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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/23 06:20:10 )

@cooperationiskey: Awe oh well and they do look good enough on bookshelves! I used to go for the crazy patterns for my notebooks before but now I rather go for the simple colourful ones and the notebooks on Walmart looks super nice! I love browsing there once in a while. But I found a good simple hardcover spiral notebook on Dollarama and plan to use all the available colours for my future journals. Ah! That's actually cute! I might give scrapbooking a shot then in the future. It seems right up my alley :3

Ooh yes indeed! That's my first software I ever used too but I used Krita now and depending what tablet you want, there are some tablets out there cost less than a 100$. Mines was around 80 but I do hope you buy one someday~

They must be some really good science books, are they from Scholastic? I remember you can buy similar educational books like that when I was in elementary. I love looking at the flyers they had in the past... I was such a bookworm x'D

I don't think I heard of that sorry, I only know those main three I mentioned before unless I forgot to remember some. My mom used to collect some old books in the past which is how I learn those books. Actually there are some series of old books that I vaguely remember the cover but forgot what it's called anymore =w=; And I'm jealous! I feel the 90's is something I want to live through as a kid, you guys had the coolest toys and such and the internet didn't rob your minds as much. But oh well, I'm an early 2000's kid through and through and that wasn't bad =w=

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/23 09:23:33 )

You know a site I enjoy browsing for notebooks and other arts and crafts stuff is Five Below. They're dirt cheap and sometimes they have some really awesome stuff! (I got a ton of gel pens last year from them, and they're fantastic pens!) They're also kinda dangerous because they're so cheap, lmao. And yeah, go for it! Scrapbooking is fun. :)

I've never tried Krita, though I've heard of it many times. I'll have to try it sometime. Also yes, I've looked at some nice tablets that were fairly cheap. One day I'll pull the trigger.

The funky science books were actually from National Geographic! There was a whole series of them, some more interesting than others (in my opinion). I had one about optical illusions called "You Won't Believe Your Eyes!" and another with various science projects and crafts called "A World of Things to Do." I actually had a third about dolphins and I think a forth about animals that make nests/burrows? But I didn't wear out the spine nearly as much on those two as I did on the first two. They were full of eye candy and cool ideas. They're kinda outdated now, having come out in the 80s, but I still enjoy looking through them just about as much as when I was a kid.

I was a huge bookworm as a kid, too; I loved Book It! because I typically did really well and won many personal Pizza Hut pizzas, lol. And omg Scholastic Book Fairs, I always got excited going through the advance catalogues we'd get for those.

I bet your mom remembers The Boxcar Children, lol. They were pretty popular around the same time as the others you listed. And lol, the 90s were okay, but as someone who had a hard time making friends because of my weird interests, I'm grateful that the internet came along when it did because my internet friendships are what got me through high school.

We did admittedly have some really cool toys! Though I think for the most part the ones I played with the most are the ones that span multiple generations: LEGO, Hot Wheels/Matchbox Cars, Barbie. Oh and America Girl; my mom is holding on to my (original) Samantha doll for me, complete with steamer chest! (I still love that doll :) )


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/24 23:13:25 )

@cooperationiskey: I never heard of that store. Is it available in Canada? The art store I've been a couple of times before is Above Underground. Not the cheapest store... Depends what your buying but is nice to have a lot of options.

In my experience Krita has more options so it will take awhile getting used to while Paintool Sai (depends the version you have) is a little bit more outdated. Is free too and very much worth it if your going for a free software.

Ah, I'm not that surprised that National Geographic had their own books xD But sounds like interesting books despite being worn out, are they hard covers? And I actually ask my mother if she knows Boxcar Children is and she doesn't know it. Maybe is only famous in western countries? Since we didn't move here till the early 2000's. She was more into Gone with the Wind, very old book in which I own and tried to read it... But the main character got into my nerves.

Ooh yes! Definitely owned a lego set before and had tons of barbies. In which I keep losing the accessories and at one point, beheaded or one of the legs or arms are missing x'D Plus the Nancy Drew Books I talked about before is a lot older than I thought. I think, I'm just assuming, came out in the eighties, like the the clothes that Nancy wears reminded me of that time. I searched it up online.

Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/25 04:59:09 )

Oh! I didn't realize you're in Canada, lol, I have no idea if Five Below is in Canada or not. It's kind of a 'dollar store' but with slightly more expensive, slightly better stuff? Everything's $5 or less with a few exceptions. It's an addictive store tbh, lol. On my side I've never heard of Above Underground! When it comes to art supplies I've mostly gone to Michael's.

I didn't know Krita was free! I'll definitely have to check it out!

