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Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 05:57:20 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

Lmao Small rant since I'm frustrated. T^T I had tightly budgeted $100 that was gifted to me for art supplies.

Ordered some textile medium (from walmart) so I could be painting on clothing/bags. The company I ordered from used my money and then ordered it from amazon so they could keep extra cash since it was cheaper there apparently and I didn't notice until the package got here. (cause amazon package) When you have to save every cent, this sucks major. Not to mention that walmart's return sucks so it's not worth trying. I could have ordered the oil marker set that I needed with that.

Especially since I was already down $15 since my SO tried to be nice and bought me a bunch of fine detail brushes when I only needed one set. *^*;; In the end, I only got some of the stuff I budgeted for and the rest of the cash flung its-self out of my pocket.


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 08:09:59 )

@PoeticTorment: Oh that's super annoying. I have never tried to return something to Walmart but that does sound like a giant pain. Sorry you got taken for a bit of a ride there.

Also I relate to my cash yeeting itself out of my wallet way, way too much. I suspect maybe I'm just not good with money. But also I'm on disability benefits so I'm not allowed to have more than $2,000 in savings, either, which makes wanting to bother saving kinda hard, too. :I

Anyway, hello, I'm Key, I'm new to Voltra but I love it here so far! :D


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 20:00:50 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, I'm just a stay-at-home mom so when I have "me" money is super rare. So I was super upset.
Wal-Mart lets the shops have their own return fees. The shop I ended up with has a 20% fee so I'd still be out the money.
So I just left a review. *^*

Yeah, the savings limit is nonsense! I don't see how anyone could save for anything with that.
Do you qualify for an ABLE account? I think it only had one major thing was if you were diagnosed before age 26 or something?
But it could let you save 99k in it if you do.

Hey, and welcome! :)


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 20:10:40 )

@PoeticTorment: I don't blame you, I'd be upset, too. :( And yikes, that's a heck of a fee for a return they screwed you on!

Isn't it ridiculous? Like, want to save for a better computer because you want to make better videos and stream and maybe, just maybe actually earn a little cash now and again (if you're like super lucky)? Well too bad, no computer you buy can be more than $2000 so you better hope that can cover it. Want a car so you can recover a little independence? HA you get the most broken down piece of crap money can't buy.

It's super dumb. :x

Oh!! I keep meaning to look into that, darn it! I was diagnosed when I was 24 so I'm pretty sure I qualify for it! Thanks for reminding me! o3o


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 20:21:16 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Yep, so no worth bothering. XD

Yeah, it makes sure you stay at the poverty level. Which is the opposite of what it's supposed to do.
SSI was supposed to be a help, not a crutch.

Then yeah, you should qualify! As long as you were diagnosed before 26 and you have the proof (ssi/ssid) then you should be good.
I will say one thing on it is if you pass away, anything in the account will go to the government and not family. So that seems like the only downside.


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/8 20:45:07 )

@PoeticTorment: It forever infuriates me that social security became 'permanent poverty' for so many instead of 'help you get to a more self-sufficient state'. Meh.

And ooooh dear I didn't know that. I don't expect to have a ton of money in there even if I do qualify but that's still kinda crappy that the government gets to take your money instead of your loved ones using towards final expenses or something.

Then again, I am talking about United States Social Security.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 18:36:01 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Pretty much. And the amount has risen some so it's harder to save for those on it.
Yeah, it's pretty common in the US so I wasn't surprised.
But it sounds like it'll go back to payments for disability so better than it could be with all things considered.


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/11 03:57:34 )

@PoeticTorment: Well at least it goes back into Disability, I guess that's a good thing.

Anyway that aside, how are you doing? o3o


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/11 06:04:48 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Yeah. Could be worse anyway. *^*

I'm alright. Been have issues with my blood sugar being really low so trying to fix it.
Other than that I'm practicing drawing. But might break out my paints soon.

How about you? Enjoying voltra so far?


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 00:49:06 )

@PoeticTorment: Oh gosh, I have the exact opposite problem--high blood sugar. I'm really awful at managing it but I'm trying to be better because, you know, I'd like to stick around on this mortal plane as long as possible. :P

I'm loving Voltra, everyone's been so nice and friendly. :D

And in general I'm mostly waiting for the brine shrimp eggs I ordered with a brine shrimp tank to actually arrive so I can start the new tank for my YouTube channel. o3o I haven't done a video series on there for a while and I think it'll be fun!


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 01:20:30 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, most of my fam is diabetic. I don't think I'd have an issue if it was high blood sugar since I don't eat sweets and have to eat a gluten-free diet due to allergies and that's low sugar, to begin with. XD So it's been super hard to get it back up to normal. And I still haven't gotten a glucometer so I'm going off of feeling until I can get one. *^*; I hope you manage to get your's back on track soon as well. I know it can cause a lot of health issues.

