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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/30 05:06:24 )
It's been forever since I did any type of skincare like face masks, eye masks, scrubs, etc. It's just so refreshing and it's really a good way to do self care.
Right now I'm doing a face mask. It's a fusion sheet mask (caffe and mocha). I really missed doing them. I think I'm also going to do a lip mask tonight as well.
Usually, I've just been using my cleanser everyday and that's it but my face has been so dry and flaky lately that I think I need to incorporate it and start a routine again.

What's your skincare routine and/or any tips to share for dry skin or just in general for skincare?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/30 19:57:15 )
I wear makeup from time to time but I try and take it off once I'm done. I know that not taking your makeup off can lead to getting acne and all that.
Although the last time I wore makeup I left it on overnight by accident XD.
I don't think my cleanser has salicylic acid in it but idk why its been drying my skin out.
The mask I did last night really helped but I still feel tiny bumps but that could be the texture of my skin lol.

I really need to buy some sunscreen.
I'm black so half the time I'm like nah I don't need sunscreen I have all the protection I need but I do need it XD

I use this cleanser by cremeshop. I do like their products a bunch but the previous cleanser that I was using they took it off the site for some reason. I tried their jelly mylk cleanser and I think because it was in gel form it dried my skin out a bunch. I've noticed that foam/cream cleansers work the best for me personally. I'll have to check if it has salicylic acid in it because that could have been the reason why my skin was dry.

I also will use a face oil and then a hydrating mist (also got these at cremeshop but I also bought some facial mists by E.L.F). I'll sometimes use a moisturizer but I really haven't found a good one that I like. From time to time, I will use an overnight gel mask from cremeshop and do a face mask.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/1 00:12:29 )
Yeah, I'ma find a sunscreen soon.
I just hardly go outside anyways so I'ma barely use it but it's good to have.

I use the cleanser 1-2x a day. Once in the morning and at night.
I've actually never used a cleansing water before but I want to try it out.
I actually ran out of facial oil. The oil was for my fiancee but they hardly used the damn skincare I bought them lol.
I need to do another cremeshop order soon though.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/1 00:28:18 )
This is the facial oil that I was using.

I should find one and try it out. I mostly use cruelty free brands so as much as I want to try that garnier one, I'ma have to find something different.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/1 03:19:47 )
Yeah that bottle is super pretty. I might try and reuse it for something.
And I agree. I'm glad more brands are starting to go cruelty free honestly.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/1 05:29:59 )
I didn't know that either.
I feel like I have combo skin. My face is dry but my eyelids also get oily. it's kind of weird lol.

I usually use a hand cream especially if I'm washing my hands a lot. I've been using Bath and Body Works body cream for lotion lately for my hands and body. It's pretty good and smells super yummy.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/1 09:57:43 )
It could be.
Never thought of it that way.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/1 21:18:46 )
Seriously though. I'm not an expert at skincare but I do feel like most of these brands can be cruelty free. I would assume it's not that hard though.
I feel like Target at least makes an effort to carry more cruelty free brands which is great.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/2 02:53:04 )
I'd see how your skin is after quitting the job honestly.
My last job I didn't have skin issues but I was getting sick and throwing up almost every day before work and not doing it when I had days off. It could be stress.

I used to use St Ives face scrub but then I realized its a scrub and it was slicing up my face with those micro tears. It was the apricot scrub im pretty sure.
I wish I knew more about skincare to recommend some products. I usually use the cremeshop products for my skin and it hasn't done me super wrong yet.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/3 01:08:32 )

I wish I knew more about skincare, tbh. I'm so insecure about my skin because aside from some hyperpigmentation here-and-there, I have a lot of acne scars. I mostly break out on the right side of my face and sometimes on my forehead, so there's scars throughout those areas.

