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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/23 16:33:41 )

@wildfire: aww well i hope you got all the things done you needed/wanted to yesterday!
i ended up playing dress up in another game and hanging out with a friend's new puppy. the pupper is very small and wiggly and very very excitable lol


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/23 20:50:09 )
@Purpsy: Oh... ouch? I'm glad that at least you weren't hit by falling tiles!
Also, showers without fear of falling tiles are good :3

@Vixen: Thank you. I ended up cooking things yesterday but not getting a lot of other things done. Puppy?!!!! PUPPY!!!! ... with those extremely sharp little needle teeth! o_0 Puppies are so special to play with! <3


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 00:16:47 )
@Wildfire: Ugh, I feel you on the being sick thing. My son caught something from school, and now I have his cough. I'm hella annoyed too because I feel like since he's started school, he's gotten sick like every other month, and we've all been passing it back and forth.

On the one hand, yay for his immune system. On the other...I'm sick of being sick lol.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 00:56:47 )

@Wildfire: yeah the pupper likes sniffing things, but not super bitey. it bites like softly??? and will stop pretty quickly if you pull away.


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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 12:58:26 )
@Aisukohi: Hi Aisu. I'm sorry to hear that your son has been sick fairly often, but like you say, "yay for his immune system". I hope you guys get feeling better -and stay that way- soon! I think whatever was going on with me had to do with something I ate - I was just a little "off", but not really sick. Still, not really fun.

What else is going on with you lately?

@Vixen: Awwww... so tiny, pre-nomming puppy!! <3 I miss having litters of things around fairly regularly, sometimes...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 13:04:04 )

Good morning. It's Monday again.
What is going on in your world today, guys?

My house is a mess with the aftermath of several projects that hubby and I have been working on the last week or two. At some point soon I'll need to address that (probably the worst part of "getting stuff done around the house" -lol!), but I also have some work to do on the computer, and I should probably go visit my mom. It has been far too long since I've seen her. :3

Random Question of the day --------------> Is a hotdog a sandwich? Why or why not?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 14:45:38 )

Good Morning everyone :3
I've been awake since five yikes and as for what's going on today, there will be someone coming over my apartment today and inspect my bathroom tiles that has been an issue before covid started. I woke up extra early just to tidy things around my apartment but other than that, is apparently a holiday day today also, Victoria Day, which I'm hoping to see some fireworks later tonight (although I heard a few last night as well)

And I think hot dog is a sandwich? But it makes me wonder if hamburgers counts as a sandwich as well *_*


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 14:49:17 )

Oh frick, I take it back... the appointment is meant for tomorrow (makes sense is a holiday today)
I woke up early for nothing x.x

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 15:16:34 )
@Purpsy: I'm sorry you woke up early, but at least it's done now and you don't have to worry about it for tomorrow, right?! <3


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 15:57:44 )
Good Morning. <3
purpsy, you definitely made good use of the morning.

I just played in bed thinking about the things I need to do today, which makes me lay in bed longer. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:04:28 )

@Wildfire: Very true, but I still got other stuff that needs to be done today and so far I'm just procrastinating xD
@Koah: Morning~ Yep and despite having only 4 hours of broken sleep last night, I feel alright so far.
Yeah I get that, that's how most of my mornings are lmao

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:08:47 )
@Purpsy: oh my gosh, I hope you get a nap in before the fireworks show. =O
I haven't heard of Victoria Day. o3o I think I need to do some googling. // oh, odd holiday.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:11:17 )
@Koah: LOL. Awww... you're feeling a little overwhelmed today, are you? I'm sorry :( How is your day going... really?

@Purpsy: I'm glad you're holding up ok so far. Yes, a nap before fireworks would be a good thing if you can manage it. Why are you procrastinating? What are you procrastinating?

I laid in bed dozing a little longer than I probably should have today too, but I was stretching out my back, which was pretty sore when I woke up... and I'm kinda kicking ass doing this pixel work that needed to get done, so that's good. :3

Also, Italian language music seems to have made it to my regular play list these days... XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:11:57 )

@Koah: Sadly there's no official fireworks on my nearby park for it, they only do those on Canada Day but maybe I'll walk around the neighbourhood later and see if there's anyone hosting one. Is not really a celebrated holiday here compare to other holidays I think.

Yep most likely will have a nap later after I do another load of laundry.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:15:03 )

@Wildfire: Hmm I finally got the time to draw more today yet I'm just in no mood for it, but I did draw a little yesterday.
And the rest I plan as I go type of thing. But yep, my family don't really celebrate Victoria Day, but we maybe bake some brownies later just the heck of it.

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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:19:24 )
@Wildfire: I'm okay, we had a totally lazy weekend. So I woke up realizing I need to be responsible and get things done now. lol. At some point, I need to clean and re-fill the hot tub. We emptied that on Friday and didn't come back to it.
Only 3 weeks of school for the kids left. -fist pump-
Good job on pixeling like a crazy person. c: I've been poking around the site for a bit and getting to know it.
Italian music? =o huh.

@Purpsy: Victoria Day is such an odd holiday for me to comprehend. XD lol. I'm sure you'll have a few happy neighbors blowing off fireworks. I know I am that type of person, any legal reason I can make something go Bang, I will.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:32:17 )
@Purpsy: So what is Victoria Day, anyway? I feel like I should know what it is, but I'm either so entirely mentally elsewhere right now or I'm just forgetting (and I'm too lazy or busy doing other things to look it up ATM XD ) Brownies are good :3

@Koah: LOL - yes, I saw that you created an account, actually :3 <3 Despite my efforts, the site is a bit of a mess, still. PM me if you need or want anything. Yeah, so far, so good with the pixelling. I hope folks like what I'm working on - lol.

Oh! Hot tub! We were going to order one but there's a six month wait right now from when you order it to when you get it. So we ordered a sauna instead... it has been nice to have that at least, but it's not a hot tub.

Yeah, Italian music. Although the current song is in English... o_0 It has been fun listening to it and realizing that I'm actually understanding a good part of what they're singing!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:45:52 )
@Wildfire: I'm bummed I didn't explore the site years ago. It's got a great concept. I haven't even poked through the forums though. Been focusing on tasks stuff.
6-month wait?! whoah! Saunas are nice. Every time I go in one, it reminds me how little water I actually drink. XD lol How new is the sauna?
I feel ya there in the foreign music genre. I listen to Norwegian bands and every once in a while I'll actually understand the lyrics [when they're singing slower]. Speaking of which, listening to music rn sounds like a good idea.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 16:56:21 )
@Koah: Yeah because of this stupid pandemic and the shutdowns (omg, I'm so tired of dealing with it!!). The sauna was delivered on Friday. It's just a 1-2 person sauna, but that's all I/we need ;) Things can be a little screwy there... :/

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/24 17:11:31 )
@Wildfire: Well! congrats on the new Sauna, that sounds so nice. c: I've been dragging getting things done [paperwork] due to the pandemic because government buildings have been closed/backed up for months.
We bought our house during the pandemic and no one was available before move-in to get repairs done. So that stuff fell on our shoulders. -shakes fist at pandemic- =3= Oh well. I'm not going to dwell on what I haven't got done, or I'm just going to shut down a little and I don't have time for that. XDD
The site seems to be working fine for me [so far]. A different site I used to be a regular on, that one is super screwy. OTL omg, the owner abandoned it, so it's just going through a slow, painful death for the users that are stubbornly staying.

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