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Forums General Chit-Chat Cleaning Day!

Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/26 15:20:10 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

I'm so tempted to just dive into projects as usual, BUUUTTT I've been neglecting the housework lately so I'm putting my own foot down. For myself. xD

If I can do some dusting, get all the trash / crumbs out of the bedroom, and clean the bathroom, I think I can allow myself to relax a little. c': And then it's back to the keyboard, cranking out some code!

  • Wash Dishes - done!
  • Kitchen Shelves - done!
  • Kitchen Floor - done!
  • Appliances - done!
  • Dust Living Room
  • Vacuum - 70%
  • Bedroom Shelves (trash) - done!
  • Bathroom Surfaces - done!
  • Bathroom Floor - done!

Ahhhh halfway there. I can do it.

Keep me accountable! Share your tips / hacks / least favourite tasks!

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Admin — He/Him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/26 18:13:28 )
You've inspired me! Maybe I should probably put away my laundry... lol
If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.

Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/26 19:56:22 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Ayyy well done! I always have to knock out the dishes first thing, as it's the one task I'll really drag my feet on; but if I get it out of the way, everything else seems inconsequential.

I do still need to vacuum the rugs, but the dogs are lazing around all over them and I always feel guilty by giving them such a rude awakening... c': And I definitely should have started the laundry already buuut I have a massive pile of unfolded clothing and towels to contend with. QwQ

@Vozzy: You can do it! do it before it gets too bad oh god I shamefully crammed mine back into the dryer before work yesterday just to get it out of the way. xD For a while I was pretty good about keeping up with it, but some rough weeks at work messed up my rhythm, and getting it back has been hard. c':

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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/26 21:28:36 )
I dislike cleaning the washroom here, but it's only because it's shared. And my worst habit is that I don't make the bed and tend to leave little things out all the time--particularly when I'm pre-occupied with a project.

The other day I watched an episode of Marie Kondo and I think I'd like to take some time tomorrow and go through my own clothing. It's kind of tough to decide what to keep because I haven't worked in an office in so long so it almost seems like a waste to have all the business clothing. Then again, once we all go back, I'll probably need something more than two black dresses.

I usually like to clean room-by-room because sometimes the house on its own can be a little overwhelming. I moved in with my partner, so his entire life is here and I'm slowly finding room to fit in but there's just so much...well, shit.

Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/26 22:19:56 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@blue: Oh so relatable. I have clothing that's never been worn, or that's from high school, that I've been trying to get rid of. And the number of times I've promised to do just that is laughable; but like your situation, a lot of it is formal/business casual or for special occasions and I think "well, what if?" and hold on to it. :[

Imho room-by-room can be best in most situations. Making rounds can be exhausting and take a lot of time; and there are tools one can use to keep from becoming too hyper-focused on one thing. Plus, even if you decide that's enough or run out of time, you have somewhere tidy to retreat to. xD

@Totalanimefan: I got most of the vacuuming done; just have one area rug to do, but my Golden is back to sleep (different spot, same rug) so I guess that's good enough for me today lol. Might get done later but I have to work in a few hours so probably not. xD

@koneko: Ayyy thank you! I was tempted to give up about halfway but then talked myself out of it. I do think I'll leave the dusting for tomorrow though lol

We can have a cleaning party! Put on some tunes, order some pizza, and jam out until 3AM! |D

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Voltie — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/27 00:30:15 )
Sounds good! I just got finished with working on the lawn in the sun. It was a bit of a pain, but I feel really good now that the place is tidy. <3

Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/27 07:26:34 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@koneko: Right?? It's so much faster, easier, and more fun with and extra set of hands! And you never know which one of your friends might have a great eye for interior design lol. Plus for some reason it feels like less of a chore when you're helping someone else, but I have that weird mom-friend trait too so idk. xD

@Pospeb: Oooof working out in the heat is something I just cannot do. Huge respect for folks who can do it, and do it by choice to less! Well done! You definitely deserve to kick back and enjoy the fruits of that labour!

