He just went for a dental cleaning and some bloodwork, but apparently this required him to be left there for over 6 hours. It's the first time, so it's making me kind of nervous. He did have some issues with bad breath, bleeding gums that seemed to appear and then clear up on its own, and he has some brown spots on some of his teeth, so I'm worried about what they'll find. The idea of putting him under anesthesia also makes me wary, but hopefully he'll be OK and we can get some answers about how to handle his dental care.
Going to pick him up in about 20 minutes, so wish him well.
His sister doesn't seem to have missed him at all; she's been more relaxed than usual, if anything. Guess he really is that annoying lol. She doesn't know it yet, but she's next.
...and yes I'm talking about my cats, not human children :^P
Going to pick him up in about 20 minutes, so wish him well.
His sister doesn't seem to have missed him at all; she's been more relaxed than usual, if anything. Guess he really is that annoying lol. She doesn't know it yet, but she's next.
...and yes I'm talking about my cats, not human children :^P