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Donator — 0% Edible Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 11:09:21 )

@Aisukohi: Totally missed your reply.
I have missed conventions so much. This one was local, so it was easier to go to. No hotel needed, just sleeping at my house XD. It was fun suiting for the first time. >w> kept pulling fur out of my eyes and mouth afterwards.

I have another convention in August that I'm really looking forward to. Now that I've got experience with walking around in my suit head.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 13:35:21 )
Good morning
I feel like I could (and probably should) sleep for another 3 or so hours, but I'm not sure why. I'm not liking it.
How are you guys doing so far this morning?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 13:42:21 )
@Vixen: lol. Soup is good for some problems; hot glue is good for different problems, duct tape takes care of anything left over! :3
Catching up on sleep is a good thing. Is there a particular reason why you were so deficit?

@Another Movie Addict: I guess there's another con in August? Oh, I'm sure that running around dressed like that would be pretty tiring, but I'm happy for you that you got a chance to spend some time with your suit :3

@Aisukohi: lol - gotcha. I'm glad you had a good, relaxing day anyway.
Hurricane season. Ugh. Don't want it. Time to erect the force field around Florida and the southern coastline! (well, maybe not really for another month or two).


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 15:40:01 )

@Wildfire: haha I have not had to use duct tape to solve anything recently
Nah just not sleeping enough


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 16:08:52 )
@Vixen: LOL. Duct tape is awesome too :3 It usually comes in handy for more serious things, so I'm glad you haven't had a chance to use it recently!

Is there a reason you're not getting enough sleep?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 17:13:10 )

@Wildfire: no sometimes it is just like that

what are you up to today?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 17:38:56 )
@Wildfire: I did get a couple of rare orb items, however, I was hoping more for the starry-themed background items. My computer really doesn't like whatever new image-post thing the staff is using. I don't see images in the announcements anymore. :c I can't even tell you item names because I can't see the item images. XD

Good Morning, Happy Monday.
It's already been a weird morning for me.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 20:04:29 )
@Vixen: Aha! I have returned from running a couple of errands - health food store, Joanne's Crafts, and another place.

And I'm trying (again? still?!!) to sell my son's "older" truck (it's actually a newer year than the one he's currently driving) but I'm getting tired of people who seem to be trying to pull a fast one either with their own indecision or with outright attempts to scam us. "Noooo... we're not taking a credit card", etc.

@Koah: Weird about you not being able to see the post images from the Staff. Any idea what's going on? I'm glad you got a couple of the rarer items :3 I see you have Saturnian and Transformagical at least. I'd love to get my hands on Cosmic Hop and Saturnian and Celestial Sea. We'll have to see if I can make that happen :3

Why is it a weird morning (day) for you?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 20:57:34 )
@Wildfire: I got no idea why I can't see the images anymore. :T
It's probably more likely, it's my computer for some reason.
omgod, I do hope you can sell that truck soon.

Today is just an odd way to start the week. My friends broke up last night, so I woke up to messages this morning. I went to pick up a dead spider and it started moving in my hand.. -shudders- I wasn't expecting. I screamed.
Last week of school for kiddos, so I'm burning out even though it's sO close to the end!!!!

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:07:47 )
@Koah: I hope we can sell this truck soon too. It has definitely seen better days, but it's also not in horrible condition... a little TLC and a few little repairs and it would be a good truck for somebody. I hate to see it just go for scrap -which is almost where we are with it at this point- and just because we've had one complication after another concerning it...

Uhhh... yeah, I would say your Monday is starting off the week on a weird note!
Oh friend breakups are not fun to experience. :( ... and I would have screamed too. :/

Schools are either already out or getting out here too. I was surprised to see school buses and the crossing lights today when I was coming home from my errands. Maybe they did something weird to the school year because of all the covid shutdowns? I really have no idea - we were never part of that schedule to begin with, and are definitely not part of it now. It reminds me though, I really need to go through their old homeschool stuff and see about passing on any of their old materials to the younger homeschool parents. :3

And you... take a deep breath and just try to relax for two minutes. You got this. It's one more week of school... just a few more days...



Donator — 0% Edible Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:09:16 )

Oh are we telling terrible Monday stories?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:11:05 )
I'm guessing you have one to tell, AMA? What happened?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:23:33 )

@Wildfire: oooh craft store? making something?
scammers be like that i guess. that's definitely sketchy


avatar closetshop
please @ me

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:25:00 )

So my Monday started off with someone having an actual mental breakdown. She was talking loudly to herself about everyone being the devil, that the bus was her mommy and daddy's house, and then looked me in the eye talking about me going to Hell and being a horrible terrible person. Then about the bus driver being a demon because she saw his eyes change into cat eyes.
I get smacked with a box of toilet paper.
And we had a kid who was bleeding pretty badly walking around the store. They hadn't noticed they were bleeding, and I did. So I asked if they'd like something for their leg. Turned into this big thing. I got the first aid kit, the parent was chewing out the kid for not realizing they were bleeding. I was making sure they were taken care of and that there was no blood on the floors or anything.


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:32:42 )
@Wildfire: Aside from my odd morning, I am keeping myself sane. I feel a bit off, but it's not too bad.
Oh Second upstairs roomie just got back from being away for a month. =O huh.
I'd be feeling similar to you now with the truck. I suppose I'd cave and sell it for scrap after having scams and stuff.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:44:27 )
@Vixen: Yes, craft store. I bought a Cricut Joy last week and am playing with it a little bit, but also wanted to go just to see the options and compare pricing, etc., on materials and tools and so forth.

Yeah, the credit card thing was sketchy, especially since he followed it up with "well, what about going through facebook?" ... ummm... no. Just No. I told him to take a cash advance on his CC. XD

BTW, I love your new avi.

@Another Movie Addict: Well, you have certainly had an interesting day, haven't you? Ugh. What happened with the mentally unstable person?

@Koah: At least you're staying sane. It seems like you have a lot going on today!!


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 21:52:16 )

@Wildfire: No idea, she got off the bus.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 22:03:57 )
@Another Movie Addict: Oh, this was ON the bus to or from work? I thought this happened in the store for some reason. Regardless... it set a tone, didn't it?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 22:08:16 )

Crazy was on bus. Bleeding kid was in the store.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/7 22:20:53 )
It sounds like you had crazy everywhere today

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