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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 10:58:39 )
My cute lil' dude is nekkid so I figured I'd do some posting. Hello! I got here via a mention on the old Menewsha boards and wanted to check it out. I love the art design of the avatars and the general atmosphere here is really nice. :D This is the most recent in a long line of avatar sites for me, starting of course with Gaia (I'm "Sassmaster Host" over there), and including over the years Roliana, Ernya, Menewsha, Syndrone, (are they dead? I haven't been able to log in in ages), Unifaction (I feel like I'm the only one to remember them), and Solia (before the site overhaul, which I'm not really a fan of). Basically, not my first rodeo, lol! I'm excited to explore here and dress up my character!

Anyway, uh, you can call me Key, my pronouns are he/she/they. Um, I'm lazy, so Imma copy my about me blurb from my website:

Hello, I'm Key! Or at least that's what I go by online. I'm a big ol' dork with too much time on my hands who mostly just wants to make people smile. I draw a little, game a little, and I love building websites, though I never got very good at that either, lol. Sometimes I make videos for my YouTube channels—mostly fan stuff on the primary channel, and the secondary channel is my channel for my invertebrate hobby—I raise sea monkeys (brine shrimp) and isopods and hopefully more in the future! I also dabble in terrarium-building, scrapbook, and collect a bunch of stuff (plushies, hedgehogs, rainbows, little vials with keepsakes inside, stationary...).

I guess that's it? I'm open to questions, the only thing I'm not comfortable with is sharing my old username since I changed it, sorry. πŸ˜…

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 11:19:10 )

Hey, welcome to Voltra! I hope you enjoy it here :)


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 11:32:06 )
Hi there and welcome to Voltra ^^

Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 14:09:02 )
@cooperationiskey: hi there I'm originally from menewsha and I was on Solia for a while not sure what happened to it I tried to log in one day and couldn't .. menewsha is currently not active unfortunately.. I'm currently on Gaia as well although I don't chat there I just go to play games and change my avatar.. welcome to voltra ^.^

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 16:47:48 )
Hiya everyone, and thank you! :3

@LilMissKushy: Yeah, sadly Menewsha is super broken at this point, apparently people can't even do much with their avatars anymore. It really stinks. As for Solia, as far as I've been able to figure they up and completely restructured the site, and all old avatars and inventories were unfortunately wiped. I was able to recover my account but it's got me starting from square one on an rpg system that really doesn't interest me, so I haven't done much with it.

@Alethna: I have both too many hobbies and not enough to be honest! I love to talk about my passions so I'm sure you'll hear all about them in time. :D

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 17:41:20 )
@Alethna: Lol lately I spend most of my time watching YouTube. I need to get out more, go walking or something so I'm less a potato. XD

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 18:23:53 )
@Totalanimefan: Possibly on Ernya, though I had a different name back then. I never really interacted with the community on Solia, though.

And thank you! So far it seems very nice and friendly here. :3

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 19:03:38 )
🌈 While I'm thinking about it: Is there a guide anywhere about how to do the css on your profile? I've done Gaia's css for years but every site tends to be different. ^^;

Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 19:17:00 )
@cooperationiskey: yeah it is sad about menewsha there a few menewshians here :) I liked solia .. it wouldnt let me log in so I'm guessing that's the reason why but if they've wiped their stuff then no point starting from scratch .. I feel sorry for the ones that spent lots on there

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 19:18:27 )

@CooperationIsKey: Welcome to Voltra!
I know and remember all those sites! You are not the only one to remember Unifaction ^_^
Most all of those sites are indeed dead. is still around. Menewsha forum is paid up through 2024, but the owner left it without a way for staff to do any fixes. (It's super sad).


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 20:46:19 )
🌈 @LilMissKushy: Menewsha is a tragic case. There was still an active community before the owner just up and bailed. :( And yeah, I liked Solia's art style and items and was pretty bummed to see they completely redid it all. The style is still the same but I'm not very motivated to start over.

