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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 16:10:46 )

@Wildfire: i like the rare from the common orb and the transformagical that i cannot spell lmao

Hey all !!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 16:51:25 )
@Vixen: How are you doing today? c:

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 16:58:50 )

@Koah: hey Koah :D
not bad
making my tea right now and then going to get started on work.
what are you up to?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:14:01 )
@Vixen: I've now got my coffee pot on and getting my week schedule started.
I had such a good weekend, now this week seems dreary. lol
I think I might drag out my drawing tablet. I like how my avi turned out. o3o I need more of these space orbs. >3< they're so coooool.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:17:12 )

@Koah: ah what sort of stuff did you do over the weekend?
your avatar is quite nice! very sparkly lol
the saturnian rings have a really cool effect!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:25:11 )
@Vixen: quite a bit happened over the weekend. I mostly gave my kids new experiences while I felt sick. lol. So the weekend felt really long while I was trying to be a tough cookie.
We went to a spray park one day and the lake yesterday.
Kept busy, I'm exhausted. But I no longer feel sick. so yay. Might've been allergies to something. e.e' I don't know.
How was your weekend?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:31:59 )

@Koah: glad to hear your feel better now!

hmmmm my weekend was decent i think. got some good game time, got yummy brunch with a friend who was finally on break lol
oh got myself a new sewing machine! that part was exciting xD


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:37:47 )
@Vixen: omgosh! a new sewing machine sounds amazing. <3 such a great feeling. :3 What do you like making?
My sewing machine just stopped working the other day. I need to take it apart and figure out what went wrong. oTL
It's nice you got a lunch date in with a busy friend.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:45:46 )

@Koah: a big dress like costume thingy lol
bad description, but the bottom section is going to be a floor length circle skirt, so.... definitely going to want to machine sew or at least machine hem that.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:47:27 )
OMG that was a long and unnecessarily tedious morning!

How is everyone doing?

*reads back*


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:48:22 )

@Wildfire: welcome back wild xD
hope it was a successful morning though!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:49:56 )
@Vixen: That sounds fabulous! If you don't mind, I'd love a pic. <3 or progress pics or something. c:
I'm currently working on a quilt, but it's slow going. at this rate, I won't finish it for years. e.e' especially if my sewing machine doesn't get running soon.

@Wildfire: What happened this morning?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:51:32 )

@Koah: bold of you to assume i've started working on it lmao
- stares nervously at pile of un-started projects, partially started projects, and abandoned projects -


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:52:05 )
@Totalanimefan: That would be pretty horrible, wouldn't it? XD /dead/

I only took a quick look at the new items so far

@Koah: Well, aren't you looking absolutely golden today? XD How are you?

@Vixen: Hello! A new sewing machine? Sounds like it could be fun! :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:55:00 )
We were chasing after my son's (first) truck... the one we're trying to sell. The whole situation is a bit of a mess, but at least we now have temp tag on it and got it back up here to our house instead of stuck in his GF's driveway. I relisted it on FB and we'll see what happens with it. I'd like to sell it for something because although it needs work, it's in better shape than other things that are available right now; Hubby wants to sell it for scrap; Son seems to think he can get out of it what he bought it for (and he overpaid for it, then he put more $ in to it that didn't even really fix it)... /dead/


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 17:56:56 )
@Vixen: lmao! I feel you there. omg. I have an entire drawer of patterns I don't know how to read. Which is why I stick to quilts! lol
I've successfully made 2 quilts in my life. e.e' and I have the fabric for the patterns that I don't know how to use. hahaha

@Wildfire: I am super golden, I need more of these orb items. lol
and oh jeez! that sounds like an annoying morning.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 18:02:07 )
@Koah: It was an annoying morning. And on top of that, I ran an errand while hubby was dealing with DMV this morning (thinking kill two birds with one stone since the errand was in the same area as the DMV, and that they probably didn't want 'extra' people in the building since they're only seeing people by appointment) ... and while running this errand, I forgot the thing I actually needed to get.

And now I'm babbling and semi-hyper and semi-exhausted and ... I dunno. It's weird.

And of course, I opened two orbs and got the same common item both times. /sigh/

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 18:09:50 )
@Wildfire: I just had that happen too with the orbs.
omg. I felt sick enough this weekend, that I forgot what I was doing constantly. I just remembered and focused on the promises I made to the kids.
I feel your pain on forgetting. The dmv here is still not entirely open.

omgosh- my daughter is in a zoom class and a kid just unmuted to cry that he wants to stay in school and he hates summer. It was so sad. I think the teacher handled his sobbing okay. kids who cry about summer break make me nervous about their home life. e.e"

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 18:16:08 )

@Wildfire: oh yes, i'm looking forward to setting it up and trying it out probably over the weekend


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/1 18:16:44 )

@Koah: still better than me i think xD
i glue fabric together still sometimes lol
it's usually ok as long as it never enters the washing machine lmao


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