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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 14:38:32 )
@cooperationiskey: I see. While it's nice to have only one username, though it does have some disadvantages I suppose. Facebook isn't my forte (despite most of my family are on there) since I seldom use it although it has its pros and cons.

Well holy moly, that's really fortunate to become friends with people you knew for more than 2/5/10/etc. years. ( o. o ) Some of my former classmates whom I befriended with during my high school years have already changed their personality/attitude and ignored me after we graduated from high school. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, I agree with you. Clinging onto the past doesn't do well to your well being, sure you can reminiscent the past but moving on to the present is better at least. Sorry if I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 14:47:34 )

@ChiffonOrange: For the most part, for me, if it weren't my main source of contact with a bunch of friends and most of my family, I'd drop Facebook like a bad habit. I frickin' hate the site. It's a time-waster and a braincell-killer, I swear it's worse even than TikTok in that regard.

And yeah, I really consider my self lucky to have such long-lasting friendships. Almost all made with people I met online! In fact almost all of my friends are people I met online, or through people I met online, lol. I had no friends in high school, and I tend to think people change a lot, and quickly, after high school. Actually I sort of worry for those who don't change!

Nah, you're fine! And you're right. I have a real problem with clinging to the past due to trauma, but it's something I'm trying to improve on. :)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 15:00:31 )
@cooperationiskey: I see, same here if it weren't for Facebook Marketplace despite I have already used another website/app that focus on selling preloved items. And true, I'm starting to think Facebook is a bigger time-waster than Tiktok (I don't really hate it, only using it for watching funny/wholesome videos depending on what you want to search) and Youtube (again, same reason as the former lol), and how I really hate FB now requires you to put your real name instead of an alias name. >:I It's like as if they don't want you to have anonymity/privacy.

It seems making friends online sounds a bit easier than making friends in real life lmao. And I see, you're absolutely right! Especially those who used to be bullies or being really mean/rude to others and still refuse to change after they became 21 or so.

Ohh I see. Wish you lots of good luck on improving ^^

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 15:20:01 )

@ChiffonOrange: Oh, you know, I have checked out Facebook Marketplace for rooms to rent, so I guess it's got a little use, lol. And FB has pretty much always required a real name, I just think they started enforcing it more. Which is lousy for many reasons. :/

And oh god yes, I've always found making friends online way easier than friends irl. I think because I have a lot of niche interests so without the internet it's really hard to find people with the same ones! Internet friends saved my life in high school, oh man. I genuinely cannot imagine what my life might have been like without the internet at that time.

And thank you. :)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 15:32:56 )
@cooperationiskey: Ah, that's understandable. *nods* And yeah, I hate the enforcement of using a real name (even more ironic when the site thinks your real name isn't your real name at all for no explaination/reason).

Same. I guess it has to do with the fact you don't have to meet up with them IRL and some people do seem to talk comfortably with their online friends than their IRL friends and family. And yep, I agree. *nods* Finding people with same interests can be a challenge, hmmm..... if the internet didn't exist, lots of people would be forced to go out and make friends in person which.... it depends on situation. :vivi_sweat: Because not everyone are comfortable to make friends IRL. Then again, social media sites/apps wouldn't exist if that happens. :o

You're very welcome ^^

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 15:43:53 )

I have heard of that! People having to prove by sending in copies of their IDs and such that their name is their name! Facebook is also very determined to deadname trans people; if someone hasn't changed their name legally for whatever reason, Facebook can and have given people trouble for it. It's gross, honestly.

I would love to meet up with my online friends irl, though that's not always possible (two of my closest friends are in Serbia and the Philippines, respectively; I'm in the States so there's a bit of distance!). I have met up with some friends, even lived with a handful! And yeah, there are things I can talk about with online friends that I sure can't talk about irl to friends or family. I think one of the things I like most about internet friendships is being able to think out what I'm saying before I hit enter/post, you know? It's better for my trouble of either blurting things out or clamming up during voice convos. Heck sometimes during voice calls in discord I'll still type in the text chat because of my fear of interrupting, lol.


Donator — Female Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 20:00:41 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
@CooperationIsKey: hah, fair. However, Hopefully if you Do go for it, you don't run into the same snags as with this boy.


