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Forums Role Playing A Desolate Village (Kory x Rei Ann)

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/22 04:48:24 )

• ↣ A Desolate Village ↢ •

In a land blessed by the gods, Assos, was once an abundant village well on it's way to being a city state. As the village grew, villagers became afraid that their blessings would bring them the wraith of the gods if they didn't soon provide proper tribute. It was that fateful moment, that brought the Temple of Aristide into creation. Upon completion of the temple, the priests insisted that the surrounding forest land was now the property of the god, and no human was allowed to hunt or take food from it.

It was that declaration that brought doom to the once proud village. With such a large swatch of protected land, the natural food sources soon dried up for the people. The village now on the verge of dying out, has taken the drastic measures of marrying off their children and sending them to far away villages. However not every young adult was so eager to leave their home, some foolishly hoped this village could be saved. While others like Dorothea, blamed the gods for their selfishness and would no longer be bound by their foolish demands.

• ↣ The Gods ↢ •

Zeus - King of the Gods, God of Sky, Lighting, Thunder, Law, Order and Justice (Aristide's Dad)
Hera - Queen of the Gods, Goddess of Marriage, Women, childbirth and family.
Acraea - Goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, virginity, the moon, archery, childbirth(idk), protection and plague. (Aristide's twin sis)
Dionysus - God of wine, the grape vine, fertility, festivity, ecstasy, madness and resurrection. Patron god of the art of theatre. (he's the party god)
Hades - God of the dead, king of the underworld. Also god of wealth.
Amarus - God of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. He has arrows that can make a person fall in love with someone, but also make a person feel aversion and desire to flee from someone.
Thais - Goddess of love, pleasure, procreation, fertility, beauty and desire.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/22 04:50:20 )

⊱ — Eighteen
⊱ — Unmarried female village
⊱ — Stubborn, Compassionate, Driven, Skeptic
⊱ — Able to use a bow and arrow, not an expert. Good at home making skills, such as sewing, cooking and running a house hold. Able to handle basic farming chores.


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/22 17:54:15 )

Dorothea had never asked for this. This life she was given and forced to endure was nothing more than curse. Born with fiery locks, and eyes the color of dirt and symmetrical face, seemed to be enough for the men of the village to insist she was a beauty. It didn't help that her figure during girlhood had blossomed, as her mother put it. With her looks and her "talent" in of running a home, she had many men clamoring for her hand in marriage. What made her situation worse was the fact, that as her parents only child and girl she couldn't inherit their land and so many men sought her out, like flies searching for food, for a chance at receiving her parents wealth.

From the moment she had her first monthly, at the mere age of 14, many men had tired to convince her parents to arrange a marriage. By some small miracle her parents had insisted on waiting until she was 18 to wed, which some had considered late. That was until the despair had come to their village. After the temple had been built for Aristide, the very priests who had come to the village demanding said temple be built, had also demanded all of the hunting lands be given to the temple in Aristide's honor. With all the land given to the temple, the village no longer had a viable food source, instead they were left with a few measly farms. When it became obvious to her parents, when she was 16, that the village was in decline they started attempting to marry off their beloved child.

Dorothea had spent the last two years resisting her parents attempts at making a match for her. As food was harder to get, her looks were starting to decline as she was no longer well fed and constantly toiling over small patch of crops her family had. While she may have been less of a beauty, her skills could have gotten her a husband, if she didn't start to play the roll of a bumbling fool. Her parents were annoyed to no end, as she kept finding ways to chase of suitors.

Which brought her to today, she had spent the last two years managing to avoid marriage but now that she was 18 and people in the village were starting to die, her parents were getting pushier. Which why was she was now arguing with her parents during their meager breakfast of oak acorns.
"I'm not going to let you marry me off, just so you both can feel at peace and give up and die here. I'm telling you there is another option. I don't care about filial duty, if it means you die, because some so called priest can just claim all the village land!."

She had to resist the urge to make an annoyed face when her parents gasped at her blasphemous talk. She had to resist the urge to scream at them, that if the so called gods were real, they wouldn't let their own priests go around basically murder a village to enrich themselves. If they were real, then by now they would have intervene and saved the village as countless people including her parents had been making offerings to any god would might listen. Yet not help had come, no miracles, just more death and despair. So while she once had followed the customs of her people, it was the said customs that brought each one of them closer to the brink of death, and Dorothea was done with all the nonsense and lies.

Just because some guy claim, he was sent here by a god, all the villagers had decided to give him whatever he asked. Dorothea was sure, if her village was more like Sparta or Athens no priest would have tried such tactics. Did anyone here even have proof, that the gods existed. All anyone had was stories, myths and fables meant to keep a person in line. Like a Sparta marches off the battle, Dorothea was ready to fight a battle all her own.
Throwing her hands up in annoyance, she left her parents at the house. "Don't worry, I'll just go do what is needed!."

Leaving her parents with that vague promise, and making sure to grab her small bow and arrows she left on her mission. She knew her parents were getting closer each day to death. Which meant it was only a matter of time before they sent her off to some elder man, to be the second wife, and the horse he would "tame". So she had to move swiftly to the village, to the edge of the "protected" forest. Today was the day she was no longer go to play by the so called "rules". She would be going and hunt in the forest has her ancestors had done for years, and she would be bringing home some food.

It wasn't hard to slip into the woods undetected. Most villagers were either already gone, or on the verge of death to pay her any mind. While the temple folk, were all inside the temple enjoying the wealth of her people. The real challenge wouldn't be pissing off some so called god, it would be hunting. As a woman, she was only allowed to use the bow, and even that was only during times of war when all men were off in the battlefield. So for a well seasoned warrior it wouldn't take long for her to find a simple deer. For her it took well a few hours, as well as avoid or flat out running from a few wild boar.

When she finally spotted her prey, and had her bow loaded and aim, it had she didn't hesitate to fire of the arrow. As the arrow pierced the flesh of deer, she didn't pause to care about the gods. All she cared about what that finally her family would have enough food, and that this was something she could start doing to help the other villagers. No one would ask her where the food came from, as long they were fed, what would it matter. Now all she had to was get the deer to the village and start the stripping of the fur and meat. Nothing surely would her prevent her from that...

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/22 21:14:53 )
It had all seemed to be going well for Dorothea. She had manage to kill a deer, and even had enough strength to start her journey of carrying the animal back. She could just imagine the meal her family would have tonight. Sure she'd have to lie, and claim that she spotted the deer out of the forest, but as long as they didn't know what harm would it do. Plus she knew her family would take something for the beast and offer it to the gods. What mattered at the end of the day was surviving and if she had to lie to make it happened who cared. It wasn't like she had murdered someone and ate the victim's flesh. Which was a crime becoming more frequent at the town got more desperate.

