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Forums Exchange LWD Item Shop {B: DIs, Orb | S: DIs, EIs, Orb, Daily}

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/14 05:19:28 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: Thank you!~

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/14 14:55:25 )
Low, keep your head, keep your head low...
.......................................Oh, you gotta keep your head low...


Could I get Sightless Monk please?

...If you wanna keep your head
Mr. Spider wants M̷̖̥͓̋͆́̚o̶̟͛̅r̴̨͍͔̦̰͙̈́e̵̝͑̆͐

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/14 18:38:22 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: Can I buy: Skullie Boots: 1k
Chrysanthemum: 1k
Neon Lights: 6k
Avian Misery: 7k

15k total?
Kaeya's Quest For Stuff and Things! Starglow Cavern - A hangout

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 01:35:14 )
Fae Says --->

@Spider: yuppers! send a trade whenever ^-^

@Totalanimefan: thankfully I had Wednesday and yesterday off lol next Saturday my store manager, freight manager, and I are planning to get drinks after work :vanora_xd: and then we have plans for the three of us + my SM's daughter go to Universal Studios together on the 27th! should be fun :D

@Kaeya: sounds good to me! send the trade whenever you're ready :'>

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 01:47:12 )
Fae Says --->

@Totalanimefan: yeeeee! I have my service pupper and a season pass but it's always more fun to go with people than with just me and the doggo haha

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Moo (She/Her) Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:07:21 )

Hiya! I'm interested in buying these items which comes to a little more than 50k I think, and I have a few items to trade along with volts for them but I don't know the value of my items. Sorry for the inconvenience, but would you be willing to trade with me?

Year of the Rooster x1, Cerf Lumineux x1, Astronautic Heartbreak x1, Sunrise Breakfast, Neon Lights, Emerald
Sea Joker x1, Wrath of the Oni x1, Bubblenaut,

Vibrance Day Glasses x1, Chess Pieces x1, Pocket Watch x1, Talking Flowers x1
Solstice Snowflake Scarf x1, Solstice Shooting Star Scarf x1, Solstice Tree Branch Scarf x1, Solstice Birdy Scarf x1, Breaker Beach '19 Bundle x1

Strange Lands, Feline of Fertility, Ombre Unzipped Hoodie, Opal


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:27:06 )
Fae Says --->

@cashew: Alright, so what you want adds up to 44,800 volts, and then what you're offering is 19k, so all together that would be my 18 items for your 4 items and 25,800 Volts. Does that sound good to you? :'>

Year of the Rooster - 3k
Cerf Lumineux - 3k
Astronautic Heartbreak -3k
Sunrise Breakfast - 3k
Neon Lights - 6k
Emerald - 3k
Sea Joker - 5k
Wrath of the Oni - 5k
Bubblenaut - 20k
Vibrance Day Glasses - 100
Chess Pieces - 100
Pocket Watch - 100
Talking Flowers - 100
Solstice Snowflake Scarf - 100
Solstice Shooting Star Scarf - 100
Solstice Tree Branch Scarf - 100
Solstice Birdy Scarf - 100
Breaker Beach '19 Bundle - 3k

Strange Land - 6k
Feline - 6k
Hoodie - 3k
and Opal - 4k

@Totalanimefan: all of the rides that she can't go on (so most of them lmao) have a crate off to the side or behind a door for service dogs to go in while their handlers are on the rides ^-^ or, if your group has multiple people, you can do a "baby switch", which is where part of the group goes on the ride while the others wait with the 'baby' (in this case, doggo), and then they switch who's on the ride and who's with the 'baby' so that everyone gets a chance to ride. Which we'd only need to do for the mummy ride, because that's the ONE crate that I can't get her to go in lmao the ride attendant said it's actually pretty common for service dogs to not want to go in to that specific crate

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:31:46 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: Hi there! May I buy Neon Lights (x1) for 6000 Volts? If is it available?

Donator — Moo (She/Her) Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:40:25 )

Siiiiiiiick yeah my math sucks as always but that sounds good to me! I'll send a trade :)
~Happy Pride Month~

Donator — Dragon Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:44:22 )
sent a trade :D thanks again!

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:45:08 )
Fae Says --->

@ChiffonOrange: heyo! unfortunately both of my Neon Lights sold today, sorry

@Totalanimefan: the Mummy ride's crate is behind a curtain right off the main loading platform, and shares 2 walls with the ride itself, plus that ride is just. very dimly lit for ~atmosphere~ so it's definitely the least Dog-Friendly location of all the rides lmao

@cashew: lol you're good, I just got off work so my cashier brain is still mostly active XD

@Yae Meiji: thanks for buying!

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Dragon Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:45:38 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: thanks for having of the many items I'm after xD

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:52:16 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: Ah I see :o That's okay, no worries ^^

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 02:55:07 )
Fae Says --->

@Yae Meiji: lol I try XD when I have the spare money I buy all the things even if it's just to sell later

@Totalanimefan: oh oof, doesn't matter if you're at the park in Cali or Florida, both too hot to be low on water, even in winter. D: hopefully you're better prepared this time! my mom got dehydrated at Six Flags the last time my whole fam went and I stayed with her the whole day while everyone else went on rides cause uh. the first ride we'd gone on gave me a panic attack lmao

@ChiffonOrange: good luck on your quest to find it!

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 03:36:28 )
Fae Says --->

@Totalanimefan: the good part of living near theme parks is being able to have a pass and just leave if youre not feeling it without it being a huge waste of money lol
I was able to take my meds yeah! I just decide that going on more rides wasnt in the cards for that day haha

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Dragon Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/15 05:24:59 )
@littlewhitedragonlet: makes sense xD I try my best too

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/16 21:41:33 )
Fae Says --->

@Totalanimefan: we had passes to Disney Cali when I was little-little (like, when I was 2ish until I was 10), but they're just so expensive now. especially cause even when we get the 1 day passes, we're typically done before 3pm lmao it's just not worth the price for us

I'm about an hour or 2 away from all 3 Cali parks actually haha I just only have the universal pass cause it's sorta in between - there's enough coasters to make it fun but that's not the only thing to do. 6 flags is more of a once a year (if that) thing for me xP

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/17 21:04:43 )
Fae Says --->

@Totalanimefan: yuuuuuupp. and that doesn't even take in to account the price of parking, all the food, the gas to get there and back...blah. Disney is too much lol

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Donator — Artist Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/18 02:48:57 )

I'll buy

Solstice Shooting Star Scarf x1 100 Volts
Solstice Snowflake Scarf 100 Volts
Solstice Birdy Scarf x1 100 volt
Ping me if needed

I do pixels. check my shop

Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/19 05:13:33 )
Fae Says --->

@Totalanimefan: and obviously they only allow childish snacks in small quantities unless you claim to have an illness that requires the presence of quick and readily available food smdh

There's a taco bell a couple blocks outside Disneyland Cali that we used to go to, cause you dont have to pay parking again if you have a valid, same day parking pass and a handstamp allowing re-entry to the park, but like. Obviously not everyone is going to leave the park entirely just for food XD

@Rayon Declaire: absolutely! Send a trade whenever ^-^

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Fae | 27 | They/Them
Please Always Ping!
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