Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/6 07:51:04 )
@PoeticTorment: that is very true I shouldn't have gotten yelled at for eating them as a kid and the fact that they tasted so good back then. But can't change the past. I aint very big on certain foods being fried. I am happy that it has been cooling down as much as it has been lately.
@Miss Sandman: I've already bought three pieces from that friend awhile back, but I also won a piece of their artwork with a sticker. See I am in the USA, and my friend who makes beautiful art is over in the UK being England in a couple of weeks, I'll order from her again, Tomorrow I'll try to take a better photo, of the art I have so far, one of her art pieces that I bought along with a sticker is to be a Random Act Of Kindness/giveaway I just don't know on when, I just need to get a frame big enough for it. But thank you.
@Ruby: you have just as many food stores, as what is in my town we also consider gas stations as little food markets, and we have many of those some that are built with a store combined.
@CooperationIsKey: in a way you remind me of an old friend who loved rainbows, I lost contact with not sure if there on avatar sites anymore