All celebration she might have had was cut short by someone screaming at her. As the person screamed at her about her daring to betray the land of her god, she just knew that some stupid priest had found her. Before she could respond to man yelling at her someone had violently turned her. She stumbled a bit, and lost her grip on the deed. She shot a dark glare at the man. He was attractive, and friends she once had would have said he would make a fine husband. Someone more poetic would write about a man like him,, but Dorothea had no time to care about that. As he shouted at her demanding to know what she done she couldn't help but remark "Do your eyes not work?"

When he moved so that he was towering over her and threaten to punish her she laughed almost sounding manic. "You'll punish me? I'm already on the verge of death, you and your fellow acolytes have made sure of that, haven't you" Her voice was filed with hatred and venom. Her eyes scanned over him, there wasn't a single sign of sickness or lack of food. Seeing him further proved that the temple was just taking advantage of her people. He didn't look like he wanted for anything, especially judging by her ego. He would never know the thirst and hunger she carried every day.

As he walked around her circling her, Dorothea recognized that look in his eye. The look so many men wore around her. The look of a man who thinks he can just have his way with her, because he thinks he has her trapped. But in reality Dorothea may look a pretty a rose, but her thorns are sharper. "HA! You might spare me? Listen here little priest, acting like you are some god won't work. " She threw her head back and laughed. "Haven't you realized by now, they don't exist, if they did they'd have to be pretty callous to let a village die like this and resort to cannibalism."

When he pushed her again and demand that she go ahead and beg she was tempted to draw her bow on him. Though with how well fed he looked, there was no way she could take him down. She had used nearly all her strength to kill the deer."Beg!?! Highly Unlikely You aren't even the head priest. I am not going to beg, because I didn't do anything wrong. It's one deer, and my family is on the verge of death, because of you" She hadn't realized that she was talking to the very god who had caused all the misfortunate to her home. All she knew was that he was annoying her and probably expected her to offer her body to beg forgiveness.

She felt that there was no more reason to stay her and listen to him shout. It would take him time to gather the rest of temple and clearly he had no idea who she was. There was nothing stopping her from taking the deer and leaving. He didn't appear to be carrying a weapon. "I'll be leaving, I hope I never have the misfortunate of seeing your pious face again." With that last insult out she bent down to pick of the deer once more.

See this was proof there was no such things as gods. A god wouldn't just shout at her to beg for forgiveness. He just smite her. Plus in some off chance that she was wrong, and the gods do exist than Aristide had to be the worst god of them all. He let an entire region fall into despair and didn't spare the glance. So if he was real he wouldn't show up to yell at some mortal over a deer.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/22 23:26:24 )
Dorothea didn't get far before he reached out and roughly grabbed her arm. The ow escaped her lip before she had a change to respond. His grip on her arm was quite hard, and with her lack of food, and her demised sized his grip hurt way more than she expected. Though if he thought his gaze was intimidating, he had another thing coming. If anything to her, it felt like he was throwing a fit that she didn't beg like he wanted. When he said she wasn't going anywhere she had been about to tell him that he couldn't stop her. Well that had been the plan until he brought the deer back to life. With the deer kicking at her now, she had dropped her grip on the animal. She watched round dumbfoundedly as the animal ran off into the forest away from the two of them.

Before she could register what he was doing, as she was still in shock that the "priest" she was yelling at was actually a god, he had blanketed her village in shadows and darkness. Oh now she was pissed. First he takes away all the hunting land, then he allowed famine and drought to come to the land. He turned a blind eye as people started murdering one another over food. He ignored the despair of mothers smothering their babies and small children, because there wasn't enough food. He didn't intervene when people resorted to eating other humans. No what brought him down to mortal realm, was the death of a deer. Not the countless lives ruined because of him. "You do realize, if you destroy my village, there won't be left anyone to worship you or give you offerings?"

As the land was covered in darkness the temperature had dropped enough, that Dorothea was now shivering. She could only even see, because he glowed in the darkness. When he shoved her once more, she stumbled slightly and almost fell backward but had managed to catch herself. She glared at him, as he shouted that she beg for forgiveness. If she managed to keep her life after this encounter, she would certainly have bruises to tell the tale. "I don't beg monsters for forgiveness." She spat out at him. Oh yeah.. living after this, was for sure off the table with an arrogant foolish god like him. But if she was going to die, might as well tell the fool Aristide, what an utter failure he had been. How he was the very reason, she hated all the gods.

Before she could tell him what she really thought he had reached out and grabbed her chin and pulled her face closely. She rolled his eyes when he called her fetching. Was this an attempt to seduce her? She heard better from men her parents wanted to her to marry and that didn't sway her. What would be next, the threat on her life or the offer a bribe? She winced when his gripped tightened, oh that would bruise latter. As he rambled on proclaiming he could offer her everything, if only she serviced him she couldn't help but look outrage and then disgusted. He must be dim-witted to think that the offer to be the lover of a god, must be an honor. Yet any more dumb enough to sleep with a god didn't really last long. There was also a jealous goddess or being ready to dispatch with the human. Even if he wasn't such a terrible person, she wouldn't consider his offer. She rather have liver plucked out by a eagle, while alive.

She knew he was waiting for a response. Was he expecting her to flutter her lashes, say something along the lines, as someone as unworthy couldn't dare to spend a night while someone as glorious as him. Well he was in for a rude awakening. She sucked in a breath, and with all her might spat into his face. When he let go her chin after she spit on him, she stomped on his foot, before slamming her fist into his face."You arrogant worthless god. As if I would lower myself to be with someone like you. I'd rather die a thousand times, then spend one night with the all might being who turns a blind eye as Mothers are forced to kill there babies because of his own incompetence. "

She shook out the fist she hit him with. She swore she heard some crack, consider how hard his skin as felt, she may have broken something. What did it matter though, she'd be dead after this right? " You think just because you are a god, you can slaughter an entire village. Do you enjoy watching us pitiful mortal kill and eat each other? If that what the oh might god of sun does for his kicks? Do you take pleasure from the cries and pleas of people begging for you to return your blessing to the world? They say monsters like the Hydra roam the land, and kill without discrimination, that only gods can save us from the horrors of the world, but it turns out that irresponsible god is the horror of the world"

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/23 01:34:36 )
All it took was one sentence from Aristide to confirm he was nothing more than a monster. He did get some sick pleasure in tormenting them. To him they were nothing but toys to play with. Sure it was a line to cross to be spitting at him and attacking him no matter how feeble the attempt to keep insulting him. Yet Dorothea was stubborn and had a major flaw of not knowing when to pick her battles. However after her tirade she didn't speak again, in fact she expected him to kill her out anger. Not because she had actually hurt him, but he seemed to think he was something amazing and she was here insulting that.

