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Donator — he/him/his Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 02:50:22 )

> hello all! long time no see i certainly hope everyone is keeping well!!

> in the time between since i was last active, i've completed my first year of university, majoring in religious and archaeological studies. to get a conversation going, let's talk about what you're studying - in school, out of school, officially or not, what's been something you're trying to learn, or are interested in learning?

> hope life is treating all well


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 03:04:59 )

I've wanted to learn German for years. I have a little tiny bit of a basis for it; my mom was studying it when I was super young and I picked up words here and there. Also my grandpa was the son of German immigrants so I'd love to learn it for that reason as well. I've thought about getting one of those language apps like Babbel or something.

Please ping me!

Donator — he/him/his Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 03:37:09 )

> @CooperationIsKey: i've felt the same way about Mandarin - albeit, nobody in my family speaks it or knows much about it, but i've wanted to learn the language since i was very young, and now that i'm in university, i actually have the opportunity to, which is so exciting!

> one app i've downloaded is HelloTalk; it actually allows you to do a "language exchange" with people who speak the language you want to learn who also want to learn the language you speak. it's incredibly helpful and allows you to make friends across language barriers. it's truly been an amazing experience for me!


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 03:47:07 )
Low, keep your head, keep your head low...
.......................................Oh, you gotta keep your head low...


I graduated about three years ago with a BA in anthropology! I also got to take some of the best classes

Life and death in ancient Egypt
Archaeology of Caribbean piracy
Anthropology of the undead (vampires witches and zombies)
Plus like 8 Native American classes because the teacher was super interesting

...If you wanna keep your head

Donator — he/him/his Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 04:06:42 )

> @Spider: no way!!! that's amazing! anthropology is my most favourite things, and i'm so looking forward to making it my life's work!

> one nice thing about living in Canada is we have a very large amount of classes on indigenous issues, rights, cultures and languages - without getting too political, i do wish those sorts of classes were offered in elementary and secondary school, but i am grateful to have them now!

> the anthropology of the undead sounds incredibly fascinating. we have classes under the religious school that study mysticism and magic, witchcraft, and the supernatural at my uni, as well as courses that go even further in depth into the religions i'd like to study, and i'm just so engrossed and in love with it; i definitely feel like i am one of those people who will be a perpetual student!

> sorry, this dragged on a bit! i get so enthused and excited aha!


tyson pixel by alexis! RIP tyson

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 04:49:13 )
Low, keep your head, keep your head low...
.......................................Oh, you gotta keep your head low...


What made me switch my major to anthropology was a world religions class I took at my community college! Dr. Bob was an Amazing well rounded man with a lot of world experience. He wrote the text book himself and it was only $15 to buy as it was sold at cost to student. We went over 40 religions across the world both current and dead!

We even talked about like shinto, Wicca, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the church of the flying unicorn.

My anthropology of the undead went over like the history of zombies and voodoo and the cultural phenomenon that vampires have played on the world (even like chi vampires and these tiger vampires I cannot remember the name of)

Also watching Shawn of the dead was an assignment which was a+

I enjoyed the ancient Egyptian class a lot mostly because once upon a time I just wanted to be an Egyptologist.

But I did kinda end up apply my anthropology degree to work since I focused on the cultural aspects I actually work in the international HR department for the company I work for! We focus mainly on our shared partners in China and Japan but it still counts :D

...If you wanna keep your head
Mr. Spider wants M̷̖̥͓̋͆́̚o̶̟͛̅r̴̨͍͔̦̰͙̈́e̵̝͑̆͐

Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 05:16:50 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Ok so schools in Belgium are a lil difrent wich ill explain. in the spoiler
Highschool has 5 options
1 ASO: in short for the smart ppl who like to study. Can then easely go to university ect. Most ppl become lawyers, docters ect
2 TSO: less study but still easy to acces university. Most ppl become engineers
3 BSO: it focuses on a job so when you finish you can start a job in the field you choose. way less study, but hard to acces university bc ppl simply dont know how to study the "right way". Ppl become bakers, nurses, most jobs that include physical stuff.
4 KSO: Almost same as ASO but for arts (drawing, music, theatre ect)
5 BUSO: For people with a disability that would inpact them to get a job. It more so focuses on getting those people ready for a job.

So at the age of 14 i had to choose, My first dreamjob was to be a dog groomer but id have to go to a farming school wich i dint want (BSO). However all my teachers recomended me to go to the arts school (KSO), but id have to repeat my year on an ASO school to then be able to join KSO. I had undiognosed ADHD and Authism back then and i simply couldnt be botherd to study that much lol.
So my next best option was graphic design... Something i totally didnt wanna become but oh wel... 5 years later i got a degree as a graphic designer and it burned me out of art so bad...

Im not saying i didnt learn stuff, but having to study something for 5 years that dosnt intrest you isnt fun... SO i become best of the class to worst bc i became depressed. Having teachers constantly critic your work and not even liking the work you make... yea just not fun.

Now to the stuff i learned:

Photography! Both manual and digital, and i loved the manual one. Just developing pictures in a dark room with 10 other teenagers is a whole expierence lol.

Traditional drawing, like perspective, figure drawing, shadows ect. I eventually became the favorite student of a few teachers and i barely did anything. I know i leanred alot of it as it improved my own art, but i honestly couldnt tell you in what way. Its more so tricks like "your eyes are an eyeball apart" and "most humans are about 7 heads tall".

Then ofc graphic design like color theory and color history, about fonts and how comic sans and pypyrus are most hated ect.

