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Forums General Chit-Chat Hobbies! What do YOU do for funsies?

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 19:43:22 )
I like doing my makeup, reading, playing video games, and watching tv.
My attention span is so short that it's hard for me to pick up new hobbies sometimes.
I used to knit (was a complete beginner) and used to do perler beads but those are just collecting dust in my basement.
One day I'd like to get back into them though.]

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 20:02:41 )

Hello! Do you mean like everyday makeup or do you do costume stuff? o3o (either is neat, I can't really do either so I'm always impressed by people who can lol.) Any particular games you enjoy or just gaming in general?

I feel you on the short attention span. I have a hard time reading for the same reason.

I tried crochet once, but didn't get very far before losing interest, lol. And perler beads look fun! I've never done it but I've been thinking of getting a mini craft iron for another project so maybe I'll give it a whirl.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 20:12:43 )
Mostly everyday makeup. I did recently purchase some cake liners to do more graphic liner looks though, so I'm excited for that.

Right now for games, I've been playing Sims 4, Miitopia, Stardew Valley, and Animal Crossing. Those are the main games and then I do play some Steam games from time to time.

Reading books lately has been difficult for me, so this is why I just read a bunch of webtoons XD. The amount I read in a week is probably equivalent to one book lol.

Perler beads were super fun. I made a lot of fun things. I want to make some cute decorations for my office. Crocheting was difficult for me I tried it once and was like nah no thanks lol.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 20:26:36 )

@ArsenicAttitude: I haven't done everyday makeup (a full face anyway) since high school, lol. At some point I just decided it was more trouble than it was worth (to me at least). I'm always amazed by people who do their makeup all nice, especially when they do it every dang day! I'm just not patient enough I guess, lol.

I love Stardew Valley and Sims 4 (I have over 10GB of custom content for the latter >_>; ). I really want to play Animal Crossing sometime, it looks so fun and peaceful. I've only seen glimpses of Miitopia, though I used to play the Mii app, whatever it was called, when it was around (kinda miss that actually).

What webtoons do you read? I recently got into one called "Acceptance" that's super cute, and I also read "The Little Trashmaid," which is adorable, though a bit sad (with a good message on littering).

I know people incorporate perler bead 'pendants' in kandi jewelry, too, and I've been fascinated by and wanted to learn to make that for years too. Maybe perler beads will be my gateway into kandi, too! :vanora-celebrate:


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 20:34:11 )
I feel that. I honestly don't do my makeup everyday and if I do do it, it's really to practice.
Yesterday was the first time in a bit that I wore makeup but then again I hadn't been out anywhere in weeks XD

Idk how much CC I have right now. I've recently gotten back to playing Sims after a year so most of the CC I had before is gone. I think I tried to play the game completely vanilla and I was like this is not working out and I caved lol.

I read a BUNCH of them, but I do read Acceptance and Little Trash Mermaid. I always get a little sad reading Trash Mermaid as well. Some of my other favorites are Cursed Princess Club, Andy Bass, Viral Hit, What's Up Beanie?, and Boyfriends. I read way more than that though.

Oh you should try it out! I never really got into the kandi jewelry. That's for raves right?

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 20:53:07 )

Lol that's valid, I think that's been the case for most people for the past year and a half! I know when I got out lately it's like "must wear favorite clothes because who knows when I'll get another chance!" even if it's just like, running to Walgreens. XD

Yeah, I love the Sims, but whoo boy do I love to customize, and there just isn't enough options built into the base game! I do hate having to update the mods every time I decide to play, though.

I honestly haven't heard of any of those but I might just have to check them out! I know I binged the first 70 'episodes' of Acceptance when I first found it. I need to get back to it, actually.

Yeah, it's a rave thing. I never went to raves and it's not really my scene (loud noises and crowds are so exhausting for me), but I've had a fascination with kandi for years, and it looks like fun to make and collect even if I don't go partying. (I do have an OC who's all about raving, though; I kinda live vicariously through her, lol!)


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 21:03:00 )
Yeah like yesterday I wore a dress but it was super comfy to shop in (I only went to target lol) but still. And my makeup wasn't fancy or anything either. I just did my brows, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, highlighter, and lipstick. But as I'm typing it it's basically a full face of makeup lol.

Yeah Sims 4 is just way better with CC in it to me. The creators make way better stuff than EA does thats for sure. I haven't really updated my mods except for a few of them. My game hasn't crashed yet at least so that's a good sign.

I'd definitely recommend those webtoons when you get a chance too though. I think most of them are originals besides What's Up Beanie?