The last thing she expected what his tantrum of him proclaiming he didn't ask to be a god. So while she hated to admit it, they had something in common, they both found their life to be a curse in some ways. "You think we have no cares, no responsibilities? You think we all put our hopes and faith in gods, and deserve to die. If I placed all my hopes in gods like you, do you really think I'd be out here hunting on sacred land, trying to feed my family? Our village was doing just fine until your temple was built. Until your priests told us we couldn't hunt anymore. No one in this village is happy or careful!"

He was infuriating, she wanted to reach out and shake sense into him. He was screaming about how carefree everyone was, yet ignored all the bleakness of the world. Did he not see that while mortals weren't blessed with godly powers, they had their own problems, expectations force upon them. He wasn't the first person forced into a position they want just ask any child king. " So you punish us because you are unhappy, in order to get revenge on whomever made you god? I think you might want to take your complaints to whoever forced you into this position, instead of playing with mortal lives."

Before she knew it, he was yet again taking his rage out on her. Screaming that he would make her his, and he would enslave her. It was pathetic, he was threating to wipe out her entire village. The same village that at most had a handle of elder left, the village that was already in ruin and at most would last couple more months. It was enough to make her laugh, and so she did. In fact her laughter sounded almost as if she was going mad. She felt like must be. "I'd kill myself before I ever served you. You'll what kill any male suitor, that'd be doing me a favor.

She took a step forward all while grinning like a mad women, she forward towards him before speaking once more. " You claim my family will only have you to rely one, but foolish they already think like that. You've already basically wiped out the village. The way I see, there nothing for me to gain here either way. It doesn't seem like you'll start doing your job as god since you hate it so much. You are only willing to help me, if I give you my body and frankly if I wanted to take the route, I would have married the numerous men my parents had tired forcing on me. So the way I see it here, there no reason for me to listen to you. Everyone I know will dead soon. Plus since you healed the deer, all I've done really insult you."

Did what she say make her sound heartless, sure, but there was no way she was going to willing be his plaything. Now she wasn't foolish enough to demand make her his wife, or dream of some special romance with a god. But she wasn't going to enter a situation where she was the only one with something to loose. "But, if you want instead someone you can talk to daily, and tell things that you can't share with anyone else, I'd be willing to do that. I may not know what it's like to be a god, but I do know what it's like to live someone's intense expectations for you. I'll even swear to a vow of secrecy, not that anyone would believe, they'd probably sacrifice me to the gods, if I said anything like that to them. Granted, that is if you haven't decided to kill me already?"

She didn't know what possessed her to offer some sort of friendship offer to him. Not that she expected him to take it, she did just insult him a bunch. But she also knew what it was like to be lonely, to want something outside the normal. She didn't just want to settle for being someone's wife, to be tossed around by faith. Maybe that's why she railed so hard against him, her was angry at the world. Or maybe she was just foolish. Maybe only the gods knew.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/23 03:03:51 )
"My precious village as you put it, is already in squalor. It's already on been condemn. You decided that. Maybe I'm just tired of it all. Maybe this is the chance you've been waiting for to unshackle yourself from your burden? Or maybe I'm just mad, you'll decided either way" She stated as if it was a pure fact. Sure she was righteous, but why should she throw herself at her feet for a mere promise of some relief. Sure he said he could make things better, but she had no real assurance of that. For all she knew, he could play with her until he had his full and still let her village suffer. He had admitted to her openly that he resented them.

"I do wonder though, have did you ever see what this land was like before the temple? Before the despair. I wonder if the stark difference would impact you, at least it was lively before, there even use to be festival for the gods. I think yours was about music" She wasn't sure why she was telling him this. It's not like he would care, and she couldn't even tell him much about his festivals. The last one had been held when was was 10 and way to young to be attending a festival for a god like him. It was very much an open love affair to music and other such vices.

She grinned when commented about how he thought humans had more sense of propriety. " You'll find, I'm not like most humans. Just a bit ago, I didn't think you existed. Though, maybe to you, I'm just a foolish human."She couldn't help but remark. She knew well to hide her smile, he proclaimed she'd be serving him. He hadn't realized that she had basically gotten off easy. He was agreeing to just use her as a talking vessel, and well if he tried anything unsavorily she figured she could goad him into killing her. Dorothea may value her own life, but she valued her freedom more. Which he didn't seem to realize, that was what it was all really about.

When he demanded that she come every day, she didn't think it was such a bad issue. Her parents would either think she was off being courted by someone, and she could avoid any suitors they may send her way. "Okay, at what time? During morning light, midday light or as the sun sets?" The last thing she expected was him to hold out his harp to her. She took it gently into her arms before she realized that she had accepted the instrument. " Ah, this is way to precious to leave in my care" She protested weakly. What if someone tried to rob her thinking they could sell this for some scraps of food.

If he was angry because of her insults, what would he do if she lost his harp. "I promise you, I will be here at the anointed time". She wasn't foolish enough to go back on her word. She had already made so many foolish decisions today. After their talk ended, she made the long trek back to the village. She didn't realize at the time that she had left her bow and arrow with him. Her head was spinning for the rest of the night. What little she had thought to be true, didn't seem so black and white now.

While she enjoyed a meager dinner with her parents she refused to answer their questions about her day. All she told them, is that tomorrow and every day forward she would be busy helping at the temple. She wouldn't explain otherwise, and before she knew it, it was the next day. She couldn't even recall going to sleep. She had spent the night worrying about what would happen now. There was no way this wasn't going to end in her death eventually.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/23 23:45:56 )
Dorothea didn't know when she was suppose to head to the temple. He didn't give her any direction other than play the harp and summon me, did that mean he expected her to spend the whole day with him? She couldn't possibly do that, she was the only one in her family who could still mange to work the fields. Not that it was yielding any crops. Then she had to go scrounge for acorns and anything else, that they might find to eat that wasn't in protected land.

It didn't help that once it was morning, her parents were pestering her with a million questions. Why was she covered in bruises? "I fell" She lied. But that led to them questioning the one on her chin, where a certain brutish god has gripped her too tight. Why was she going to temple, why didn't she stay here today. They knew of a nice man who'd be visiting today, and maybe she could give him a chance. "No! you really shouldn't do that. I told you, I don't want to marry. You know, the gods don't want me to marry.".

Which of course her parents weren't going to listen. Much like Aristide's parents, hers didn't listen either. They were worried, and wanted her to just grow up and accept it was time to get married. Sensing that she wasn't going to get anywhere, Dorothea had rushed off to due her morning chores before the fight could get worse. It was midday before she made her way back to the home. She had managed to find a few more acorns than normal. It made her briefly wonder, if this was what he might by providing for the land. It was an improvement sure, but wasn't going to fix a thing.

