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Forums Entertainment Loki, Black Widow, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/23 18:19:25 )

Is everyone keeping up with the MCU lately? I haven't been watching everything as it comes out, but I just finished Loki, and just saw Black Widow in theaters. Honestly... I'd have to say it's by far my favorite Marvel film they've done. It was really well done, and I thought they perfectly executed the action genre without that pesky male gaze that usually accompanies it. Also, Florence Pugh's performance was so brilliant and I can't wait to see more of her in the MCU, and just acting in general.

I did enjoy Falcon and Winter Soldier but I think I liked Loki way better, maybe just for the entertainment factor. F&WS was still good. I am obsessed with Mobius... can't tell if it's because I like the character or because I love Owen Wilson and that fabulous hair cut... "wow.." Probably a bit of both, almost every character Owen Wilson plays just seems to be him playing himself anyways, lol.

Lastly, I don't want to spoil anything for others, so *semi spoiler alert* but what is up with Valentina?? I don't know much about the MCU aside from the movies, so every time they introduce a new character I'm like ???!!!

I kinda rambled on a ton, but I could literally talk about this stuff forever lol


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/23 19:00:59 )

I haven't seen Black Widow (yet), but I am very obsessed with the shows.
I waited for each one to be completely on Disney+ and then binged em one at a time.
WandaVision was so good, and so sad, and I have a lot of feelings about it.
The Falcon & the Winter Solider was really good, too. I'm partially biased though because I probably wouldn't care what it was so long as Bucky Barnes was there, being the love of my life. lol
(I am also confused by Val. Like... wat dis bitch gon' do? I'm scared.)
And Loki was wild, but so funny at times. The uh 'lunch scene' we'll vaguely call it had me DYING of laughter. Also, all hail Alligator Loki, the best Loki there is.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/23 19:09:43 )

@anarchist beauty:
I did that too! Well, I tried. I waited for about half the season for each show, and then for the rest of the season I watched as they came out.

I didn't even mention Wanda Vision, since it's almost been 6 months since I watched it (what even is time) but damn, that one was like a punch to the gut. In a good way >:)

Also, so true about Bucky. Why is that also the only reason I watched it. Also... the cute little friendship that Bucky and Sam are developing... cause of both of their love for Steve... wtf so cute. All my enemies to lovers slowburn fantasies are coming true right there on Disney+.

Love Alligator Loki. Did you catch little frog Thor? He was like, stuck in a jar in the dirt in like a 3 second scene. Made me chuckle. Marvel is so clever, they really tie everything together with a nice big fat bow.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/23 20:10:20 )

@icedchai: I generally don't have the patience or memory to keep up a week to week watching schedule. lol
I have to do it all in one go, especially with these specific show being so damn short.

The best punch in the face, because oh my god.
Our baby has POWER. lol
And I like it because it showed to process of grief, shows how much it can fuck you up.
Which is nice.
And Agatha! I love her.
I hope we see her in more stuff, it's what she deserves.

Yes, the Sam/Bucky bonding is /chefs kiss
And Bucky being healed and learning to love and grow and forgive himself...
Oh my sweet baby, I cry.
He forever owns my heart. <3



Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/23 20:24:16 )

@anarchist beauty:
Looooved Wanda Vision for showing the depth of human emotion, especially grief.
And it helped ME realize that you don't have to be perfect to be likeable. You can be angry and sad and make a ton of mistakes and still be worthy of love and support. And also that women in cinema don't have to be perfect characters either. They're entitled to be villains, bad people, and STILL be the dopest character. I always think of like... Darth Vader. He's a good example of how male characters can be flawed but still have a huge fan base. I feel like if the female character isn't beautiful, smart, cool, not annoying, then they get absolutely ripped to shreds. Same goes for Agatha too! Hated her for obvious reasons, messing with my girl's kids, but the way her character is written/played is SICK and i LOVE HER.

This has now become a Wanda Maximoff fanpage thread lol

And yes, this is frog thor


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/23 20:47:01 )

@icedchai: Yeah, we need to start letting more women just be women in media.
Like I want the villain ladies and I want the complex ladies and every kind of lady there is.
Give me all the women! lol

The first meeting of the Wanda Maximoff Fan Club is in order.
/bangs gavel

Omg, I love it. xD
Can't believe I missed that.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 00:07:08 )
@anarchist beauty:
Word. Maleficent is another good one about a bad bitch just bein her bad bitch self.
You gotta watch Black Widow too! The "premium access" on Disney+ is such a rip tho, I just went to the theater.