@Totalanimefan: Yasss! I need to do some laundry tomorrow too; work uniform and sheets. And do all the dusting in one swoop... OH god and that big pile in the dryer that needs folding--

why do I do this to myself lol

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Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/27 15:36:46 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@koneko: And then it gets to the point where you're like "no, seriously, PLEASE let us help you, we have no dishes left" lol

I started some laundry and am working myself up to folding the big pile that's been floating between the dryer and the chair for a week. |D Everything else will feel like a cakewalk once I get that monster out of the way c':

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Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/27 17:12:26 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Thankfully my boyfriend will usually put away the clothes after I fold them, but folding is pretty much off the table for him. xD I wouldn't mind putting his clothes away if he didn't seem hell-bent on destroying his dresser every time he gets ready... oTL

@koneko: Precisely! Plus towels are so big and bulky that four of them can make up an entire load. Which is annoying when it looks like you have so much more laundry than you really do. >:C

I did finally tackle the massive clean laundry pile, washed all of our clothes save for whites, and dusted the
living room; gotta make some breakfast now though~

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Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/27 17:43:02 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: I'm in MST, so it's about 9:30-ish right now! I like to get up fairly early so I can get a head start on the day and make lunch for my boyfriend on days he works. It feels really nice to look at the clock around this time and already have things done; I've found that if I sleep in, I tend to get lazy and then all I want to do all day is sit around, which then makes me grumpy in the evening. c':

Which is not to say that I think others are lazy for sleeping in and easing into the day! Tbh I wish I could sleep past 8 without being sick or hungover LOL

You and your hubby have some good teamwork! As long as it gets done, that's the important thing, right? And breaking things down into smaller, more manageable bits is the key to progress.

It's really neat that you're able to walk to a local cafe for breakfast! Q-Q I'd love to live somewhere like that but we're in a pretty rural area. (My neighbours have horses and cows!) The closest thing to a cafe around here is the gas station 15 minutes away, or the Starbuck's a few minutes farther from that lol.

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Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/27 18:30:08 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: That sounds so nice honestly. I know the grass is always greener, and you probably have your fair share of struggles and annoyances in getting around, but do I miss living in a more developed area.

As a kid, we lived in the suburbs of Chicago where there was always so much stuff going on and so many places nearby to hang out, get snacks, etc; then we moved here to AZ where everything is so spread out, everything is beige, and things like Chinatown are only in movies. c':

But living out here definitely has its perks. All the animals are cute and we have a good amount of foliage, even if most of it is weeds (lol). We're mostly in an area where everyone pretty much knows everyone and has each-other's backs, but minds their own business, which is nice.

Dirt roads and dust though...not nice. :c

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Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/28 06:31:06 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah there are definitely perks to both ways of living! The funny thing is that I miss all the activities and excitement of living near the city, but I'm such a hermit anyway and really... don't ever do anything. xD That and crowds can get overwhelming after a while.

And the birds are so loud around here that they don't even sound real! So pleasant though. <3

Living in DC seems like it'd be really cool with all those museums and monuments to visit, not to mention the food; but all the people and tourist traffic probably gets old real fast. We kind of get it with the snow birds and that's bad enough, but at least that's seasonal. xD

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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/28 19:55:12 )
A friend in DC is living their best life; they moved back after we graduated. There always seems like so much to do, and it's a nice blend of green spaces and city. I'm in one of the biggest cities in the country and almost every week I experience an opportunity that makes me feel like a country bumpkin, hahaha. I'm originally from a very rural area that had a lot of wilderness and mountains, so going to a huge city after is very eye-opening. It's a totally different way of life.

Not good or bad, just different.

I think Seattle was probably one of the first times I ever fell in love with a place. I used to visit often as a kid, then as a young adult, and I really loved how you could have these big patches of trees and hydrangeas even in the city. I think the only day I wasn't having a great time was when I was caught in a torrential downpour while wearing a dressed-up outfit for dinner. I showed up looking like a soaked rat, but everything went well.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/29 04:11:15 )
@Totalanimefan: Oh, I've always wanted to visit in the spring just to see the cherry blossoms. It always looks so romantic in photos.