About 3 years ago I cut out dairy and sugar from my diet to see if my skin would clear up, and after a month or two my skin cleared up a lot. Fast forward to now, I've been breaking out randomly either due to stress or my birth control. I'm so insecure about my face, I hate to take pictures of myself or always use filters if I do. :c

As far as my routine goes, I've been using a lemon and apricot exfoliating scrub, Walmart brand CerVe face wash, some type of toner, and Ambi fade cream for my acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Sometimes I'll use a clay mask or a gel mask when I have enough time for a "spa day."

I should go back on my no dairy/ no sugar diet at some point and try to stick to it for a while. I wonder if cutting those out while being on birth control will actually help my face?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/3 16:15:48 )
I feel like the St Ives scrub worked for a bit for me and then just stopped.
I have a scrub from Colourpop that I'll use maybe 1-2 a week just so I can exfoliate my skin.

Have you tried getting like a set just made for combo skin?
I know some brands have bundles that are specfically made for types of skin?
Also ELF has some affordable products for skincare. I've tried some of them and they're pretty good.
Here you go

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/4 14:26:30 )
I feel you on that.
Idk where you are in the world but ELF is in most countries im pretty sure.
Skincare is so expensive though. I'm glad there are brands out there making it affordable. Honestly sometimes the cheaper products are way better than the expensive/luxury ones.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/4 16:45:24 )

@Totalanimefan: Sunscreen prevents it from happening altogether or from getting darker? :o My hyperpigmentation is hereditary (although it's not as dark as my mom's). And I personally like to wash my face after exfoliating because my face doesn't feel clean after exfoliating alone. I exfoliate (some days), wash, then moisturize.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/4 17:08:43 )
I used to struggle with eczema but eating whole food plant-based cleared my skin up. No need for creams, etc. anymore.

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/4 17:46:32 )

@Totalanimefan: I just bought this exfoliator about a week or two ago, and it's supposed to help with hyperpigmentation and other discolorations. I'm gonna see what my results are after finishing it, and if I see no change then I might try something else.

And I didn't mean to say my face doesn't feel clean afterward. Bad wording. ^^; My face feels clean afterward, but I don't feel like exfoliating is enough so I follow up with a quick wash. That's just me being anal.


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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/22 03:02:20 )
@Totalanimefan: When I first went vegan, I didn't pay much attention to what I ate. I simply swapped out animal products with substitutes and noticed my skin began clearing up right away. Later when I watched What the Health and some of Michael Greger's videos, I cut out oil and processed food, and my eczema went away completely.

I often eat nuts and seeds, which are very fatty, but I notice no ill effects. I know one study that found people experienced inflammation eating butter versus walnuts, and I can believe it. I think fat from unprocessed plants works much differently in the body.
Go Vegan Discord

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 00:10:20 )
Drinking water has definitely helped my skin a bunch too.
I usually try and drink 80 fl oz of water a day. My water app tells me I have to drink 108 fl oz a day but I still can't reach that lol.
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Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 00:21:45 )

Has anyone tried the brand 'The Ordinary' ?
I absolutely love their stuff, their serums and tinctures are really concentrated,
so you're just getting the stuff you need, no water or fragrance or anything.
And because of that, you only need to use a little bit, so it lasts forever.
Great price point too, since they don't really focus on packaging or marketing.

They are reformulating their salicylic acid serum though,
so it's been unavailable for over a year.
Such a bummer cuz that stuff was my go-to for my acne.
I have really dry and really thick skin, so it actually helps a lot.

I use only use two of their products now, not including the salicylic acid,
and it just makes for the perfect skincare routine for my face.

I do need some good SPF moisturizer recommendations, if anybody has some suggestions.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/28 18:23:42 )

@totalanimefan: always SPF, that's the mantra!
I layer my SPF products too: sunscreen, moisturizer, even my foundation has a little SPF, and an SPF setting spray.
But for some reason I'm having trouble finding a really good product for a daily moisturizer with SPF that's non-greasy.
I've always like the Hawaiian tropics one, but kind of pricey. I just really like the finish on that one.
I'll definitely try CeraVe, I usually go for Cetaphil but I'll give it a go.


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