(update: I've cooled down and am working through this. THank you for advice as always, you guys are always there when I need someone the most <3 tyty)
I'm so angry
and so so so hurt
this motherfffffff
Right when everything was looking good in life, I thought I finally had this normal life with normal levels of oxygen, less threats on my life and a good fiance at my side who i can count on.
To start, I came home from work last night and I started stressing about my finances being so tight again, cause I noticed my cars gas has been depleting a lot faster than what seemed normal. I cried a bit and after i calmed, I remembered that my fiance has been paying for the gas lately and he doesn't have a job right now. So with innocent intention, I asked to see his statements to see what its been costing him so that I can reimburse. Actually first I asked how much money he had left, cause he's been saying 3k for a month now so i felt that maybe he wasn't checking his accounts often enough.
Anyway, he suddenly got very nervous and he said "I don't want to show you because I'm embarrassed by it"
I'm like hey, it's ok to not have a job, i got us. you're doing what you can, I only want to help since you've been pitching in a lot here, I don't want you to hit the negatives.
we're fiance, we can do this together.
He starts to admit he lied about what money he has, that he's basically almost out of money. his checking has been pulling from his savings a lot cause he's overcharging. I convince him to let me see, because i was still convinced it was gas and other stuff i knew about. like lie aside, i trusted him and im just here to help until he gets on his feet again.
but it was drugs.
weed, soft drugs, not inherently wrong, but given more context im furious.
there were also a ton of extra charges for eating out behind my back a lot, buying video games, subscriptions to services, paying for ad blocks on mobile games, buying ingame contents very frequently. his credit card has a long list of late payments and its over a hundred in the hole cause of weed once again.
before we started dating i made it pretty fucking clear, I've had only very painful experiences with drug users, even if it's "just weed". i don't want it in my life or in my partner, I'm done dealing with it.
i don't care what my friends do with it so if he chose to use it, we could've stopped while we were ahead and remained friends. but he said it's not something he wanted to do anyways so no issue there.
well he started in February and lied to me since.
lied about drugs, lied about finances, lied about academics, lied about applying for jobs, lied
while I'm over here working my ASS off and getting no time to rest, he's over here sabotaging finances and nuking our relationship.
I haven't kicked him out since i felt i needed time to think and clear my head. but i don't know if i can ever trust him again. or anyone for that matter, it's always lies!
i guess for a quick filler, we've been through a ton together. just moved across the country together, me thinking i had an awesome supportive healthy relationship. now I'm quite terrified if i may be alone in this city soon