When she got home, her mother not giving her the chance to run off, had forced her to sit. It seemed that her mother had decided to doll her up. Which really was just putting her hair up, and forcing her to change into her fancier toga. Then with orders not to leave, her parents told her they would be back with their visitor of the day. There was no way she was going to stay put. First if she met this suitor, it would probably end in his death. At least that what she had been told last night. Instead, she grabbed the harp and left the house via the only window. Thankfully, it was close to the ground.

On her way to the temple, she had to make sure that she avoid the main road in town. Else her parents would have dragged her back. She also knew that she didn't want go directly to the temple, play the harp and summon him, because all the temple folk would swarm him. He had ordered that no one see his harp with her, well at least if they were from the temple. So instead she decided the best location, would be the part of the forest near the river stream. It wouldn't be as rustic for a god, and maybe he'd find the sight pleasant. Not that she cared what he liked, but well he had her life in his hands.

It didn't take her more than an hour to find the river bank. She glanced around and didn't see anyone. She sat down on one of the larger rocks there, and looked down at the harp."Now, how do I play this? Do I just pluck a cord?" Silence was her only answer. Taking a deep breath, she reached out with a single finger and pluck the one cord in the middle.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/24 01:19:33 )
Unexpectedly it didn't take him to show up. Dorothea had to admit, at least he was prompt. She expected him to make her wait, as some additionally sort of punishment. When he made his comment about being lovely, she knew it was about the harp if only because she hadn't spoken to him yet. What was she suppose to say? It was easier to yell at him, when angry, but now she was just wary. When he finally looked at her, she was worried he might notice her mother's attempt to "pretty" her up. She was concerned he might think it was for him and try laying it on thick again. However he didn't even seem to notice. Instead he was yelling at her for not speaking to him. It was clear with every word of how less and insignificant he saw humans.

'So far it seems we are worth less than deer, harps..I expected a god to consider us than themselves, but we still living beings' She thought to herself. "You'd be mistaken, there have been far too many suitors. There just isn't any today, because I'm avoiding them, I don't want someone to die because of me. It's one thing for me to chase them off myself, with my behavior, it's another to get them killed. Just because my parents want to get me out of this village before we all die.. But I am sure you don't want to be reminded of that."

Anything else she may of said to provide this selfish one with his entertainment was lost, when he decided to lean against her to hold up his weight. He either had little experience with humans, or did not care that his natural strength as a god was to much for her. With how heavy he was, she didn't last sitting on the rock. She ended up sliding off and hitting the ground with a thump. She heard the tear of her fabric and felt a sting on her knee. "Watch it! Do you not realize, I don't have a fraction of strength? Ignoring the fact that you are a god for a mere moment. You are well fed man, and probably in the perfect form. I am mere woman, who hasn't had a real meal in years. I'm not some amazon, I am fragile".

She couldn't help but get angry with him. It hadn't even been minutes, and he had already hurt her by his carelessness. He hadn't he noticed the damage he had done to her body yesterday. At this rate, he was more likely to kill by accident. She sighed knowing this wouldn't get her anywhere. " Forget it, why would care the damage you've done to a mere human, you haven't before" She muttered bitterly. She was starting to feel like the god of the sun, might be the evilest person she had ever met. " You want me to talk, but about what?

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/24 02:22:57 )
Dorothea for a moment considered just staying on the ground. If he was going to knock her to it, maybe she'd save him time and just stay there. She titled her head and looked up at him when he first asked her to come here. Why? For a brief moment he held out a hand to her before he pulled it back. So it did seem him care about something for a second. Sighing she picked herself up from the ground. She paused once she was standing to dust off her clothing. Her mother would be upset with her for ruining these robes, it would be impossible for them to get the thread to fix it. Finally as he demanded twice she approached him. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked well anywhere but his face. Yet again he had hurt her and had the gull to be angry that she wasn't entertaining him

She had to bite her tongue when he asked didn't she want to leave this wretched village. A village that was only wretched because of his very actions. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Do you not have place you love? Do you not have a home you don't want to leave behind? If I leave, my parents give up. They are already so weak now, I am the only one who can still collect food for them. Marriage isn't all rainbows. I'll be nothing more than slave in my husband's home forced to birth child, and possibly beaten if I fail to give him sons. There is no stable future for me, I'll be held to the whims of my husband, and my parents die. Selfish as it may be, or stupid, it's better to chase them all off to prolong what time they have left.". She didn't expect him to understand. His parents, his friends, all the other gods lived forever. There was no end.

There was no cruel goodbyes. They got to what they wanted, even if they killed entire villages nothing happened to them. Here he was demanding her to talk about something, but she didn't know what to talk about. Lately all her life had been trying to survive, she wasn't sure if she could remember something interesting. She scoffed when he asked if she tried to look fancy for him. If she was trying to look fancy for him, it'd be better to have shown up as naked as the day she was born. As he had made it very clear where his real interest with her lied. "You really do better at telling my mother that. This is all her doing.".

She didn't want him to think she had told her mother about this, she had a feeling that would anger him. Adjust her voice to tone that was mock of her mother's voice. "Why Dorothea, the most wonderful man will be in town today, you must simply look your best. This might very well be your last chance to be wife. Now sit here and let me do your hair.". She would have pulled down, if she could figure how to undo what her mother had done. Which she felt might have been her mother's intention.

" As for the bruises those weren't of my making, and it'll probably take weeks to heal. So guess you'll be stuck with the unsightly sight for a bit" She shrugged, there wasn't much she could do about it. Humans were not made to be touched with full godlike strength. She had to roll her eyes when he said he wasn't impressed, if that was the case, why was he playing nervously with his hair. Not that she cared what he thought. He was a jerk, okay a good look jerk...but a JERK. She bit down on her bottom lip and fiddled with her toga nervously. "So the long have you been studying it?". She was eager to get the conversation off her looks, and maybe he would take the chance to wax on about himself.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/25 00:02:55 )
She didn't expect him to do anything to make up for the fact he had hurt her today. Maybe he was healing her because he didn't intend to damage her, and wanted the only wounds on her body to be ones he choose to make? Really as she thought about his reasoning, it was probably something as simple as he didn't want to see blood. He'd do it for his comfort not her own. He told her he hated humans, and that included her, she was just his entertainment of the week. She was sure he'd get bored of her soon. Though the strangest thing about the whole thing, was that his power felt a bit like a tickle. "Thank you..." While she was sure he didn't do it for her, she should still thank him.

Dorothea noted mentally that he didn't answer her question about a place he loved. Instead he left her with a barrage of questions to answer. " Because I love my parents. I don't want them to die. Sure I know some point I have to let them go, but I'm still so young. I'm not ready to. Plus I'm a woman, not some goddess or amazon would can make her own fate. I'm either my parents property or my husbands. I don't get the option to run off and become whatever I want." Part of it was love, and maybe part of it was selfishness. She was buying time, time with her loved ones, time to be mostly free. She wasn't the daughters of some politician or King, she didn't get a live of comfort. She would get marriage to some farmer, or maybe a warrior and she live a life of hardship. She would be expected to give birth to a child within a year of marriage. If she was lucky her husband would love her, but more often than not the woman wasn't lucky.

