The event timeline has come to an end! We hope you all enjoyed the Community Garden.
What a great way to say goodbye to the warm season. Next up ~ spooky season!
Please take the next day to use the remainder of your seeds and purchase event items before assets are removed on September 22nd.

Hi Volties!
I’m so proud of the community garden that myself and other community members have put so much love and care into this season.
To celebrate the garden and our community we wanted to open the garden to you all! Throughout the next couple weeks you’ll have the opportunity to participate in some activities and earn some event items inspired by the garden.
Now let’s have some fun!

What is the event currency and how do I earn it?
Throughout the event you can earn seeds, which are used to buy special, limited-time event items.

Seeds can be earned by posting in the forums and playing our Jigsaw game.
Forum Rates
Event Forum: 6-8 seeds per post
General Forum: 3-5 seeds per post
Event Arcade Forum: 1-2 seeds per post
General Arcade Forum: 0-1 seeds per post
Undercurrent: 0 seeds per post
Posting in the event forum will earn you more event currency than posting in other forums.
Jigsaw Rates
Very Easy: 10 seeds
Easy: 20 seeds
Medium: 100 seeds
Hard: 150 seeds
Very Hard: 400seeds
Extreme: 800 seeds
Impossible: 1000 seeds
The daily cap for earning event currency from Jigsaw is 1000 seeds.

How do I obtain event items?
Event items can be purchased from the Joyful Jamboree shop by using seeds.
What are the available activities?

We need help tracking our garden's tools, produce, and critters! Well... specifically Vontell needs your help.

Help Luka, the apprentice of Cafe Cerise, to come up with a perfect item to be featured on the Garden to Table menu.

How long will the event run for?
The event officially launched on August 30th, and will run for approximately three weeks, ending on September 18th.
Goodie bags and bundles will be added to Joyful Jamboree on September 11th, and you will have one more week to earn and spend your event currency.
(Goodie bags contain one event item of your choice. Bundles contain a copy of every event item in the set.)
On September 19th , event forums will be closed and locked, event currency will be disabled, and event items will be removed from the shop.
I have a question/problem/feedback!
Feel free to post in this thread and ping a staff member with your issue/comment.
If more urgent, please directly message a staff member onsite, or use our discord.
What a great way to say goodbye to the warm season. Next up ~ spooky season!
Please take the next day to use the remainder of your seeds and purchase event items before assets are removed on September 22nd.

Hi Volties!
I’m so proud of the community garden that myself and other community members have put so much love and care into this season.
To celebrate the garden and our community we wanted to open the garden to you all! Throughout the next couple weeks you’ll have the opportunity to participate in some activities and earn some event items inspired by the garden.
Now let’s have some fun!

What is the event currency and how do I earn it?
Throughout the event you can earn seeds, which are used to buy special, limited-time event items.

Seeds can be earned by posting in the forums and playing our Jigsaw game.
Forum Rates
Event Forum: 6-8 seeds per post
General Forum: 3-5 seeds per post
Event Arcade Forum: 1-2 seeds per post
General Arcade Forum: 0-1 seeds per post
Undercurrent: 0 seeds per post
Posting in the event forum will earn you more event currency than posting in other forums.
Jigsaw Rates
Very Easy: 10 seeds
Easy: 20 seeds
Medium: 100 seeds
Hard: 150 seeds
Very Hard: 400seeds
Extreme: 800 seeds
Impossible: 1000 seeds
The daily cap for earning event currency from Jigsaw is 1000 seeds.

How do I obtain event items?
Event items can be purchased from the Joyful Jamboree shop by using seeds.
What are the available activities?

We need help tracking our garden's tools, produce, and critters! Well... specifically Vontell needs your help.

Help Luka, the apprentice of Cafe Cerise, to come up with a perfect item to be featured on the Garden to Table menu.

How long will the event run for?
The event officially launched on August 30th, and will run for approximately three weeks, ending on September 18th.
Goodie bags and bundles will be added to Joyful Jamboree on September 11th, and you will have one more week to earn and spend your event currency.
(Goodie bags contain one event item of your choice. Bundles contain a copy of every event item in the set.)
On September 19th , event forums will be closed and locked, event currency will be disabled, and event items will be removed from the shop.
I have a question/problem/feedback!
Feel free to post in this thread and ping a staff member with your issue/comment.
If more urgent, please directly message a staff member onsite, or use our discord.