@Wildfire: Frustrating start to today. My kids are demanding a lot of attention. XD
My daughter told me the wrong time, and I checked the email I received from her teacher when we got there. e.e I won't be needing to leave the house for 3 more hours. This means, crunch time on getting her meet-n-greet, return library books and then head to the neighbor town to pick my husband up from work. =3=
I'm a bit agrivated. SO I'm making a healthy snack and trying to keep my cool. XD
@Wildfire: I also looked into the hammock stand on amazon this morning, it went up 70$ since I put it in my wish list. Damn summer prices! :C
What color are you going to spray paint it?
What color are you going to spray paint it?
『 Moody Says. . .』

hello everyone
i am alive for the most part

hello everyone
i am alive for the most part

@Koah: Damn! That's quite the price jump! I painted it black. We've had it a while and it was looking a little rough around the edges, but there's water/rust inside of it, so this is just a stop-gap measure, really, to buy us a couple more years of use and I didn't feel like dealing with competing colors... although I did think about painting it teal...
Oh, those kinds of things are rough. I'm sorry. Running around like that is not my favorite thing to do either - especially when it's compounded by a miscommunication issue. Yay for you being healthy and keeping your cool, though! <3
@MoodyB: Hey Moody - nice to see you. Alive... for the most part? That could mean a lot of things :3

Oh, those kinds of things are rough. I'm sorry. Running around like that is not my favorite thing to do either - especially when it's compounded by a miscommunication issue. Yay for you being healthy and keeping your cool, though! <3
@MoodyB: Hey Moody - nice to see you. Alive... for the most part? That could mean a lot of things :3

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: mostly been stressed so that's why i say for the most part lol.
have not been having a great time this week.

@Wildfire: mostly been stressed so that's why i say for the most part lol.
have not been having a great time this week.
@MoodyB: awwww I'm sorry you're feeling stressed and not having a good week. :( Is there anything in particular going on to make this a tough week for you?

@Wildfire: I forgot to eat because I took my dogs out and they attacked a wildlife critter. It bit my puppy's nose. So she has a small chunk of nose hangin' loose. You'd think a dog would remember Not to sniff critters up close after getting sprayed in the face by a skunk last year. =3= My stress just got amplified.
I'm not too worried about the nose boo-boo, I think it'll be okay. My husband will look it over in a couple of hours and tell me whether its' a vet visit or not.
It stopped bleeding, so that's a good sign.
I wanna nap. T^T
I'm not too worried about the nose boo-boo, I think it'll be okay. My husband will look it over in a couple of hours and tell me whether its' a vet visit or not.
It stopped bleeding, so that's a good sign.
I wanna nap. T^T
@Koah: Oh jeeze! I'm sorry. :( I'm glad it isn't a serious thing, but still!!!
You should come hang out in the hammocks with me :3

You should come hang out in the hammocks with me :3

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: too much honestly. lol.
But my family are supposed to have a get together in beginning of June?? i think.
to celebrate my cousin's one year anniversary and renew their vows i guess??
but i told my grandma we can't attend because my sister and I are not vaccinated yet[my sister might be getting her's this friday]
but my grandma got in a bit of a tiff because of it.
Like kept pressuring us to think about it. Wanted us to ride in the same car as her and her husband[not vaccinated]
and i felt unsafe to do that.
because it does take a few weeks for the vaccine to take affect. and i didn't want to risk anything.
What my relatives aren't getting is my family's immune systems are quite low. so we're more at risk for the virus.
so she kept trying to text us to think about it. and even tried to text my dad to convince us to go[he doesn't want to go either].
and another factor is...by the time we get home, it'll be maybe 8pm.
and my dad doesn't want to stay out super late because the next day he has service on zoom with his congration.
she eventually took an O.K. but like...she hasn't even tried to talk or text us or anything.
so she's probably still bitter over us not going.