Dorothea couldn't have but laugh when he said he wanted to meet her mother. "Oh no, I can't have that, which a face as handsome as yours, she'd might try matchmaking on your behalf. Or worse try to style your hair."[/b]. It didn't dawn on her that she had revealed what she thought about his looks. It was just something that he slipped out. Frankly to her it was a shame he as handsome as he was cold-hearted. "Oh really, now that would be sight to see. If you wouldn't sit still, did she ever mange to finish braiding your hair?" He looked the type to not sit still. She could see him running through open fields, laughing and playing his harp. She couldn't imagine him living a stuffy life sitting still and listening to prattle of other gods or humans.

For a brief second when he grabbed her chin, she flinched slightly. She was worried that he might hurt her like he did yesterday. She didn't expect the tickle of his divine energy , if was he healing her bruises? Well he had said they were ugly, when critiquing her mother's attempts to dress her up. Still he was so dangerously close to her, hat it wouldn't take much for him to kiss her. Not that she wanted that, just because he had a stupidly handsome face. He was still a jerk! But she couldn't help the flush that spread across her cheeks. No man or god had ever been this close to her before. She was completely untouched in the matters of love and the flesh.

She was relived when he backed a bit away, but she was still unnerved by the constant eye contact. "Is that how it works, they just know what you are going to be the god of? But what if you had hate music, are you allowed change what you are the god of?"

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/25 02:20:16 )
Dorothea rolled her eyes at his insistence that he only healed her because he didn't want to look at the cut. " I know that, but I still benefited from it, the least I can do is thank you. ". She snapped. It wasn't like she was going to think she was special to him. " At least there is an end to it? I don't know why you envy the ability to die. I don't want to die. None of us want to die." Maybe he was annoyed with having forever, but what did she get? A short life time, and then bam it's over. No more anything, he would get to partake in the joys of living forever and he just wanted to toss it away. Maybe he should have been the god of the underworld, then he could have all the death he wanted.

Dorothea mused on his thoughts about marriage between gods. "Well honestly, that sounds alot like human marriages. You are lucky if there is love. Most people don't love whom they marry. Sure they love their kids, but I won't get to choose to have a child because I love my husband. I'll be forced to carry a child, but that's the expectation. Then if I'm lucky to live through the birth, I get to do it again. Well if I'm lucky, maybe my husband won't take a mistress. He'll just visit the bath houses. But if I wanted a lover, or did anything to ruin my purity, I'd be hung in the streets" He really didn't get that humans were just as flaw as gods, if not even more flawed. Dorothea signed, " Maybe that's all marriage is for anyone, god or human, just a business transaction. What a waste of time for everyone.". She muttered bitterly. It was something she couldn't escape, it would be the very thing that would destroy her.

No one who had come for her hand, wanted to marry her because they loved her. Sure they desired her flesh, or her parent's land, but no one truly wanted her. She was just another shiny thing for them to posses. Just like she was a shiny toy for Aristide. It was exhausting. She ran her hand through part of her hair and turned her back to him. She stared up at the sky wondering if there was anyone out there would want her just for who she was, but well it was a foolish thought wasn't it.

There he was going on about humans created babies out of love. Was it really love? Or was it more their own selfish gain. A son to carry on the family line, a daughters to marry off to get more wealth. Children to use as labor. A never ending cycle, maybe he was right about something after all. Humans deserved to be hated. "You are mistaken, not all children are created out of love. Many a men force themselves upon women to get a child. Or a child is born, just to carry on the line, or to marry off to get someone more wealth. There are a lot more horrors on this land. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. No one here is truly free. We all have a role thrusted upon us, and it's so suffocating."

Here he was whining again that he never choose to be in charge of them. But they never asked him to be in charge. No human asked for gods to rule them, it was just something they had decided to do. "You know, we never asked the gods to be in charge. My village, before your temple was built, while yes we did pray and make offerings to the gods, we gathered and hunted for our own food. We aren't allowed to that anymore, because we're told that you'll take care of us. But we didn't ask for that, we didn't say oh please change our entire way of life. So who decided to force you the gods and goddesses to take care of the humans?"

Dorothea shook his head. Had he really not realized how their situations weren't similar. No of course not, because he only cared for this grief. "I have just wasted breath explaining how no we don't really have freedom. I don't get to chose any path in my life. I am delaying it. I could forced into the bridal bed tonight, and I would have to go kicking and screaming, but I'd have to go. I know that life will be the death of me, and I can't escape it. Just like anyone I've ever known. We control nothing and any freedom we have is merely an illusion to keep us obedient to the gods."

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/26 00:09:29 )
"It's miserable, sure, but we still exist, and would you want to waste away, because someone couldn't be bothered? You yourself hate the fate handed to you, yet we here are all tied to your whims, no one asked. It was just declared. So maybe my angry at you, at this life, is my only way to rail against fate?" She wasn't sure, but she also didn't think the gods were real until yesterday. She had thought it was a hoax to control the people, but now she just felt the helpless of her situation. Her life, was tied to a man who wanted them dead, because he couldn't have that choice. It all did seem rather pointless now.

Dorothea pondered his words on marriage. She didn't think true love didn't last, but she was starting to think no one had ever found passionate love. Sure sexual love or family love, but there had to be a love that ran deep and lasted forever. There just had to be, but maybe because both humans and gods were so focused on what seemed like the logical perfect match, it wasn't given a chance to grow. "I wonder if the only reason it doesn't last for anyone, is because no one is ever given a choice, in marriage partner. So because god nor human is getting the say in their spouse, because whomever is making the match, want to apply logic to the heart. Well the heart doesn't response to logic, which is why humans and gods alike end up chasing after others. It's makes me wonder...that's all."

She turned back around and looked at him. She wonder if maybe she might sit down again. She glanced around trying to decided where to sit. She still felt so uneasy near him, and didn't want to get to close. " Huh, just the order of the universe, rather simplistic isn't it. Rather unfair too." She took a step towards him, but then froze. Maybe he wouldn't want her to get closer to him. He hadn't told her to sit back down or come closer again. Ugh why was she getting so nervous, was it because they were just talking more, and he seemed more normal. But she was suppose to be mad at him. He was the reason, that anyone she ever knew could die. So why was she acting like some shy maiden. Maybe, she was just in her head to much.

