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Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/30 08:33:44 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

Lindsay looked confused as she said that, and Victor seemed... a little distracted.

However, he then looked at her, and growled as he raised a hand up, and a disturbingly strong amount of pure mana started to form in it. It formed into a large orb, and Hollie k knew that if she took that attack, the chances of her survival were... low.

"I... WILL... KILL..." he started to say, but then paused abruptly.

The mana then just... fizzled out into nothing, and he felt like a bit of a dead weight on her.

Hollie knew she could probably shove him off now.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/30 08:39:43 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Hollie just sighed before using her good arm and hand to shove Victor off of her.

"Ever wonder how itlooks when you die, Lindsay?" She asked as she got to her feet, grabbed her staff, and made her way over to where he was.

"You're going to get a chance to see it, and see why it is that this is even happening to the idiot."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/30 22:10:33 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

Victor looked horrified suddenly, as Hollie and Lindsay saw some Council emergency backup arrive.

"HALT!" one yelled at Victor.

"On the floor!" another shouted.

However, they paused when he didn't move, and looked horrified when his skin started to turn pale.


"...the hell...?" Lindsay mumbled, seeing this.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 01:08:06 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Hollie paused a moment.

"Huh. Guess I was wrong." She commented. She'd predicted that he would be dead before they arrived. However, it wasn't a 'real' prediction, it wasn't a vision. She just thought that the artefacts would have worked quicker than that.

"Check his wrist and waist." She then told Lindsay. She was curious if he'd ever enounctered them in writing.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 01:34:06 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

Lindsay looked at Victor's wrist and waist, before his eyes widened.

"Ah-" he started to say, but didn't get anything more out.

Victor fell forward, his body looking like it was rapidly aging and withering at the same time... until he literally turned into nothing more than a pile of ashes and dust, his clothes and the relics mixed within.

"Holy hell..." he muttered.

"Lady Remmington!" one of the people that had arrived exclaimed.

"Are you all right!?" they asked.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 01:36:30 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"I'll survive." Hollie answered. "Worst is my shoulder." She added before looking to Lindsay.

"Do me a favour... don't call my brother." She told him with a laugh.

"But seriously, could you please call Hal and let him know what happened?" She asked. She wanted to talk to the djinn for a reason: She was reasonably certain this was technically his fault, although she wasn't going to hold it to him.

she was the psychic one, not him.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 02:29:11 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

Lindsay was silent for a moment, before nodding.

"R-right." he said.

He then took out his phone and called Hal, while the two that arrived approached the pile of ashes.

"...the tyrant's attire." one said.

"You know of this stuff?" the other asked.

"Well, I'm trying to get promoted higher up, so I'm learning all I can." the first one admittedly sheepishly.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 02:32:16 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"Good on you for researching." Hollie commented, having overheard the comment.

"And yes. It was found." She then said. "Obviously."

"What's your name?" She then asked. With his name, she could look into who he was, and where he wanted to be. If he has been researching and learning things, she might have reason to quiz him on a few things, see if he was good to be put into another, higher, position later.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 02:49:12 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

"Oh!" the man exclaimed.

"Matthias. Or... well, Matt for short." he introduced himself. "Matthias Robinson." he then introduced himself more fully.

"And thank you, Ma'am." he added, in relation to the compliment she'd given him.

"So what is the Tyrant's Attire?" the other one asked.

"Not a lot is known, but supposedly each individual piece will grant a considerable boost in ability. One for physical, one for mana." Matt responded. "When worn together, they are said to give one the power to rule over an entire nation by force alone, but each time they are actively used, they exact a hefty toll from the user." he went on.

"...seems it leads to... this." the first one mumbled, looking at Victor's remains.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 02:58:51 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"Hence my broken shoulder." Hollie commented.

"However, yes. They both have been missing for years, no one could figure out what happened. Seems we knwo now, which is good." Shje added.

"You know where the recording is, Spence." She added, addressing the one who had been checking her over.

"I know they're going to be requested, so might as well grab them while you're here. And I will be fine, Hal will make sure of it."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 03:28:09 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

Spence nodded in response.

"I do." he replied.

"I'll tend to that as soon as possible." he told her, as Lindsay spoke up.

"Agent Sharp is livid." he told Hollie.

"And unless he's told otherwise RIGHT NOW, he's coming here." he reported, making his way over.

"What should I tell him?" he asked her.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 03:37:45 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"Oh just hang up." Hollie commented.

"He'll show up, tend to my shoulder and the bruises, and then I'm cooking dinner. So after you hang up, would you please check my fridge and let me know if there is any Chesire left." She then said.

"He'll be here with in sixty seconds if you do that." She added


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 03:58:35 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

"...." Lindsay was silent, before just doing as she said, and hanging up the phone.

"That felt... like disturbing an angered hornet's nest..." he mumbled, making his way to the fridge and checking inside it.

"Yep! Decent amount!" he called to her.

"Well, it seems there's no lasting damage." Spence said to Hollie.

"And it looks like we're down yet another high-ranking Council member." Matt sighed. "...though from what we just saw and what just transpired, we may be better off that way." he then admitted.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 04:01:21 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
"I've been looking for an excuse to expunge him from his ranking for awhile now." Hollie commented honestly.

"I had heard rumours, but never had anything concrete about who he was. ... Seems the evidence isn't really needed any longer." She added with a sigh.

"Regardless, just make sure that file gets where it should be - and if you don't have backups and can send, just better it's there quicker - and I'll heal well, all good. Shame though, but at least I know now where the attire is."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 04:25:07 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

"Right." Spence responded.

"The attire will be dealt with, though probably by yourself." he told her.

"There's nothing that can be done about Victor... so we'll return and report this to the proper Council channels." he said further.

"I'm glad you're all right, Lady Remmington." Matt said to her.

"I shudder to think what would have happened had the worst transpired."

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 04:27:34 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Hollie just sighed.

"Vincent and Hal would have tag teamed to destroy every element that they could find of those that they view as responsible." She commented.

"That's my guess, and being what or who they are? Yeah... they would have been night unstoppable." She added with a shake of her head.

"So yes, I'm quite happy to still be alive. He was honestly aiming to kill me."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 04:47:18 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

Before anyone could say anything more, Hal appeared off to the side of them all, and glared at Lindsay.

"Mind telling me WHY you suddenly hung up on me?" he asked pointedly.

"Hm!?" he added.

"I was merely doing what Hollie asked." Lindsay replied defensively, which caused Hal to just sigh. Heavily.

The other two, meanwhile, just excused themselves and disappeared.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 04:49:09 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Hollie just laughed.

"Figured that'd get you here." She said. "Plus, Lindsay really didn't need to listen to you going off about the situation." She added. Once there was no one else there, she sighed.

"Babe, may I?" She asked.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 05:11:09 )
Forgive, O Lord,
my little jokes on thee...

Hal crossed his arms across his chest.

"You can try." he said.

"Who knows, maybe I'm just not in the mood to grant wishes." he continued.

"Maybe my mana's a bit off for that." he suggested.

"Maybe someone who had someone else deliberately and abruptly hang up on me, worrying me sick, shouldn't GET an immediate get-out-injury-free-card, hm?" he then added at the end.

"..." Lindsay was silent, not sure what to say her.

'Hoo boy.' he thought.

...and I'll forgive thy
great big one on me.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/31 05:14:20 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
Hollie just half shrugged.

"No worries. Just means I can't do up the rarebit and tira I was planning to as an apology." She said simply as she knocked her staff on the floor a couple times, causing the barrier to vanish.

"Lock the door, if you would be so kind. I need to get my shoulder tended to."

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

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