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Forums General Chit-Chat driving is scary ;c

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/2 16:25:02 )

    I was on my way to work and was attempting to switch lanes and literally did not see the car when I looked. It wasn't a big accident but when I saw children in the car, my heart dropped. I feel so terrible. Their father was really nice about it. I did all I knew to do but this is guiltiest I've ever felt. Not that I've done things that I should be guilty for but it just makes me feel more terrible that there were children in the car.

    They said they were fine. I have all of the documentation. I have good coverages. I bust my butt to make sure I afford more than the basic stuff. I also have medical payment coverage. I just hope the kids are alright.


Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/2 17:32:56 )

Driving is scary. You're going fast in a big metal box, partly having to rely on mirrors, and have to trust that not only do you know what you're doing, but that everyone else around you does, too.

The city I recently moved from was especially bad about it; people there were very selfish and aggressive drivers. There was at least one road I refused to drive on if I could avoid it because it was so bad. It got to the point where having to get behind the wheel gave me anxiety, and I'm still struggling to get over it now that I'm living in a safer area.

I'm glad they were OK and hope you are, too. Don't beat yourself up over it. I've had a few minor accidents because one car didn't see the other. Despite checking before backing out or changing lanes, sometimes it still happens. As long as you do your best to check carefully and use signals, you aren't doing anything wrong.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/2 17:52:35 )

    @Count Trashula: hopefully so. i will have to do the driving course they require probably or something. I use my signal all the time. He saw the signal but I just didn't see him. I use my signal even if I'm the only one on the road and even when I pull into my drive way. If I don't make a habit of using it, I won't use it. So I am in the habit of doing so.

    I just have to wait 48 hours to see what's going on with the ticket. The man was really nice and went so far as to tell the cop that I was extremely nice to him. I guess he hoped that I wouldn't get a ticket cause it was a mistake, but I got anyway. He apologized about it and it made me feel worse. It's my fault we are in this mess. ;c but it'll be alright



Donator — she/they Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/3 10:19:19 )
I can't even handle stuff like that. I only had one accident before I decided never to drive again... Then I found out I was narcoleptic and just became so relieved I had a good excuse :valsunglasses:
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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 06:49:21 )
🌈 Driving is definitely scary. I learned largely trial-by-fire as a teen since I lived directly on a two-lane highway and kinda had to. (also my mom tricked me once after I'd not been practicing all that long by telling me--after we were leaving for the mall--that if we were going, I had to drive the whole dang way, which was over half an hour, lol.)

Then as a young adult I did a cross-country drive (well one and a half, actually!) by myself by necessity, which included my first times driving in mountains (both the Smokies and the Rockies), first time driving in (lightish) snow in the mountains, and first time driving in heavier (though plowed) snow conditions!

And... currently I have no car and haven't driven at all in like five years. So. There's that. :I I've had a couple minor accidents--bumped someone's rear pipe as a teen (they were cool with it, there was no damage), gently side-swiped someone once and they didn't even ask for my insurance (got real lucky there because I'm pretty sure I left a decent dent), and once, while eating and driving, pinged my little 4-door off the center divider of a certain twisty freeway in Los Angeles (I again got lucky as I somehow didn't hit anyone, I kept control of the car, everyone behind me stopped to let me limp off the nearby exit--go figure, Los Angeles drivers being polite!--and there was no serious damage or injury).

I tend to think, when you drive, you're bound to have a bonk or a bangy now and then. But driving comes with so much freedom, too, I think it's worth facing the fear, and I really look forward to being able to drive again someday (I don't currently even hold a license, alas).

I'm glad everyone was fine and the damage was minimal. The kids were probably spooked but I'm sure they'll get over it; kids are nothing if not crazy resilient!

Have you found out if you have to do a driver's safety course or anything?

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/11 12:52:20 )

> you're bound to have a bonk or a bangy now and then
Okay, that was adorable omg

But seriously, driving is a fricking nightmare.
The few times I did it, I barfed all over the inside of the car. (whoops)
Not fun times. Turns out untreated anxiety and driving don't mesh well. LOL
I'll just stick to public transit, thanks.
It sucks and it's full of creepers, but hey what can you do XD;;


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/11 14:46:47 )

This is why I don't drive, possibly never...
I've been through a similar situation before but with a friend who was driving and it scared the shit out of me.

But don't feel guilty too much, it was an honest mistake which unfortunately happens way too often in this modern world.
What matters is that everyone wasn't severely injured in the end.

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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 00:45:46 )

@Kozi: Hehe, thanks. :3

And oh my gosh, for real? I've puked in friends' cars (twice, two different friends, two different cars, still feel like an ass for it lmao) while riding but never while driving, that's wild.


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 05:39:14 )

@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, it wasn't great. XDD;; Never a fun experience, no matter where it is, tbh
I'm hoping to finally get some anxiety meds but this area is notoriously anti-med, so it's difficult. :/


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 07:21:49 )

Lol no, I suppose it's not. And oh gosh, I hope you can get something to help you! I know meds make a substantial difference for me. Good luck!


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 11:37:07 )

@CooperationIsKey: Thank you. I'm a bit nervous about it.
I'm glad they help you a lot. What changes, if I may ask?
Just lower anxiety in general or..? Trying to figure out what to expect x_x;;

As for driving, there's a lot of wrecks here.
It's kind of surprising, since this area is kind of a town/farm cross type of area.


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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 11:47:51 )

Well granted, I'm on antidepressants as well as anti-anxiety meds, but in general yeah, I'm less prone to panic attacks and my mood in general seems to be more stable. Though I'm bipolar (well controlled fortunately) among other things so your mileage may vary. Also don't be surprised if you have to try multiple medications before one works well, and by that same token don't be too discouraged if the first thing you try doesn't help. Everyone's body chemistry is different so balancing that chemistry can be tricky.

Where are you that you've got public transit in a farming community?? o3o (if you don't mind my asking, lol, no need for specifics or anything) I grew up in a smaller farm-y town in Texas and man there just wasn't public transit, like at all. If you didn't have a car you just weren't going anywhere.

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