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/17 21:03:52 )

@Amber Lynne: I mean at least now I know where to find the artist!


Donator — Female Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 00:15:47 )

| ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴘɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ!
@CooperationIsKey: Very true! If nothing else, there's that~<3

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

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Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 01:01:10 )
@cooperationiskey: Wait, really? That's a big red flag there. No social media site or app would ask you for your IDs or anything personal just to prove their name is real or not. And I can't believe Facebook would really do this to trans people or people who hasn't changed their name legally which I find it (Facebook) really lowly.

I see. That's understandable. *nods* And yeah, at least text chat still exists besides voice calls/chat, haha thank goodness for text chats! I too fear of interrupting other people's conversation since I usually don't know what to say ( > w> ; )

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 04:44:33 )

@Ava: I love Stardew Valley; it's so darned adorable! And also quite the time vortex, I find; I boot it up and suddenly it's like six hours later and the sun has set. :vanora_xd:

Also I said it on a certain other site, but your hamster is adorable. :3

@ChiffonOrange: Oh yes, I know people who've had to prove they're them to keep their accounts open. It's ridiculous.

I have a tendency to get talked over or accidentally talk over people myself, so I'm often paranoid of interrupting. Having a text chat option really does help!


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 06:36:50 )
@cooperationiskey: Yep, that sucks. :/

True, true. Text chat is a lifesaver for most people. Should one wants to chit chat with others without interrupting someone else's voice call.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/18 08:42:17 )
I don’t really have many hobbies. ;_; I used to read a lot but lately I don’t have the energy to do that. It kind of takes a lot out of me; I feel tired and sluggish…I used to draw but I don’t have the motivation to do that lately either. Also I stopped playing games.

I mainly just watch Netflix, DVDs and YouTube and cook sometimes. And go to my cooking course classes. My life is so dull and boring. >.<

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 00:35:54 )

Not to be an armchair psychologist but it kinda sounds like you're depressed. Have you brought up your lack of interest/motivation with your therapist (I think you said in another thread you were seeing one)?

And there's nothing wrong with watching stuff and cooking! I watch tons of stuff too, mostly YouTube, lol. I have it on like 98% of the time. I'm trying to get into cooking, too, to combat my roommate's less healthy recipes lol. What do you like to cook, anything in particular? o3o


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 06:39:37 )
@CooperationIsKey: I am actually pretty bored and depressed; I’m still trying to process my online trauma…

No I haven’t addressed my lack of interest/motivation with my psychologist but I will in my next session with them. On that note, today I went to a convention and dressed up as Sabrina Spellman from the tv show, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and interestingly enough, I picked up two books, one being about witches and another about wizards, both being from the same author. I’m excited to get back into reading. :3

I used to bake a lot of sweet stuff, like cookies when I lived at my parents’ house but I stopped because I can’t figure out how to use my apartment oven. Besides that, I tend to cook what I know: scrambled eggs in a pan with tomatoes in simmering tomato juices, cooked spinach with a dash of salt and olive oil, boiled cubed potatoes, frozen vegetables, etc. I need to find new recipes to try…my food is rather plain, lol. >.<

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/19 13:42:51 )

My hobbies is mostly drawing and writing. I own a journal now and decided to write as many journals as I can while I'm still alive. I went through my stuff recently and realized that I own five journals now (including my new one), dated since I was a pre-teen and I dare not to read those, they're kinda cringy lmao. But it made me realized how I miss writing on paper rather than on my phone, which I've been doing for awhile. I'm pretty consistent of it and have been writing daily and I'll write anything on it, even the boring day to day stuff. I sometimes write poems, dream journals and random short stories but never have the patience to write a novel. I failed miserably a couple of times with that but I've been also practicing my cursive because I've been never good a it. And I'm slowly improving~

I used to do traditional art, like watercolour, coloured pencils or plain ink artworks but since I got my new tablet last Christmas, I've been doing digital art again. I've had a few experiences with it before. But I'm itching to do watercolour lately so I'm thinking what I want to paint at the moment. I also post my stuff on Instagram, Amino and Tumblr. My Deviant Art account is practically dead at this point. But I'm not very consistent with my social media accounts to begin with lmao...

