『 Moody Says. . .』

Recently I finally uploaded my timelapse of me unboxing my new tablet i got recently.
Took me a long time to upload it, due to my internet stopped working properly after our provider rewired it in our area[it's fixed now so
we have working internet that works smooth now], but when posting my video
my aunt called my tablet..my art tablet which if anyone knows me, knows art is basically...my whole life
and am building it toward a freelance career...but she called it...a "fun toy" LOL :vanora_upsidedown:
It could've just not meant how it sounds but knowing she lives in a very highly snobbish part of town.
i find it highly doubtful and her fam constantly teases my family for the tiniest things...so it kind of was quite..insulting to me.
and just sounds like they don't think digital art can be art discourse and only traditional artists are real art[her daughter is a traditional painter and does digital art on the side sometimes].

Recently I finally uploaded my timelapse of me unboxing my new tablet i got recently.
Took me a long time to upload it, due to my internet stopped working properly after our provider rewired it in our area[it's fixed now so
we have working internet that works smooth now], but when posting my video
my aunt called my tablet..my art tablet which if anyone knows me, knows art is basically...my whole life
and am building it toward a freelance career...but she called it...a "fun toy" LOL :vanora_upsidedown:
It could've just not meant how it sounds but knowing she lives in a very highly snobbish part of town.
i find it highly doubtful and her fam constantly teases my family for the tiniest things...so it kind of was quite..insulting to me.
and just sounds like they don't think digital art can be art discourse and only traditional artists are real art[her daughter is a traditional painter and does digital art on the side sometimes].