Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/21 15:19:23 )
Before I stayed home, I did well in retail management. XD I could delegate jobs, and make sales like a crazy person. My attention to detail is good in items, but I can't understand paper instructions to save my life. OTL for example, if I got a box from ikea with no picture instructions, I'd probably have a cry session before summoning my husband.
My son's schoolwork on Friday is mainly small quizzes to see if he retained the week's knowledge. Fridays are easy for him.
I'm not sure how soon I'll be re-arranging rooms, I need to lay down rules with my new/old roomie first. He's a great roommate but... [there's always a 'but' with rommates], he suffers from depression and a sleep disorder. So my husband is laying down the rules of health and help for him. We'll see if he agrees or not.