Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/5 02:02:52 )
@Anarchist Beauty: I have now turned into potato for the day. Speaking of potatoes, I'm going to bake some. c:
Is that a "yay going to my moms~ c:" Or like "Dang. goin' to my moms.." or probably more neutral. XD I know when I go to my mom's I'm like -sarcastic yay-
@Wildfire: I got a plumber to my house today, they charged less than I anticipated and got things fixed, the root problem is still a problem, but it's a postponed problem. Which helps since we have zero extra income atm. This plumber was able to work off the one I paid over the weekend, and gave me exact locations, and told me I had a broken toilet. e.e"" FOR NOW, I get to relax and take a deep breath and leave my phone alone for a couple days.
@Purpsy: I have many hobbies~ c: Gardening is new this year as I've never really tried it before. :d Last year, I picked up wood carving. I wanna keep doing that, but I moved out of my dad's and I can't quite afford the tools yet.
I draw, costumes, photography, paint, uh... read.. adventure, play piano, theremin... I dunno, you name it, I've probably done it once. =O I'm not a consistent person though. I get bored doing one thing over and over.
At the moment, I spend most of my time at my computer and parenting. What do you do for fun? c:
@Ava: I added you on Instagram. <3 My page hasn't been posted on in a while, so it's pretty boring rn. I don't imagine I'm going to pick it back up anytime soon too. I like keeping to myself, although I am an outgoing person. lol.