All Hail the Red Witch ~

It's great, right. I think some people are calling him Throg.
He is an actual character with a real name from the comics I think, but like... c'mon...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 00:44:34 )

@icedchai: MALEFICENT
My QUEEN, my love...
I absolutely love both of those movies so, so much.
They made my heart so happy.

And for sure, I'll never pay for the extra BS on D+ lol
I'll just wait until it's free to watch on there instead.
Disney lucky I'm even paying for their service, they ain't getting anymore out of me.

Throg and even though I think it's actually an Alligator I've seen people call him Croki. lol
Croki and Throg, I love it all.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 00:55:05 )

@anarchist beauty:
I freaking loved Maleficent, and goddess Angie absolutely bodied that role T^T <333
The wiiiiinnnngggsssss <3333

LOL fr fr like when Raya and the Last Dragon came out I was like, sure I'll watch
but like $30+ for a god dang animated movie... cya

CROKI omfg what a legend. He has now become a strong contender for 2021 Halloween.
Can you imagine, lmfao.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 01:05:44 )

@icedchai: I've been in love with Angelino Jolie for, like, my whole life and she completely encompassed that role.
Like, I honestly don't think I could see any other actress do as well with it.

Yeah, that $30 shit is wild.
Not happening here, friend.
Not with this broke hoe.

I'm gonna love all the Loki Variant costumes.
I'm kind of tempted to do President Loki myself.
And also dress up as him for Halloween.
I got jokes.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 03:10:32 )

@anarchist beauty: LOL
President Loki is *chef's kiss* but there's also something about
OG Loki when he was drunk on the train singing that Asgardian song...

@ava: RIGHT?? I got the chills beginning middle and end.
Honestly, it's been a while for me since I've seen a movie where I couldn't predict what was gonna happen.
The plot twists were good enough for me to not see it coming, but not too dramatic where I was rolling my eyes.

Well at least you'll be able to binge them all at once! It was painful waiting a whole week for just one 30 min episode T^T


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 03:41:54 )

@icedchai: We love and cherish all Loki Variants in this household.
We keep all sharp objects from Mini Mr Murder Teen Loki over there though.
That kids' not allowed to hold anything sharper than a crayon.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 03:47:33 )

@anarchist beauty: That's for certain.. LOL >u<
All that's missing of the variants is a black cat Loki... I know he's out there somewhere.
He's probably good at evading the TVA, it's like, impossible to catch a cat.
Especially a Loki cat. You ain't never gonna prune that mf.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 03:50:05 )

@icedchai: LMFAO
Black Cat Loki, yes.
I approve of this variant.

But like, speaking of Loki variants...
I love the bullshit.
Disney confirms with his TVA sheet that Loki is in fact genderfluid....
But Sylvie is the ONLY female presenting Loki? Ever?
My ass.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 03:57:26 )

@anarchist beauty: I THOUGHT THAT TOO.
I guess in the comics Sylvie was just a regular human, and Loki gave her powers just to mess with her so she thought she was all special
and then he was like PSYCH you're not the chosen one I just picked a random person to give powers to cuz I have a god complex.
Which, I'm glad they don't follow the comics too strict cause it gave us the only (confirmed) female variant.

I also just love the fact that the only person Loki is capable of loving is... Loki.
BUT-- of all the handsome Loki's (and he's bi, so he could've picked anyone) he falls in love with the female presenting version.
Marvel's making great progress but can't expect them to go all out all at once lmao.
If we're patient, I'm sure we'll get a Gay Avenger eventually.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 04:02:32 )

@icedchai: Loki falling in love with a Loki is the most Loki thing ever.
Like, I wasn't prepared for any romance and finding out that it's just... More Loki...
It's like is this self-cest? Is it masturbation?
What is going on here Disney?
Sylvie is amazing, I give on that, but idk just seemed like a really odd way to take 'Loki learns to love himself". lmao


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 04:07:28 )
@anarchist beauty: My friend called me immediately after she watched THAT episode and she asked me the same thing.
We still had one or two episodes left to come out, so with confidence I said
"nah, they won't kiss"
and lo and behold.....


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 04:11:10 )

@icedchai: Yeah, I had those kind of hopes for ten seconds too.
I was like "they won't... Oh of course they did".

The real thing we need to focus on though...
Is getting Mobius his damn jet-ski.
He deserves it.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 04:17:07 )

@anarchist beauty: I am living for all the memes online about that.
Can't wait to see that shit-eating mustached grin riding that jet-ski into the sunset.. ahh...

Ravonna just don't wanna see him winning smh.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 05:35:59 )

@icedchai: He deserves the jet-ski just for having to deal with Loki in episode 2. XD
Loki, god of being a little shit.


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