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Forums Entertainment Loki, Black Widow, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 06:42:55 )

@anarchist beauty: You can say that again lmao.

But fr, I'm really glad Tom Hiddleson agreed to do the show.
He could've easily passed and I would've understood, he's a big actor now.
And I am seriously stoked for season 2. Disney understood the assignment.

Mandolorian was really good too. And we're getting so many new Star Wars and Marvel content in the upcoming year.
I am so here for it.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 07:02:51 )

@icedchai: If Tom Hiddleston had not agreed to have continued the role there would have been two options.
1. Quit because it's going to flop with out Tom or 2. Go forward with Not Tom and have it flop because Not Tom is not Tom.
Tom Hiddleston IS Loki.
RIP to the Variants, but we all know the truth. lol

I haven't gotten into Star Wars stuff yet.
I've been meaning to, but there's so much...


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 07:37:08 )

@anarchist beauty: I wouldn't have watched it, that's for sure. Tom Hiddleson as Loki or death.

The amount of content is like.. I dunno... endless. Cause of the extended universe that is slowly becoming canon.
And Star Wars fans are notorious for being the absolute most garbage fanbase of all time.
My boyfriend is trying to get me into Star Trek now, the original series is on Netflix and ho boy..
It makes me laugh so hard because it's so old and outdated. Truly, a national treasure.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/24 08:29:59 )

@icedchai: I agree.
Plus, I'm a very constant person.
Things have to stay the same or I can't deal with life.
Like... Ruby Rose left after season one of Batwoman (understandably, she literally could have died) but it's still leaving me like...
Do I wanna watch it now tho?
I hate being me sometimes, it's difficult.

Oh, I don't fuck with fandoms.
I ain't about that drama, I ain't about that toxicity, I just... Want to like things and talk about those things with non-asshole people.
Like this whole thread.
We chillin' and that's chill.
But sometimes fans want to do nothing but analyze every second of screen time, every line of dialogue, blah blah.
Or the others who don't want to get into any of the issues of anything they like.
I like things, but I'm also not a afraid to criticize the things I like.
I think being critical of stuff is sometimes a very important and very necessary step.
Sure sometimes you can be like 'nah, let's chill on it' and save the critical thinking for later but if you completely avoid the critical thinking part... Das bad.


Donator — buckaroo Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/26 18:13:21 )

@anarchist beauty: Exactly. I feel the fucking same way.
*cough cough* like JK Rowling
I can still love Harry Potter, but not without condemning the harmful beliefs of its creator.

And I'm still just so bitter about Star Wars fans bullying their actors...
Young Ani, Ahmed Best, Hayden Christensen, Daisy Ridley, and my lovely lovely Rose Tico...
If you have beef with how they portrayed the characters... I dunno take that up with the directors and writers.
I am getting myself worked up damn, deep breaths lol...

I do have to remind myself that hey, I love these things
and the things I love shouldn't have to cause me so much grief.
Just gotta remember why I started loving it in the first place.
And every once in a while you run into someone and you can just gush over something together like you're in sync.
Thaaaaat.... is what makes it all worth it ^^


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/07/26 19:42:46 )

@icedchai: Aaaaahhhhhh that bitch.
But she's a good example!
I love Harry Potter with my whole soul, but I would kill JKR for the fun of it at this point.
It's such a shame that the saddest death in Harry Potter, is our collective respect for her.
Cos I have absolutely none left, and even that kind of started even before all her transphobic BS came pouring out.

Bro, I can not stand how the actors have been treated!
Especially the new kids.
Dude. John Boyega is, like, beyond DONE with Star Wars shit.
I follow him on insta - bc I love him - and he's just... Over it.
And I respect him for laying out his boundaries like that.
Plus all the blatant racism directed at John and Kelly, or the fans acting like killing Finn/Poe was their idea.
Like look, we've all seen the interviews. We all know John Boyega and Oscar Isaac were serious Finn/Poe shippers.
It's def not their fault the writers fucked that up.

But yeah, sometimes you gotta step back from all the garbage and just... Reconnect with what you love.
Like... I KNOW Twilight is ass, alright? But I love it with my whole heart.
It's my comfort series and whenever I'm feeling down, I'll grab Twilight and get to reading.
I know there's a lot of issues with it, and I address those issues a lot.
I also wish I could afford to do things like donate to the actual Quileute tribe, but that's a problem for when I'm not poor. XD
But still sometimes - for your own health - you gotta just step back, turn off all the criticisms and crap and just enjoy something.
And I absolutely do not fuck with people who try to prevent me from just enjoying things.
I'll use my brain about it later, Karen, for now I'm reading about sparkly vampires.
No thoughts, just vibes.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/14 21:10:25 )

    good god i went on a mcu rewatch binge the last few weeks and just kept rewatching loki sylvie pls kick my entire ass thank you


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/14 22:42:42 )

I tried to rewatch The Falcon and the Winter Soldier...
I made it 90% through the first episode but ten seconds before John Walker was about to show his stupid head I quit.
I physically can not make myself watch him again.
I wish him a very pleasant die. <3

I might rewatch Loki though.
Because Loki and Sylvie OWN my ass.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/16 03:53:51 )

    im the clown that rewatched loki again today 🤡 help


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/16 04:04:08 )

@pachi: We can clown it up together babe, cos I was thinking about an instant rewatch of Loki myself.
Since trying to rewatch The Falcon and the Winter Soldier failed. lol


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/16 19:37:19 )

    @Anarchist Beauty: lmfaoooo

    i havent tried rewatching TFTWS yet


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/16 22:35:25 )

@pachi: If I see John Walker again, I'll explode.
Like I got to the end of episode one.
I quit before his face showed bc I CAN NOT.


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/17 14:50:09 )

    @Anarchist Beauty: LMFAOOOO thats the actor doing a great job then

    i just saw earlier how his actor got harassed for that role like



Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/18 00:20:40 )

@pachi: Ugh, couldn't be me.
I despise John Walker but I have absolutely NOTHING against Wyatt Russell.
He did a FABULOUS job.
10/10, outstanding, hate John Walker with my whole chest.
He is another Imelda Staunton/Umbridge.
Fabulous acting, but Frick y'all character. XD


Voltie — It or She Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/26 19:23:10 )
I have seem Black Widow and ALL the Loki eps. but they weren't as good as they use to be. I mean it wasn't bad just it was missing something

Donator — wrik Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/31 02:34:31 )

hi i've not seen a whole mcu movie start to finish except of the iron mans (and only because i was DRAGGED TO THE THEATER actually i had a crush on this boy and he went with his friends and jwegrkg)
but i watched loki for pachi and now i am


in a good way
sylki owns me

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/31 02:38:39 )

    hi wrik welcome to h e l


Donator — wrik Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/31 02:40:33 )

thanks i don't get the reference but i know it is one

the scenes just keep replaying in my head

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/31 02:41:54 )

    oh when loki
    is pruned and wakes up and he's like is this hel



Donator — wrik Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/31 02:48:48 )

man remember the train scene

and how i was like "why would that conversation exist if this wasn't intended to be a romantic relationship" and then

hi im wrik

closet buying

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