Her gaze snapped to him, when he mentioned her could offer her an escape. When he asked why did she deny the opportunity to be with him, and wanted to know what more could a woman want she had to hold back a laugh. " Well, for starters, love and security. You said it yourself, you don't think love lasts. Your life spans forever. My looks they'll fade. You don't want me because of me, you want me because my looks, but you think I'll be interesting in bed, I've never been bedded. I've never been kissed, when that's all you want to posses, you'll get bored. Maybe your bored after the first time, or a week. But it won't last and then what happens? You won't keep someone around that you'd have no use for, you'd rightly toss me aside. Then no one would want me, I'd be the unpure vile woman." Dorothea wasn't rebuking him, she was just explaining her thoughts. Sure would it be nice to throw caution to the wind and bed a god..maybe. But the risk and danger was to high.

It was all together worse because well she'd be lying, if she didn't admit she had wondered what it might be like to be kissed by him. She had heard other girls talk about being kissed before, and well even if his morals was lacking, he was slightly a lovely sight. Would kissing him be soft and tender, or wild and passionate? Were his lips soft or rough? Would he leave breathless and drive her wild? Dorothea hadn't realized that her gaze had shifted to staring at his lips, nor that her face was giving away what she might be thinking about. In fact she looked absolutely scarlet red.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/27 00:29:14 )
When he ordered her to sit, she decided to comply and sit down where she had been standing. Well at least she knew what to do now? Dorothea shook her heads at the comments about wouldn't it be great. She could launch into an lecture, about how sure she didn't want to marry, because she didn't want to be tied down, or at least find someone wouldn't do that, but she also wanted love. If she took the night of pleasure, and embraced the exile, how would she live? She's a woman, unless she becomes a lady of the bathhouse she'd have to way to make money. Women weren't allowed to impact society, like the goddess were allowed to. She decided to go with a simpler response. "It's just not that simple.." She muttered softly.

When he mentioned she thought him a monster, she was snapped out of her musings. She felt slightly ashamed at her earlier comments, and she averted her gaze. She understood him better down, and she felt sympathy, but she also didn't want to die because he couldn't be bothered. When he made the soft whisper, she barely caught the words. If she had felt more daring, she might protest. She could launch into a tirade must, like yesterdays. But part of her knew it would be hollow. She didn't know what she was feeling, she was confused.

Dorothea could hear the change in his voice. She shift back to the cocky arrogant god, he like'd to be. She must have gotten to bold, for him to reminder her of her roles. But she didn't know what to say. " I just realized I never told you my name was Dorothea and I realized you must be bored of talking, so I figured I might try another form of entertainment." Now of course it wouldn't be the sort of entertainment he would prefer, but well he was the god of music, and she had been told her voice was pleasant and she could carry a tune. In truth, she had a beautiful singing voice, but she was not suppose to boastful.

Dorothea took a deep breath before she started singing the Thanasis Kleopas-Hymn. It was a very hymn dedicated to Apollo and a muse. At least it would give her time before having to find another conversation.


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/27 23:46:56 )
When she was done with her song, she found herself to be a bundle of nerves, was the pleasing enough? She wasn't completely sure why, but suddenly she had really hoped to impress him. She had hoped maybe if she had left an impression on her, he might remember her after he tired of her. She was confused with herself, just when did her goal change from putting up with him and hoping he might start doing his godly duties to wanting him to remember her. Why would she care about that and how did her mind change so much. Maybe she was confused, it wasn't like she was hit by a certain god's arrows of love. It must just be cause he wasn't as terrible as she thought he was. That all it had to be.

She sat up straight, as he started to speak. He was the god of music, so whatever he might say would be advice to talk to heart. She was a confused when he cut himself off. Oh now she was a bundle of nerves, he was offended wasn't he? Or was her voice terrible? Perhaps it was so bad, he was trying to find the right word to say, without insulting her? No if he thought it was that bad, he'd tell me. He doesn't hold back. She thought. She noticed after his second attempt to speak, he seemed to be nervous. What would someone like him be nervous about?

When he told her song was adequate, she felt a small pang of disappointment. But at least he had said it would be remembered for all time. So she hadn't made a huge full of herself? " thank you" She mumbled. What she didn't expect was him to ask her why she didn't sing at the temple. Dorothea didn't have an answer at the ready. Why hadn't she ever joined the temple, friends had told her before they thought she could move to one of the big cities by joining the temple, but it was never an option presented to her by her family. It seemed like it wasn't something on the table.

Her eyebrows knitted in confusion, but she couldn't think of why her parents wouldn't let her. "I don't know. It's not like it hasn't crossed my mind, but I guess my parents never approved. I really can't remember. That's not really a good answer is it?" If she thought about it, it would be a good position for her. She could even marry and have kids, but maybe it had something to do with her parents land? She wasn't sure vaguely recalled asking her parents as a child, but she couldn't remember the outcome. Then by the time she could have made a choice she had started to hate the gods and believe they didn't exist, so it didn't make sense once the temple was built here.

Sensing the the slow in conversation, she knew she needed to keep speaking. " I've been wondering something, when us humans make offerings and prays to the temple, are you able to hear all of that? Do you gods get stuck hearing tons of voices crying out in your heads?" It wasn't a question directed so she could ask him why if he heard all that, he ignored them. It was more a curiosity thing, wondering what an average god had to put up with.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/08/31 00:38:19 )
Dorothea had to muse over his words, when he said that maybe her parents had just wanted the best of her. She wanted to shout, how did they know what was the best for her, when she didn't know. She had a feeling that he might share the sentiment. "Maybe.." Maybe if they had managed to have another kid, she would have been allowed to enter the temple. But she wasn't sure she wanted that either. She couldn't get married if she did that. She didn't want to marry because she had to, she wanted to marry for love, but clearly that was foolish.

She made a small whistle when he stated that he heard every single one. Sure she could jump up and berate him for saying it was annoying. She could shout at him, demand to know how he could be so cold to ignore the pleas of humans. To let her and her people starve, because he didn't want the position given to him. It would be easy to do it, but she went quiet. She was pondering his words, and as she mulled over the thoughts she started tracing patterns on the ground with her fingers. As she mused, she came to the conclusion, that while she didn't like him treating them so badly, she go understand where he was coming from. " While you know where I stand in regards to your duties, I don't blame you for being annoyed. It must be taxing to listen to ever prayer for all time. I'm sure you aren't the only god who tunes out the voices. "

She had to wonder if maybe he just did the bare minimum of work, aka letting the crops grow here, maybe it would be enough. But she also knew that if things turned around, humans who say it was his work and then ask for more. But did they really deserve to die because the order of the world? She could even point out that she had tried to provide for herself and he decided to punish her because it went against the world. Though she didn't think that would have any impact. It was hard because she could sympathize with how he felt, but she hated that she'd have to suffer because he was unhappy, or he thought them weak. " If only there was a middle ground to it all" The words were spoken so soft, that they barely left her mouth.