I also been re-reading one of my old books again and since I've thrown a lot of stuff away, I want to get back into reading again and desperately need to buy a bookshelf. Is nice to just chill with a good book once in a while, it helps me to get off here and be not on my laptop too often :3


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Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 02:10:07 )

Ah, yeah, that's understandable. That kinda stuff can really have an impact on your enjoyment of hobbies. The convention sounds fun, though! I haven't been to one in ages. I hope the books are good! They sound interesting. :3

I love baking, moreso than cooking meals, but my waistline doesn't like it very much lol. You can't figure out your oven? Gosh, that sounds like a huge pain in the butt.

I just fairly recently got into collecting new recipes to try, myself; even have a nifty lil' Moleskine journal I keep them in. I know, while it's kind of a rabbit hole, Pinterest can be really good for finding new recipes. Otherwise you can kinda just look up ingredients you enjoy and see what recipes pop up for it! There's pretty much endless options on the internet. :)


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 03:54:57 )

Oh journaling, neat! I used to keep a LiveJournal, and I've done scrapbooking, but I haven't kept a physical journal/diary since I was a kid. I understand on not wanting to read the old stuff though, lol. I'm nowhere near patient enough to write on my phone, except for sometimes posting on forums; I prefer to type on the computer. I used to fill spiral notebooks with my writing, though; actually I'm super bummed that I lost some of those notebooks over the years because I don't have typed up versions of some of it. I used to be able to write sooo much, I probably could have written a novel once upon a time but I can't really focus long enough for it anymore lol. And wow, cursive; I don't think I can really write anything other than my name in cursive anymore, despite it being required learning starting in like third grade for me!

I'd love to get a tablet some day, even though my art isn't that great, it just looks like fun to use. Watercolor looks so cool but I've never tried it (unless you count when I was a kid lol). I actually bought new art supplies in the past year--colored pencils, gel pens, and polymer clay--and then I've barely touched it since. I really need to make myself use the stuff! And I think most people's DA accounts are largely dead at this point. After the stupid Eclipse update, so many people bailed...

I really want to get one of those cube cabinets for my room, but I'd like a bookshelf too. I miss reading but I have a hard time focusing on books for long. And yet I love my books and refuse to get rid of any, lol.

I miss roleplaying; used to do it with some friends but we kinda tapered off and it never really picked up again. I should try to get a new game going. o3o And cosplay is awesome! I've wanted to do it in the past but never followed through on any ideas really, except I wore some rainbow rave-wear to a couple cons, lmao. Do you have any characters in mind that you want to cosplay, or just a general interest? o3o


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 09:59:27 )
@CooperationIsKey: I actually love baking more than cooking meals too. I love pretty much anything sweet and it makes me happy and less stressed when I bake. ^^

Never mind, I figured out how to use my apartment oven. xD I made bacon, tomato and cheese pizza which I haven’t made in a while. :3

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 19:36:36 )

@Juliette: Baking is totally therapeutic, though I think to some extent cooking can be too. At least I enjoy making enchiladas! And yay, glad to hear you figured out the oven, lol. Pizza sounds yummy. o3o

@Jessamine: Oh I feel ya; I had a bad experience years ago with some people in a group roleplay I was brought into by a friend, like really bad, and didn't roleplay again for years. Fortunately it happened kind of naturally with a current group of friends on discord and I found I could still do it (I thought that, like my creative writing, I had a sort of 'roleplaying block'). Sorry to hear you had a bad breakdown, though; that's actually what caused me to drop out of college, was a nervous breakdown. I know it's not a fun time. I wish you the best in recovery.

I'm super obsessed with rainbows in general, lol. I actually am pretty heartbroken that I accidentally got rid of my furry rainbow rave set when I had to get rid of most of my stuff a couple years ago. That's something I meant to hang onto. Hopefully I can find decent replacements eventually. And ooh, that sounds cool! I don't think I ever finished Tokyo Ghoul but what I saw was awesome, I do highly recommend it! I used to have a bunch of costume makeup, too, though I didn't experiment nearly as much as I should have (mostly at Halloween lol).

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