I never went to raves either. I'm too socially awkward in real life to do all that XD.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/20 21:25:43 )

@CooperationIsKey: Oh I was tempted to throw away some of my journals when I was going through my stuff but couldn't. It has a sentimental value to it. Even if I can't read through all of them but is interesting to see how I used to see everything before... My world was small back then that's for sure. Plus I'm not a fan of hoarding since I live with one, but with my sketchbooks and journals is the only items I can't able to throw away. I find it easier typing on my phone since I can bring it anywhere and is just easily accessible but writing on paper? It never gets old plus I love notebooks and is a bit of a notebook junkie lmao.

Lmao I'm the same! I just recently got some new set of watercolour tubes last year and I did used it for awhile... but since I got my tablet last christmas, I've been more into digital since. Now I really need some new set of brushes though since I had mines for years and is very worn out now lmao. Then I may consider going back into watercolour again lol.

Ooh! Those are very nice! But I want to get a decently large bookshelves in the future since I kind of want to collect some books. And I'm much into older books like Goosebumps, Babysitters Club and Nancy Drew books. I grew up with those and I honestly will be nice to collect them all somehow.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/21 04:55:56 )

Sims 4 just gets so much more play/replay value with CC! Like the stuff packs and expansions are great and all, but they're often so paltry and then you get something from a CC creator (or group) and it's like. Holy crap this pack is better than the official packs! I know with my version of Sims 4 it won't let me play unless the game is up-to-date, so then I have to keep my mods updated, generally. I've had it refuse to start if I don't, like crash before it really starts, lol. Which sucks considering it takes five years for the darn thing to launch and load a save in the first place.

I'll check them out! If you like Acceptance and The Little Trashmaid than you clearly have good taste. ;)

YES same, plus with anxiety from noise/crowds I can barely survive a day at a convention! Then again I have been to concerts, but except for the like one they were open-air with seating and stuff so they weren't super stressful. (and the one that was in a club was so fun, even though I was there alone, that it kinda overrode my anxiety, lol.)

Sketchbooks and journals are special, though, they're different than just any old junk, so I totally get wanting to keep them. And saaaame I love notebooks! I recently got into Moleskine journals; I have a lineless one for sketches (half-full now, I'm proud of that!), a lined one for keeping my recipes, and I'm currently heavily debating this denim-covered one (still the same size as the others) that I can use as a mini scrapbook--I want to put iron-on patches on the cover! I really fell for Moleskine journals hard; I'm kinda happy to have an excuse to get a new one, lmao.

I did recently get paintbrushes, too, but technically I bought them (and some paint) for painting the faux stone backdrop I'm making for a terrarium I'm building, lol. They're nothing fancy but I as long as I take care of them I'm sure they'll last a while. Also I've wanted a tablet for a while; what I do mostly when I draw recently is sketch on paper, 'scan' it in with my phone, then digitally line and color it with the mouse using line tools and stuff (I have learned some neat tricks though!)

I haven't gotten a new one in quite a while, but I've in the past been working on replacing favorite books from my childhood, especially in hardback when I can find them. I love them so much, but they're in storage in a friend's unit in California and I'm just praying that I'll be able to get them shipped to me eventually (I'm in Florida now x.x ). I have some really cool science books that were a nightmare to track down and I was on cloud nine when I got them, plus I have this wicked 'fantasy creatures' encyclopedia set my grandfather--who passed a couple years ago--got me when I was little (the full set goes for like $400 USED, so replacing it might be impossible for me). They mean a lot to me so I'm prepared to sink a fair bit into getting them shipped, I just hope I can come up with the money when the time comes.

Those are some of the best book series, omg!! I remember borrowing my cousins' Goosebumps books as a kid and just loving them. And I grew up on Babysitter's Club books! And Nancy Drew a bit, too. Thrift stores are often a good start, though I've also gotten quite a few of my 'replacement' books via eBay. It's kind of shocking how cheap you can get books for sometimes, as long as it's not like super rare.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/21 05:02:21 )
It really does though! I never got into mods like Wicked Whims or anything like that before. Just doing the CAS and making the stories for my Sims is enough. Plus I know those will really mess up my game lol.

I've been to one concert before (besides like high school band and all that.) I actually really liked it and it was for my favorite band too. That concert it was in a small venue so it wasn't that bad for me as far an anxiety goes. And I've actually been to one convention too thinking about it lol. That wasn't bad either and I wasn't alone so it was fine.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/21 06:01:51 )

@ArsenicAttitude: Yeah, Wicked Whims is a hefty mod to be sure, but I guess it's understandable with how much extra you could potentially add with it. I have some mods for like, expanding the personalities to six options instead of three, stuff like that. Because I'm a picky bitch when it comes to my characters, lol. Also custom drinks and custom food, because I like options, lol. Oh and the one that lets you do things like change character's outfits after creation, MC Command Center.