Yeah the science books are hardcover books; on my original childhood copies the spines were starting to fall apart from so much use. Ooh, yeah, maybe Boxcar Children is more a western thing. And omg I can't stand Gone with the Wind, I've tried to watch the movie but it's awful. "But it's a classic!" I could not care less, it's terrible. XD

I had tons of LEGO; I got a huge bin of them as a hand-me-down and then had my own sets added over the years as well. I loved those things and even though I still actively played with them into my college years, my mom made me give them to my little brothers. I haven't had any except a mini jack-o-lantern set since. I miss having a ton of them to work with! My Barbie collection was pretty big, too; if I recall correctly I had eleven Barbie dolls, including a Ken with real hair! I also had a bunch of similar-scale Disney Dolls but I mostly kept those separate.

Nancy Drew has been around a long time, since 1930! There have been several films and a few tv series, too. I never got super into her books but I appreciate her impact on the mystery genre. :)


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/25 15:01:31 )

@cooperationiskey: Ah that sounds like Dollarama but a dollar cheaper x'D And I can relate, dollar stores has been in my life since I was a wee little kid, they just have more affordable snacks there~ There's actually Michael's nearby me and I never shop there before or in Michael's in general... At first I thought it was a restaurant which my brother kept teasing me because the one is nearby is very large TwT

Yep is free so knock yourself out. Glad I'm not the only one who can't stand it because believe me, the book is a little harder to digest, Scarlett just gets in my nerves but I admire her fighting spirit and honestly, I think she's born on a wrong era. I picture her to be the boss type CEO Karen around this modern times. But I did see some of the few clips on youtube but never got around to watch it. Yeah that makes sense some of my past hardcovers were like that, my mother resorted using tape to keep them intact lol.

Ooh yes! Mine came with the box as well and the blocks were a lot bigger back then from what I remembered compare to the recent ones I see online. But I lost interested on it as I got older, I wasn't a huge fan I guess. I always have Barbie dolls every Christmas so I barely remember how much I owned in the past but I do lose interest of it quickly. My animals plushies made a more lasting toy for me :3

Ah that makes sense, I saw so many different versions of Nancy Drew books online. I knew it was old but not that old, damn...


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/06/26 01:37:25 )

Yeah, I'm glad to have new friends that I can trust when it comes to roleplay. I missed it. :)

I'm obsessed with rainbows, lol. Sourcing a new set that is exactly what I want will be challenging I'm sure, but it's worth a shot!

Michael's is a pretty great crafts store, you might want to check it out sometime. :)

Lol, I'm that way with a lot of 'classics' though; I can't stand Pride and Prejudice, for example, either. And I think my books were taped in places, too! XD

Maybe you're thinking of DUPLO, which is the bigger-scale version of LEGO made for smaller kids?

You know I'm missing a Barbie set I had as a kid that I honestly kind of want to replace; there was an "Ice Cream Shoppe" that doubled as an actual hand-crank ice cream maker! It was pretty brilliant, really. I also would love to have the rollerblade Barbie I had again. She had skates that sparked when they were run across a surface!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/07/2 16:38:39 )

@cooperationiskey: Yeah I plan to check it out someday. I think Gone with the Wind is the only classic I don't really like, but then again I don't read a lot of classics... The only one I read besides that is The Secret Garden and I really love that book! If that counts as a classic...

Ohh yesss! But it still counts as Lego apparently according to google images. I remember that bunny logo very well :3

Awe, besides my normal pile of barbies before, I had the mermaid one back in 2005? It was also my last Barbie since but the fin kept falling off which annoyed me to no end but is still one of my favourite Barbies regardless <3 But the toy I really wanted as a kid but never had it was the Polly Pocket series, I was so fascinated on the theme and the fact you can change her clothes into different set of clothes but sadly I only had Polly from some thrift store x'D

Sorry for the late reply, I was kind of busy >3<;

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Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/07/4 06:04:17 )

Oh The Secret Garden was amazing; I adored that book as a kid. Also The Little Princess, apparently by the same author, was a good one. Both were very magical.

As for classics aimed at adults, the only one that ever really pulled me in was Phantom of the Opera, which I read in high school and really loved.

Yeah, Duplo are made by the same company and if I recall correctly they even are somewhat compatible with actual LEGO. I had both as a kid but at some point the Duplo 'magically' disappeared (I suspect my mom decided I'd grown out of them lol).

I remember I didn't have a mermaid barbie but I had a bathtime barbie that had these craft foam skirt and accessories, and came with sprayable soap bath foam stuff that you could 'dress' her in, and then wash it off. That was really cool.

I loved Polly Pocket!! I never had the later ones with the outfits though; I had the earlier version that came in little compacts that each contained its own little playset and super tiny dolls. I never really understood why the reimagined her so much bigger later but I'm sure those ones were well-loved as well. :)

And no worries; took me forever to respond myself! ^^;

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