When Aristide explained that this was uncomfortable she had to agree slightly. Just a day ago she had been so sure of everything, and of how cruel he was and now she was a jumbled mess inside. When he asked for her to sing at the temple, or at least for him, she knew she shouldn't agree. There was no way she could agree to join to the temple right now. "I can't join the temple, but I'll sing for, but only you."

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/6 21:14:23 )
Dorothea didn't know what to make of his facial expression, he seemed upset that she wasn't joining the temple. Did he really want to possess her that much? She had thought if she had promised her voice to him in the way she suggested that it would be enough. Did he forget that there was really no benefit to her. It wasn't like he was even doing his job, or giving her food. Sure at the temple her life might be better, but her parents still mattered to her. When he asked her to promise to sing to him everyday, she wanted to point out that she just had said she'd do that, but had a feeling he wouldn't care. "Of course. I promise." Though they both knew it wasn't really a promise, because she clearly didn't have a choice. This what he was demanding of her, instead of killing her for the deer yesterday. A deer that didn't even die, frankly it was insulting that a deer meant more to him, then the lives he was suppose to protect. That she was basically a slave, that he was allowing the pretense of freedom.

That thought was enough to sour her mood, and make her wonder why she was being nice with him. Why she felt pity for his situation and understanding. There must be something wrong with me, she surmised. She watched him wearily as he stood up. There he was treating her as no more of a common slave. As yes, that was her the useful human, that wasn't worth smiting yet. She could laugh bitterly, oh she was sure he had things to do on Olympus, but unless it was a lover, he wouldn't do any of it. " Yes, I know, I'm well aware of what you expect of me." She muttered bitterly. She had been foolish this afternoon to forget herself, to act as if they were friends, when in reality, she was bound in servitude. She was so angry at herself.

She watched as him he started to ascend back to the heavens. She scoffed when he smiled down staying that she was his. "I'm well aware that I have no freedom left, I don't need the reminder! " She shouted up at him. She didn't realize that he could be joking around. She saw it, as him reminder her that she was yet again nothing to him. She was worth less than a deer, she wasn't allowed to have her friend. She had to wonder as she stood if he knew that he was treating her in a way in parents treated him. She now really had to freedom, no rights to make any choices. She'd have to serve him until he tired of her. He may not force her to warm his bed, but he wasn't giving her the option to refuse to see him. She sighed knowing it was no use to think on this, he wouldn't care either way.

She picked up the harp and made the long trek back to her home. When she walked into the house, she was worried that the man her parents wanted her to meet might be there. Luckily, well for the man, not her, she was instead meet by her two angry parents. "Where were you! It was important you were here for our guest today!"

"I told you I have duties at the temple. I can not miss them, you wouldn't want me to anger Aristide the Bright, would you?" Her parents then told her that tomorrow she had to be there, that this man, whoever he was would be angry with her and them if she didn't show. Some story was told about how he had traveled a far distance to make her his second wife after the first one had died. That he was wealthy, and bunch of other things she tuned out. With that lecture over her parents, left her alone. She moved to sit at the window staring outside, while trying to keep tears at bay. "It seems freedom, love, foo,. Prosperity, isn't allowed for me. It might be better if I cease to exist." She muttered quietly. All she knew for sure was that tomorrow she'd have to leave before her daily chores to avoid her parents and this suitor. She'd have to go without her morning meal as well just to avoid the anger of her godly master.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/10 01:35:27 )
The rest of the night went by in a blur for Dorothea. If she was asked years from now what she had done that night she wouldn't remember. It was truly an unremarkable night. At some point she had gone to bed and arose the next day before mornings light. She frowned not wanting to sneak out of the house, but knew that if she didn't a certain sun god would be smiting some people today. Then again at least he'd be doing something. Pushing away the anger she felt at that situation, she needed to focus on getting ready for the day. Unlike when her mother forced her into her best outfit and did her hair, she went the simply venture. A simple blue chiton*, and she left her hair down. She didn't care to impress him, and wasn't going ages trying to pick her best outfit as other girls might do, if they were meeting him. She grabbed his harp and knew it was time to leave.

Once she was properly clothed she tip toed across the house. When she made it to the door she opened it slowly and shut it quietly. She was actually surprised that her parents were both still sleeping. Dorothea had expected that one of them might be waiting for her to try and keep her there. It seemed that they were too trust of their daughter and expected her to just follow their wishes. It was almost funny, but really the more she pondered the thought, the more she realized that like Aristide she was also refusing to due her duty. Of course she resented that comparison in her mind, because her refusing to meet suitors or get married didn't cause an entire village to die. It was confusing to relate to his own struggles, but also be angry at the position he had forced her into by his in action.

She shook of her thoughts as she realized she couldn't just stand outside her house pondering the whole Aristide situation. While she would have loved to have a morning meal, she knew that she didn't have time for that or time to try and forage for something to eat. Instead she made her way to the temple and it's forest. She wasn't sure where she might call him from, but she eventually found a nice well hidden spot near the temple. No river today, and by the time she had found the spot, the sun had risen. Deciding that she didn't want to bother with the fuss of trying to figure out where to sit, she took a seat on the ground, in front of a tree. She had her back pressed against the tree, and placed his harp in her lap. Taking a deep breath, and steeling her nerves she plucked a string on the harp.

It was almost funny how quickly he appeared. It made her wonder if he was alone and that was why he could come so quickly. Though she could picture him surrounded by gods and just like running off midsentence. Anything to avoid work right? "Morning.." She might have added his name to her greeting, but well she couldn't dare call him by name could she? She had dared to do a lot of outrageous things, but calling him by his name felt too wrong or maybe to intimate. She was suppose to be angry at him, for this situation, not making buddy buddy with him. She'd have to do well to remember that to. She looked at him like he was crazy when he asked why she changed her clothing. Was he kidding? Was this some odd joke? " No, changing clothing isn't so suitors, it because our clothing gets dirt and gross. We can't just wave a hand and be clean and fresh smelling."

She didn't expect him to ask her how her night had been. She briefly considered answering him honestly for a moment. To tell him it was terrible, because of his laziness and refusal to take care of anyone. It would be almost refreshing to go back to screaming at him. It would get rid of this uneasy feeling within her, but well it was pointless to do so. He had already told her what he thought of her kind. Dorothea didn't even come to see him because she wanted to, he had threaten his parents, and while yes they would die soon because of his inaction, her whole plan these last few years was prolonging their lives. " It was fine. " It was a lie, but a simple lie. It wasn't like he really wanted to know, because seconds later he was demanding a song for her.