I think the last time I was there was 2019, but only for a brief period. I lived there only for about a year, which is probably why it held so much charm for me. Although it has changed quite a bit since Microsoft moved in and really turned it into a little Silicon Valley. Downtown is full of ritzy apartment condoplexes, restaurants are all fast counter service, and it's all to suit the tech guys who work there. I don't think I could live there now; it's a city for a younger person with a faster pace in mind.

Ahh, the seasonal depression is a big thing! I grew up further north so it was common to be in the darkness with long winters. I don't think it bothered me too much because I was used to it, but it has a huge effect on people that didn't grow up there.

Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/29 08:50:56 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: That's kind of how I feel; I miss being able to walk to the library or the movie theatre, and the wider range of foods available. There are a surprising number of niche cultures represented down here, but it doesn't compare to a big city with literal cultural districts lol

I'm on the other side of the country in AZ! Still hot, but thankfully much less humid (and a lot less expensive!). And, like Florida, disproportionately populated by sunsetters during the winter months. lol. But it's been so long that this is pretty much home and I'm all but used to not being able to touch anything outdoors during the summertime.

We did visit DC a couple times when I was younger; I would love to go again someday now that I'm older and better able to appreciate everything.

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Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/30 08:17:51 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: I would definitely not begrudge living in the desert so much if we had strong public transit. But since everything is so spread out, it just isn't feasible in most places beyond the heart of the metro.

I suppose the term snowbird seems so odd to Californians because most of the retired folks just stay there year round? Honestly not sure. I know my grandma would have lived in Santa Barbara all year if she could have, but I don't know if it's still her favourite place or not. Definitely was very nice to visit; I could probably live there too, granted I could afford it. xD

Pls give me water ocean instead of dust ocean!

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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/30 15:51:42 )
I thought snowbirds was a common thing! hahaha
Where I grew up, it was very common for people to leave in the winter to Hawai'i or Florida. Generally they seemed to prefer paradise to golfing, as far as I can remember. I do enjoy the winters, but sometimes those cold snaps can really be a catalyst for buying a plane ticket out of there.

Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/31 15:50:47 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah and it's a total shame because there are loads of opportunities for development and such out here, but everyone likes how cheap it is and doesn't want everyone else to start moving here either. xD It's also funny in a sad way though because a lot of the people out here have a very close-minded or outdated mindset and just don't want the way of life out here to ever move forward... :c

CA is absolutely in its own bubble though xD Might as well be its own country. All those jokes about it breaking off the continent aren't just about earthquakes xD

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Donator — A.I. Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/31 16:16:29 )
// AI-COM MNRVA : activate MIDNIGHT EXIGENT(aurora knives)

@Totalanimefan: Yeah it's like people think you can't be independent or free while using public transit? Idk. And I do get it, it is nice being able to go anywhere or do anything at a moment's notice, not beholden to schedules or other passengers; but like you said it doesn't have to be that way.

Trying to get a job out here without a reliable ride is impossible. Even in town where there are buses and the lightrail, they'll still pass up a perfect application if the applicant doesn't have a car. I've seen some people tough it out and walk places, but who wants to walk an hour in the AZ summer to work? Dx

I haven't really cleaned much over the past couple days :x I got engrossed in projects all day yesterday, and had a headache to boot xD I have been keeping the sink clear and trying to keep the living room from getting too cluttered though. And it'll be back to work today QwQ So gotta wash the uniform and stuff. I'm with you there on cleaning the bathroom; doing it thoroughly is a real chore and can get gross, but it is SO satisfying having a fresh bathroom! I often have to break it into two chunks: surfaces and then shower. We have really hard water out here and it coats the shower with all sorts of crusty minerals that don't budge. And then there's my long-AF hair everywhere xD

My weekends always go by too fast... but after this week, I had them reduce my hours so I can spend more time on Voltra, and that'll help a LOT. I'm way overdue for a vacation but there ain't no rest for the wicked!

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[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/08/31 16:20:11 )

A cleaning day can be so hard to commit but is always worth it in the end~

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