@Wildfire: too much honestly. lol.
But my family are supposed to have a get together in beginning of June?? i think.
to celebrate my cousin's one year anniversary and renew their vows i guess??
but i told my grandma we can't attend because my sister and I are not vaccinated yet[my sister might be getting her's this friday]
but my grandma got in a bit of a tiff because of it.
Like kept pressuring us to think about it. Wanted us to ride in the same car as her and her husband[not vaccinated]
and i felt unsafe to do that.
because it does take a few weeks for the vaccine to take affect. and i didn't want to risk anything.
What my relatives aren't getting is my family's immune systems are quite low. so we're more at risk for the virus.
so she kept trying to text us to think about it. and even tried to text my dad to convince us to go[he doesn't want to go either].
and another factor is...by the time we get home, it'll be maybe 8pm.
and my dad doesn't want to stay out super late because the next day he has service on zoom with his congration.
she eventually took an O.K. but like...she hasn't even tried to talk or text us or anything.
so she's probably still bitter over us not going.
@MoodyB: Oh, family issues are never much fun, especially with Grandma! I hope you guys all come to some understanding that works for everyone and is comfortable with everyone.

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: yeah. she thinks everyone wants to see us but in reality they'll talk to us for...5 seconds and ignore us for the majority of the time. so i dont really want to go for many reasons.
tho i really dont want to be near my grandpa who teases me to the point of bullying and thinks he's hilarious. it makes me so uncomfortable to get criticized at every get together about my clothes and or body.

@Wildfire: yeah. she thinks everyone wants to see us but in reality they'll talk to us for...5 seconds and ignore us for the majority of the time. so i dont really want to go for many reasons.
tho i really dont want to be near my grandpa who teases me to the point of bullying and thinks he's hilarious. it makes me so uncomfortable to get criticized at every get together about my clothes and or body.
@MoodyB: Oh that's not good at all, Moody. I'm so sorry your grandparents seem to have issues respecting your boundaries. It sounds like a tough situation, tbh. :(

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: its stressing me out to no end.and also having anxiety.
like my relatives have 0 boundaries.
so thats most of my stress for this week lol.
i tried deleting my aunt off my ig too but then she just found it again. so idk what to do.
i dont want her on it since she talks down to me a lot and doesnt really see digital art as more than a hobby.

@Wildfire: its stressing me out to no end.and also having anxiety.
like my relatives have 0 boundaries.
so thats most of my stress for this week lol.
i tried deleting my aunt off my ig too but then she just found it again. so idk what to do.
i dont want her on it since she talks down to me a lot and doesnt really see digital art as more than a hobby.
I disappeared for dinner and dog walks. Sorry about that!
@MoodyB: Awww. That does not sound like a good situation to have to deal with. Can you block her from IG? "Oops ... I don't know what happened!" Or try being more firm about your boundaries, somehow? "I don't appreciate it when you talk to me like that. *walk away*"? Or find some kind of coping mechanism to help you deal with the stress if it's inevitable? Breathing/meditation exercises, fidget toys, breathing straws, something??

@MoodyB: Awww. That does not sound like a good situation to have to deal with. Can you block her from IG? "Oops ... I don't know what happened!" Or try being more firm about your boundaries, somehow? "I don't appreciate it when you talk to me like that. *walk away*"? Or find some kind of coping mechanism to help you deal with the stress if it's inevitable? Breathing/meditation exercises, fidget toys, breathing straws, something??

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: my sister and i think i should remove her again and then just go private for a while.
main reason i dont want her on my ig other than down playing digital artists is i dont want her showing my work to other family members at the get together. sounds weird but most of my family as you know now are kind of..jerky lol
i should invest on fidget toys or slime.
people say it helps with adhd often.
right now its just playing genshin XD
or teaching myself to paint digitally

@Wildfire: my sister and i think i should remove her again and then just go private for a while.
main reason i dont want her on my ig other than down playing digital artists is i dont want her showing my work to other family members at the get together. sounds weird but most of my family as you know now are kind of..jerky lol
i should invest on fidget toys or slime.
people say it helps with adhd often.
right now its just playing genshin XD
or teaching myself to paint digitally
@MoodyB: Actually, I understand that 100%. And although you may be related, that's not an excuse to be jerky or for you to continue to put yourself in direct confrontations with them. Honestly, there are a number of people in my family who I haven't spoken to in years because they are completely toxic. You will have to find your own balance and way of setting boundaries with certain people, but it is possible to varying levels.
Yes, you might want to find some kind of fidget toy or worry stone or something that you can stick in a pocket and use discretely, IMO. Even I have found benefit to doing this recently...