I had an ethics class (in belgium its mandatory to get 2h religion class of the religion of your choice and as im not exactly religious i choose ethics). It was honestly the most fun, we where encouraged to argue and tell our teacher hes wrong. I leanred alot about other religions, humanity and about myself.

I msut have more but i dont remember them rn lol.

Now on topics that i self researched.
So im authistic, i have my special intrests, if im intrested in something i try to search as much on that topic as i can. + Im known for my random facts with friends and family lol.

My biggest one has to be bjd. I did a whole project around them for school, the history, the impact, how they are made ect. Ive been in the hobby for almost 6 years now and i still feel like im learning now things often.

Reminds me of another project i did... about furrys... and i brought my own made fursuit head to school... what a day that was...

Anyway, curently something that highly intrests me are tattoos. As id still like to do something creative but not be stuck at home i thought about becoming a tattoo artist. In general i quite like body mods, i got a few piercings and plan to get more + i hope after i get my desktop pc i can save up for a tattoo.

If i know more ill edit this post lol

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

♦ Gob | 23 | Taurus | Belgium ♦
Insta | Toyhouse | Gallery | Carrd

♦ My Art Shop ♦

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 08:53:32 )
I’m going to repeat my cooking course and also doing a barista course soon. Next year I will do a baking course. :3

Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/7 17:50:37 )

I’ve been studying Japanese for about 3 years, and have been studying Korean off an on for a few months although I need to get more discipline with my Korean studies.

School-wise, I already have a degree in animation, but for the past 2 years I’ve been trying to go back to school to study dental hygiene. I’ve already been rejected from one school 2 years in a row, and I’m currently waitlisted at another school, so I’m hoping literally begging for the best. I’ve been waitlisted since April and haven’t heard anything back yet. I check my application status often and I even contacted admissions last month, only to be told that they’re still figuring things out. The semester starts next month, so at this point I can only assume I won’t be getting accepted again. :/ I don’t want to come to terms with that thought just yet because I still have a little glimmer of hope, but the thought of being rejected a third time really bums me out.

In the meantime, I went to a dental assisting school back in October-November and have a certificate from there.


Check out my shop! Currently selling Winter '21 Plasma Orb Items and more.

Donator — #Roy4Mayor Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/8 01:51:34 )
@ukurtlele: Now I'm really curious what school you're going to, as the college I went to had a "religion, magic & witchcraft" anthropology course!
I took a whole mess of stuff when I was at college. Marketing, anthropology, astronomy, geology, atmospheric science, organizational behaviour/change management, and then a whole bunch of IT stuff for my actual diploma xD


Currently dressed for Halloween

Donator — UWU/ Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/8 03:44:09 )

I finish uni but I have interest with language studies (that or mixed with linguistics/humanities studies).. I have particular interest in Japanese, Mandarin, and Romanian. Japanese is due to my interest in anime xD

Atm, working in office, they gave me more work to do hence some weeks I am effing busy OTL. (my work end is every near the end phase deadline so... uwu) RIP Kairu.
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/9 02:55:09 )
I'm out of school now and have my degree in Elementary Education.... So, I guess I'm never actually out of school?

Right now, I'm trying to figure out what my interests are outside of the classroom. I love being a teacher. I love my job, but I realized that it was my entire identity and I'm not sure if that's healthy. I need to find outlets for myself that are not wrapped up in education.
I've been working on baking because I seem to have a talent for it and I enjoy it. I'd like to dabble in some watercolor. I don't know.
I'm still figuring out who I am outside of the roles I currently play- wife, mother, teacher.

Someday, I'd be interested in pursuing my masters in Instructional Technology. I'd like to become a Digital Learning Specialist and teach teachers how to use their tech.
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Donator — They/She Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/9 09:28:17 )
I have a degree is cross-categorical special education and currently work as a high school special education teacher~ I really want to go back to school to get a school counseling degree one day. Also super want to get certified in American sign language!!!

On top of that I'm just learning more about myself. I've had a lot of big change... big being an understatement... in the lay 1.5 years, but im only 25 so I've got time to learn and develop who I am as a human being~

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/9 09:58:23 )
I'm sort of studying Spanish at the moment on Duolingo. I don't think it's the best app out there but I guess it's helping.
I took 6-7 years of Spanish in middle/high school so I can understand a little bit but its super rusty. I'm better at reading it than speaking.

I'm also thinking of taking a few classes just to see if there's anything I'm interested in.
I have a degree in journalism but around my junior year I was pretty much over it and just wanted to graduate and get out of there.
I would like to learn coding though. I just need to find something that works for me as far as studying.
Feel free to ping me!
Also, you can call me Seni!

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/9 12:29:32 )
I finally decided to bite the bullet and start a BA last year. I'm doing it online, and I don't really have any plans on transitioning to in-person study. It's a big step -- for me, at least -- since I've struggled a lot with mental health and failure.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/9 12:51:19 )
ukurtlele: app i've downloaded is HelloTalk; it actually allows you to do a "language exchange" with people who speak the language you want to learn who also want to learn the language you speak...

This is something I'm going to have to look in to, since I'm trying to learn another language or two - it's the first time I've heard of this app, and I've been wondering if something like this was out there since it's pretty much what I need right now, so thank you for that! :3

Hello by the way XD

Some of you have some very interesting learning things going on! <3

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/9 19:03:42 )
Moody Says. . .


i study art like illustration and paintings [not in school], and now picking up sewing as i suddenly now want to make clothes and or plushies.

tho will not be able to actively try anything out for a while since some things i would need are out of budget.

so I've just been sewing plushies that need fixing.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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