Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...
"...oh, crap, no." Nate realised and responded. "I was caught up with something weird, and then got sidetracked on a few things." he admitted.
"Weird?" Angela asked him.
"Well, James signed off on receiving the latest shipment, and I was looking for him." he told her. "Something's off." he said further.
"Off?" she inquired.
"I've looked up and down, all around, checked ALL the boxes and crates, but we seem to be missing some Codeine." he told her. "Got 5 bottles of it unaccounted for." he continued.
"Wanted to ask if he knew anything about it." he went on.
"Beyond that, sorry, but I'll get to the break room cupboards before the end of the day." he promised her.
...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.