That's great! :) It's been that way since it started so I'm glad it's still is.

Oh, that sounds cool! Do you get to decorate the tanks and stuff too?


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 04:52:29 )

@PoeticTorment: My dad is diabetic too; we're both type II. He's good at encouraging me to do better, which is nice! It's harder in practice because I've got something of a food addiction I think (I plan to work on that soon with a therapist) and my roommate is a little bit controlling about food (she makes dinner most nights and insists on making it for me instead of letting me make my own--but then complains that she "has" to make dinner for both of us. :viohuff: ). I'd eat a lot more salads, honestly, and a lot less red meat and starch, at dinner, if she'd let me. So... it's a process lmao. My doctor is fortunately very patient as well and has been working with me.

Well the tank I recently got actually came decorated! It's a kid's STEM toy, basically; it's super cute and even has a little plastic microscope built into it. Lemme find a pic:

As near as I can figure this company, "Seatures," at least to start out, is using another company's tanks (there's multiple designs) with their own brine shrimp kits. I'm really not complaining as the tanks are super cute, I just hope the eggs actually show up (I emailed them this evening so hopefully I'll hear back sometime next week).

I have three other tanks to do, one is an official "Sea Monkeys" tank called "Sea Monkeys on Mars" and two others are really simple mermaid-themed knockoffs, one from Walmart and one from Target. I'm chronicling the kits on my channel because I've pretty much always had an interest in Sea Monkeys and similar.

That's probably more than you wanted to know, lol, sorry. :vanora_sweat:


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 19:01:22 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: I'm glad you have support! It'll hopefully make it easier to get situated. *^*

Oh, that's cute! Well, hopefully, the kit will show up soon for you.
It's good that you enjoy it. Are the kits easy to manage?

Lol No worries. I find the kits interesting.


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/12 19:11:42 )


Yeah, I'm hoping. I emailed the company to ask about it just in case. And while the only one of these kits I've done before is an official Sea Monkey one, these kits are generally pretty straight-forward and definitely easier than say, fish (certainly cheaper, lmao). You've got three packets; the 'water conditioner' (which usually contains eggs as well), the 'eggs' (lots more eggs) and the food (generally spirulina or powdered yeast or a mix). You're supposed to do packet one the first day, and packet two the second, and then you see the eggs 'instantly' hatch (when you're actually seeing the eggs that were in the conditioner you added the previous day lol). I've often cheated a bit and put both packets one and two in at the same time; doesn't seem to make much if any difference and it's a faster payoff! And then you feed a teeny bit of food every few days (most kits come with itty bitty feeding spoons).

They're simple creatures, but I find them great fun. Literal desktop pets, and I'm so fascinated with how different companies approach the concept--largely the same format, but in a different wrapper, lol. I guess I get a kick out of the novelty. :)


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/26 20:03:20 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Oh, I hope they got back to you. *^*
That sounds really fun, honestly! And the little tanks look really cute from what I've seen.


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/27 00:01:27 )

@PoeticTorment: They got back to me quite quickly! Like a day later. And the eggs showed up a couple days after that. Now to just find the willpower to set up and film it during the day when I have good lighting!

How are things going with you?


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/27 04:14:15 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: Oh, that's good. :) Good luck with setting everything up.
*^*; Eh, it's been busy... I'm trying to catch everything back up.
Yesterday was a really bad day. X'D
How about you?


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/27 19:03:49 )

And oh gosh, trying to catch up. I feel like with moms that's a perpetual state of being. ^^;
Sorry to hear yesterday sucked!
I'm doing okay, woke up in a panic because roommate had been texting me for an hour wanting to go to the store (which I needed to go to too) and I just managed to catch her last "I'm going" text lol.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/28 03:03:00 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~

@CooperationIsKey: No worries.
Yeah, it tends to be the norm but this was worse overall. XD
I had over 6 loads of laundry. Extra-large washer/dryer size loads.
(Thanks to my cats...) *^*;; Cause one peed on my clean clothes.
And another had a bad infection we had treated at the vets.
(Vet warned us it'd pop, just wasn't expecting it everywhere)
Today was calmer at least. I did get some bad news, not much I can do there though.

Lol Almost missed it then. Sorry about the panic attack, those aren't fun.

Please ping!! I'm a busy mom and tend to get lost~

^^Page prizes = FREE Sketch!!
It's only forever~ It's not long at all...

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/29 00:18:54 )

@PoeticTorment: Oh gosh, that IS a lot of laundry. Sorry to hear the kitties are having issues, and that you got some bad news. :( My last cat had a abscess pop at one point (ew) and I discovered that while petting him, so that was fun. (iiiiick)

And yeah, caught her just in time, lol. And I'm glad, I needed several things, plus I found this Strawberry Daquiri hummus to try!

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