Come to think of it, my one concert that wasn't open-air was a fairly small venue, too. Maybe that's why it wasn't too bad for me. o3o What band did you see? (you don't have to answer, I'm just nosy lol)


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/21 08:55:00 )
Yeah, I'm not heavy on those type of mods. I mostly do CAS items.

Oh its okay lol.
I went to see Dir en grey.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/21 21:21:40 )

Oh I had to google them; they look pretty cool!

My first two concerts were a Finnish group called Lordi, which most people tend to have to google when I mention them, lol. But they put on a damn fun show!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/22 03:01:18 )
They're my favorite band. I never tire of their music XD

For some reason, that band sounded familiar to me but I still googled them lol.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/22 03:57:33 )

@ArsenicAttitude: I'll have to check out their music. :)

Could be they were familiar because they really rose to fame and became a bit of a meme by winning Eurovision in 2006 in a fairly shocking victory. Not the kind of music that usually wins, after all!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/22 04:07:13 )
Ah maybe that's where I remember them from cause the name definitely sounded familiar.
Yeah Dir en grey's discography is pretty big and each album is so different.
I'll check out Lordi's music as well.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/22 07:07:37 )

@ArsenicAttitude: I don't think Lordi varies quite as widely in style, lol, but personally I do like their older stuff more than their recent. Dir en grey's videos so far might be a biiit much for me, lol, but I'm definitely liking some of what I'm hearing! I've never been real big on "unintelligible screaming" in metal, but I love melodic stuff (which you might pick up from some of Lordi's stuff, too, lol).

Oh good god the living room tv (my roommate has it on to sleep to) just aired an emergency alert test and scared the bejeezus out of me. x.x


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/22 16:37:49 )

@Cooperationiskey: I heard about that brand, I admit that they look like really good notebooks but I typically go for cheaper notebooks (most of mines are from the dollar store ) Do they have those spiral notebooks? I typically go for those since in my experience of being left-handed, I find those notebooks a lot easier to flip the pages over lmao. I remember my mother doing scrapbooking when I was younger but never really got into it. Honestly, I really have no clue what it's for hahaha...

Awe I love terrariums~
I've watch a few videos on youtube before but at least those brushes got some use of it xD I used to do that too! Heck I take it back, I still do that now. I'm not very used using my drawing tablet yet so there are times I just prefer taking the shortcut. I switch it up once in a while.

I do hope you do get some of your books ship back to you, but those books sounds interesting to read :3 It reminded of the book I once had when I was younger that is a guide to find small animals and insects if you ever venture out of the woods. I love that book, because every creature inside of that book was hand drawn and not photograph and it was just pleasing to look at. I remember sketching some of the animals and insect in that book, but hilariously I never used it as a guide when I was out on the woods. I'm not even sure I still have it now, I do remember still having it on my last move lol.

Definitely! And I'm no 90's kid (most of these came out around that time I think) more like a 90's baby but I believe I'm not the only one in my age group. I remember seeing them often on libraries before. I've had a small collection of them except on Nancy Drew. Which reminded I did see a huuge set of Nancy Drew books on my local thrift store before and I forever regret not buying it TAT

I didn't have space to buy books around that time sigh... But yes thrift stores are the way to go for older books~


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Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/22 21:15:35 )

They're great little notebooks; I love them a lot. I like how nice they look on a shelf, too. I don't think they do spiral notebooks though. 🤔 And I get it; I used to buy my notebooks at Walmart all the time lol. The more sparkly the cover the better! And scrapbooking is just a creative way of keeping mementos, like movie tickets and other "scraps." I've been scrapbooking since high school; along with my poor books I have a giant scrapbook in storage, too. I need to get it back.

I'd love to have a tablet to learn how to draw the lines myself and improve my skills, but for now, yeah, Paint Tool Sai's line tools are a lifesaver!

Thanks, I really hope I get them back too. I actually spent over an hour the other night trying to remember what those science books I had were called. I did eventually find them and I can't tell you how tempted I am to just buy them again instead of waiting to ship them. :P And that sounds like an awesome book, even if you just used it for references lol.

I'm an 80s baby myself, so I grew up when a lot of those books were new! I wish I still had my childhood books but tbh I have no idea where they ended up. One series I was collecting was the Poirot murder mystery novels by Agatha Christie. Poirot is my favorite detective in the entire genre. :)

You know another, children's, series I remembered was The Boxcar Children; did you ever read any of those? They were popular around the same time as the others and were like kid mystery novels featuring, if I recall correctly, a group of orphaned siblings who lived in an old abandoned train boxcar.

Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/22 21:31:20 )
Yeah Dir en grey is pretty eclectic in their sound I will say, but that's why I like them so much.
It's always something different with them.

Oh jeez, that's always the worst isnt it lol.
Feel free to ping me!
Also, you can call me Seni!

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