@dragoness129: Hiya! Holy cow really, someone else who remembers Unifaction, thats awesome! I have a copy of my last avatar somewhere but I'm struggling to find it. It was so unique with such big dolls. As for, I haven't been able to log in in ages; even though it shows my avatar when I try, it tells me like the account doesn't exist or something weird like that. And yeah, like I said, Menewsha is just a tragic case. :(

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:10:20 )

@CooperationIsKey: Yep! I didn't have a full avatar finished on there that I had saved, but I have this one that was my dream avatar I made with the creator:

Hmm, that is odd. Not sure what is going on with it. I don't get on that site too often myself.
And yes indeed. Mene is a tragic case.


Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:51:55 )
(Λ΅β—• α΄₯ β—•Λ΅)οΎ‰ Hello there

I hope youl have fun here ^^
And as far as i know isnt dead yet, i still look in there daily but its very quite
Syndrone was the first one for me and im still very sad about it :'^)

。.:β˜†*:ο½₯ヽ(Λ΅β—• α΄₯ β—•Λ΅)


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 05:15:19 )
🌈 @Totalanimefan: I do too! The art was so neat. And that's what I figured too, but I didn't see anything. Hmm. Well, I'll look a bit further, and maybe I'll dig into the css myself and try to figure out some tricks. :)

@dragoness129: Oh that's cool to see! I wish I had a dream avatar from there saved, but after some digging I did find what I believe to be my last saved 'completed' avatar! It was on the simpler side, but I loved it. I was even preparing to cosplay it at one point. (I am pretty sure that jack-o-lantern and kitty item was on my wishlist though!)

And I dunno; there's like no accessing the site at all without logging in as far as I can tell, so it's really hard to get answers. Maybe I'll try to reset my password again; I must be doing something wrong. (Edit: turns out I was putting in the wrong email to recover my password, oops!)

@GoblinsAndTea: Thank you! I'm sure I will. And I did finally get into my; in fact I made a new account since my old one uses my old name and you can't change it afaik, but I'm very annoyed that you can't trade items. Of all features to never add!

I didn't get super into the Syndrone community I don't think, but by god I loved that avatar system. My final avatar from there never gets old, just eye candy, you know? (at least to me; it probably makes other people's eyes bleed lmao)

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 05:45:06 )

@CooperationIsKey: Nice! I like it! It does look like something that would be cosplay-able.
Ah, glad you were able to find why it wasn't working!
Syndrone had some interesting avies. -nods-
I really liked my witch look:

and my mule's look:


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 06:00:29 )
🌈 @Totalanimefan: It was? Holy cow, how'd I never make that connection?
And maybe I can look up their user/posts and find it. o3o

@dragoness129: Yeah, it was simple enough that I figured it'd be pretty easy to do. I got as far as I think the arm fishnets and the clip-in horns, lol. And those are great! I loved how shiny and saturated everything was on Syndrone. Right up my alley. Though gosh the art here is precious and I'm excited to make new avatars here too!

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 06:02:16 )

Thanks! ^_^
Yes! There are so many great artists on the site too! And the site is very active during event times. I am looking forward to the summer event coming up! ^_^


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 08:24:33 )

@dragoness129: Oh yay, I guess I joined just in time, didn't I? I look forward to my first event here. :D


Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 08:29:04 )
(Λ΅β—• α΄₯ β—•Λ΅)οΎ‰ Hello there

@CooperationIsKey: On recolor you can change your name! but it costs like a 1000 karma i think.
Also that avi just gave me a trip to memory lane lol. I wish i saved some of mine but i was on hiatus when it stopped and only figured out when i wanted to go back on :'^)

。.:β˜†*:ο½₯ヽ(Λ΅β—• α΄₯ β—•Λ΅)

♦ Gob | 23 | Taurus | Belgium ♦
Insta | Toyhouse | Gallery | Carrd

♦ My Art Shop ♦

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 09:42:18 )

@GoblinsAndTea: Oh holy crap you're right! Thank you so much! Yay, I get to keep my old account without keeping the old name.

Aw, that sucks. To be honest, I only have a lot of my old avatars because I started, with Gaia, obsessively saving my avatars over the years. Eventually I compiled them into a timelapse of all of them!

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