What, was she a bird? No of course she wasn't a bird, if she was she'd be in better health. He cared about animals, not about humans. She looked bitter for a moment before letting her expression fall blank. Fine, she'd sing like she'd promise, but she wouldn't be happy or sad about it. She'd would ware a blank, almost lifeless expression while she did it. It was what he wanted from humans after all, he wanted them all lifeless as some petty revenge because he was a god and he didn't want to be. She took in a deep breath, before she starting singing her song of longing for freedom and peace. It was as if she was serenading all she would know to never be hers. A sad longing song.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/11 02:27:52 )
When she started her song she had expected to sing it until the end. She barely had finished the first verse when he was yelling at her to stop. Her blank expression morphed into surprise. " Why? What's wrong? There nothing different about me" She didn't understand why he didn't seemed to like this song. Sure maybe she was being void of expression, but she thought a song about longing for freedom was something he could relate to. She pressed her back further against the tree, as he started into her eyes. She didn't know what exactly he was searching for, but it was uncanny. Now he was saying there was something different about her? What did having her hair up make the song sound different to him?

It wasn't liked he had noticed that she wasn't okay. Or would realize it was because of how he was treating her, or how he treated everyone. Really she liked it better when she didn't know the gods existed, at least the neglected didn't hurt as much then. Because before she could blame other humans, say it was the greed of humanity or the foolishness of believing in something that didn't exist. But now it truly didn't matter because whether she lives or died, was in the hands of god who detested her people, and it seemed that the other gods didn't even care to step in. " Am I not in tune or something? I need you to make sense." Really what was the big deal about her song. Now she was missing something? Was it because it wasn't a song about him.

Was that what all this fuss was about? Dorothea shook her head in confusion, she didn't get what his problem was. She flinched backwards slightly, when he was back in her face again. This time he wasn't just checking her over with his eyes. " Why are you touching me?" She snapped, not in angry but frustration. It felt weird, not bad, but weird to have him touching her. He almost seemed like a mother fretting a sick child. She huffed in annoyance when he was saying that he wasn't pleased. But that he wouldn't kill her. Would it kill him to get some new material. Maybe go hey, that song sucked, sing something else. "I don't understand..." He was the god of music for hecks sake, he should be able to tell her what was wrong.

She reached up and rubbed at her temple, she was feeling a headache coming on. Was this another one of his ego trips where he just expected her to know what was up? It was enough to make her want to scream, it made her blood boil. But he didn't care, so this whole showing, was frankly pointless. Dorothea was at a lost and unsure what to tell him. Maybe she should just start another song, that would solve his issue right? Just as she was about to open her mouth and try another tune, he had decided the issue was hunger. Now she wouldn't lie and say she didn't need food, that was the understatement of the century. As he summoned a small handful of grapes from thin air, she briefly wonder if she had been upgraded from less to a deer, to a pet song bird.

She was briefly considering refusing the food, why she should take his help now, when he didn't want to freely give it? But her stomach decided at that moment to grumble loudly silencing any protest she may of had. Her checks colored a bright red, and she took the grapes. "Thank you" She felt embarrassed and ashamed for having to thank him for a few grapes. It only took her a few minutes to eat the small handful, and that was her going slow. Since she was use to eating so little, the small amount of grapes was enough to fill her. It was actually a bit refreshing to feel this full as well as have something as nice as grapes. She knew now that her "meal" was done he would demand a new song. Hopefully he would be pleased with this one. Sure he had feed her, but food wasn't going to quell her inner turmoil and angry.

"Alright, let me try this again.." She was quiet for a few moments raking her mind for songs that he might like. It took her a few moments, before she once again tried to sing for him. " I was looking for breath of life.." She may not have realized it, but the song really conveyed all her emotions she felt at this situation with Aristide.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/11 21:36:47 )
As she sang, Dorothea was glad that this time he didn't stop her song. She had half expected him to shout that this one wasn't good enough either. When she had reached the end of her song, she didn't say anything. In fact she let the silence fall between them, and linger. This whole interaction with him left he feeling confused and conflicted. She felt like she was at constant war with herself. She was either really angry at him, or wanting to impress him and sometimes it was both. Both songs to her had similar meanings, so why had he disliked the other? Why did she care, she knew her saw her as a mere toy, but the idea that something she had done dissatisfied him, bothered her, and she was angry at that. Dorothea didn't really have the time to ponder this line of thinking. It caught her off guard when Aristide reached out and grabbed her hand.

At the simple action, she had expected to feel annoyance, but in addition to that annoyance her heart seemed to skip a beat. The unwelcomed emotion, made her shake his hand off immediately. She wiped both of her hands against her clothes, not because she loathe his touch, she did a bit, but because suddenly her palms were feeling sweaty. "I.." She was at a loss for words. She pushed some of her hair behind her ear, as she watched him turn his back to her again. If she had to guess at what he feeling, she would almost seemed shy. As he brushed hair hair into his face, she had only one thought. 'Adorable' Dorothea's eyes went wide as she realized what she had just thought. A bright red flush was spreading across her face. Merlin, what was wrong with her? She needed to stop thinking like this, she hated him! Because he was selfish, because he didn't care for humans, because he wouldn't do his job. She needed to remember that, she couldn't start acting like some foolish girl in summertime.

She didn't even care that he had cut her off from answering his question. Of course the food had helped her, but not the singing. She really didn't register the second time she grabbed her hand. She nodded as he said, let walks. She rose, not letting go of his hand and started leading them North. She didn't know much of what was in the area but, she did at least know that if they had gone west, it would be the temple, and east would lead to the town. " Did you know that there use to be lots of festivals in town?" She didn't finish with that simple question, she started explaining some of the various festivals the village use to have. While she had not be able to attend the on dedicated to him, there were others she was allowed to go to, if her Father escorted her. She was busy telling him about the festival of Khoes (Dionysos drinking one), when she realized that her hand felt very warm.

She glanced down at her hand, as she walked and realized she was still holding Aristide hand. If someone saw them in the distance, they might think the two of them as a pair of young lovers. She frozen in place for a second, as her face, back of neck and skin flushed a bright red. She dropped his hand, and moved to hide behind a tree trunk for a second. " I need a moment please, forgive me." Her words were rushed out and followed by squeaks of embarrassment. She couldn't believe what she had just allowed to happen, She's suppose to be angry, not getting attached or doing dumb things like this. He had only feed her because he wanted a better song. He didn't care for her, she needed to stop just going with the follow. It didn't matter that he heart was beating so loud, that she was sure he could hear it.

Dorothea ran her hand through her hair, tugging on it slightly. She was hoping the minor pain might snap her back into normalcy. She should come out from behind the tree and berate him. Demand to know what he had done to her, because she hadn't acted like this before. Maybe the grapes had been bewitched? No, that didn't make sense. She was just confused, and she knew he didn't care about her. It was all for his entertainment, and she didn't care that the thought of that made her heart ache. She didn't care about him, she didn't! Right? Oh she was panicking, what was happening to her.
Rei's Quest
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