Yes, you might want to find some kind of fidget toy or worry stone or something that you can stick in a pocket and use discretely, IMO. Even I have found benefit to doing this recently...

『 Moody Says. . .』

@Wildfire: Yeah. there is so much toxic stuff my family has done.
especially directly toward my family. and my dad 100% agrees and gave me full permission to even block them LOL.
One thing my aunt does not get is BOUNDARIES.
I was setting them just by removing them but she never...reads the room so to speak...
she even used my IRL on my IG which only 2 people know. and that just...kinda seemed really uncomfortable.
since my IG nowhere my name is on for a reason. She doesn't seem to care to know what is a no-no on my IG page.
so yeah im setting boundaries. plus not like they actually visit us[before pandemic]. she'll come down to our town twice a year if she feels like it. so im just kind of...over associating with a lot of them.
Yeah i think that would help when i am unable to draw or paint due to overcome by anxiety.
I was going to buy some play-doh. which sounds silly. but it may help keep my hands busy as well as my mind.

@Wildfire: Yeah. there is so much toxic stuff my family has done.
especially directly toward my family. and my dad 100% agrees and gave me full permission to even block them LOL.
One thing my aunt does not get is BOUNDARIES.
I was setting them just by removing them but she never...reads the room so to speak...
she even used my IRL on my IG which only 2 people know. and that just...kinda seemed really uncomfortable.
since my IG nowhere my name is on for a reason. She doesn't seem to care to know what is a no-no on my IG page.
so yeah im setting boundaries. plus not like they actually visit us[before pandemic]. she'll come down to our town twice a year if she feels like it. so im just kind of...over associating with a lot of them.
Yeah i think that would help when i am unable to draw or paint due to overcome by anxiety.
I was going to buy some play-doh. which sounds silly. but it may help keep my hands busy as well as my mind.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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@MoodyB: Wow - if even your dad is on the same page of blocking them and setting those hard boundaries... that says a lot! I'm sorry your family is so horrible to you! Block them! Block them allllllll!!! <3
I love play doh! It's awesome!
@Totalanimefan: Hey Total. How are you?
@Ava: Ouch. That's no fun at all! I don't blame you for quitting - it sounds stressful and like it's a lot of work... not a part time job! :(

I love play doh! It's awesome!
@Totalanimefan: Hey Total. How are you?
@Ava: Ouch. That's no fun at all! I don't blame you for quitting - it sounds stressful and like it's a lot of work... not a part time job! :(

So good morning.
I woke up to a series of texts from my youngest son letting me know he got sideswiped twice on the way to work. He's fine. Apparently his vehicle is ok too, other than "a scratch" (whatever that means) but jeeeeeze!! So, I'm groggy and a little worried and I'm not even sure what else right now, but grateful he's ok.
I'm currently trying to get caffeinated so I can deal with the rest of the day which involves some errands and some shopping before trying to deal with some of the inside overflow of miscellaneous things from our various projects the last week or so, and hopefully, getting some online work done. I'm tired already and I've only been up for an hour. LOL!

I woke up to a series of texts from my youngest son letting me know he got sideswiped twice on the way to work. He's fine. Apparently his vehicle is ok too, other than "a scratch" (whatever that means) but jeeeeeze!! So, I'm groggy and a little worried and I'm not even sure what else right now, but grateful he's ok.
I'm currently trying to get caffeinated so I can deal with the rest of the day which involves some errands and some shopping before trying to deal with some of the inside overflow of miscellaneous things from our various projects the last week or so, and hopefully, getting some online work done. I'm tired already and I've only been up for an hour. LOL!

@Totalanimefan: Yeah... we've been through this rodeo once or twice with my boys in the last couple of months, unfortunately. This one drives a truck, so he probably is fine, but it's hard to tell with him (his personality / age/ stage), and, as you suggest, immediately after an accident of any caliber. This time, this kid opted not to involve the police, or get a police report. I hope it doesn't come back and bite him (us!!)
How are you doing?

How are you doing?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├
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