wasn't embarrassment or anything like that, it was more of he wasn't entirely sure what the girls would be walking into. He couldn't see how clean or dusty the house was, but he could imagine.

He was having guests over, something he hadn't had in quite some time, and it was sinking in that he really didn't know what the inside or outside of the manor looked like after sitting for so long.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/25 17:27:29 )

Voltie — She/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/26 08:52:01 )
((Oop, brain fart, sorry XP))

Adira wondered what he meant by minding the state of the house, but she decided it couldn't be any worse than the state of her aunt's house. Aside from being a violent bunch, the three of them were also notorious slobs, and Adira was often left to clean up after them. After that, she could probably tackle anything. Besides, even if it were worse, she wouldn't have blamed Allen, considering he was trying his best in spite of the fact that he couldn't see.

"When would you like us to come by?" she asked. "Is tomorrow okay?" She looked at her friends, who seemed to be having the same thought. If Adira was really going to be moving into Allen's soon, they were going to have to pack up her stuff and move her out without her aunt noticing. They needed a plan.

"Leonard Snart":
There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.

It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)

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