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Forums General Chit-Chat It's finally getting cold~

Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/28 23:09:15 )

Time to break out the FLUFFY SOCKS

Thanks to Global Warming™ it's been unusually hot for the UK for the past, uh, most of the year, so I'm soooo happy that it's getting cold again~


Artist Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/29 08:53:49 )

@squishy sloth: omg right? Its still warm here, in fact it was hot today, but it is less humid. I can’t wait for fall weather~ its my favorite time of the year. I even love winter lol

Also love your avi!


Donator — whatever Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/29 10:07:41 )

It's only supposed to reach a low of about 75F here before it starts going back up again. <_>; I want fall!

Please ping me!

Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/30 02:37:49 )

@Kory: aaa i feel you, it got colder around august and then hotter again which was so annoying ):
also i still can't believe that some places in america just never get snow KAJHSJJH

@Ruby: jhdhh thank you!! i love yours too~
also i hate summer bc heat so i LOVE when it gets cold aksjhd it's nice being able to wrap up in a blanket and not feel like you're gonna overheat >w<

@CooperationIsKey: apparently that's 23C and i hate when it goes above 15C >n< it'll get cold soon hopefully~

@Totalanimefan: ajshjdhg that's waaaaaay too hot for me help
i get you though akjhjhd after having to endure like 30C i'm just so happy to be able to snuggle up under my blanket :3


Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/30 03:20:22 )

@Totalanimefan: actually AC's aren't a thing in homes in the UK because it's usually always cold >w<
experiencing an AC in a living space was a whole new thing, i've only ever known them to be in shops and stuff here akjhjd
i think they're gonna become a thing in homes if it keeps getting hotter during the summer though AJSHJDH


Artist Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/30 06:17:34 )

@squishy sloth: summer is the worst lol it wasn’t so bad when I lived in the Pacific Northwest but in the south, no thanks @.@
Yes! I love being able to feel cozy in blankets and hoodies but I’m always overheated and can’t unless its winter ;3;

Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/30 22:26:04 )

@Totalanimefan: it's slowly become more like 60% so i really they become a normal thing here soon akshd
also i forgot you used to live in the uk aaaa >w<
have you done the exam yet? hope it goes well~

@Ruby: SAME i wish it was cold 24/7 so i could just constantly have a blanket wrapped around me aksjhdj
i've only ever lived in wales but i've been to hot places and like, the heat was a nice heat but still WAAAAAY too hot aaaa


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 20:02:01 )

        I hope it stays cooler for me.
        I want my fuzzy socks, too.

Donator — she/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 22:59:36 )

I'm happy that it's getting chilly now. It means I can bundle up and get cozy. =w=

I'm not looking forward to winter, though. I don't like being cold cold.


Check out my shop! Currently selling Winter '21 Plasma Orb Items and more.

Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 01:23:13 )

@Totalanimefan: aaa congrats!! im glad you did it~
also is it usually warmish in autumn there?

@Anarchist Beauty: yesss fuzzy socks for all!! i kinda wish it was always cold enough for fuzzy socks tbh ashjd

@Ark: being able to bundle up is so nice :3
i love winter but i too dont like being too cold akjshdjh just wanna stay in bed all wrapped up >w<


Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 02:49:43 )

@Kory: ahh that's good, summer is SO ANNOYING when it's like waaay too hot akjshjdh
also i hope it rains so your hamster doesn't get too hot!! plus rain is great akjhddj i like listening to it~

btw how's your hamster doing 👀


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 03:08:23 )
Moody Says. . .


its been super chilly past few days which im stoked about since 90+ degree heat was just annoying.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 03:14:42 )

*patiently waits for the weather to get a lot colder to finally wear mines* eue

Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/3 23:29:27 )

@MoodyB: ksjhddjh gOd i cant even imagine 90+ degrees i think i would literally die omg

@Purpsy: mother nature would you please turn down the heat enough for everyone to wear FLOOFY SOCKS please thank you nature

@Kory: akjshjdh sadly wales' summer was the opposite, it got WAAAAAAY too hot and i melted like 10 times rip x_x
it's funny how the uk had a super hot summer but some places in america had a mild summer, it's like the opposite akjshjd
i hope u get rain tho!! *hands you our rain*

aaah i hope your lil hammy is okay in the long run ): if you need any support we're all here <3 i don't know much about hamsters but i'm sure she'll be okay :3

@Totalanimefan: man i miss snow i'm jealous >w< it hasn't snowed properly in a couple years, and it probably won't now ):
a warm autumn sounds nice though, not too hot but also not too cold~


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/4 00:06:53 )
Moody Says. . .


@squishy sloth: it was not fun.
and we also have no A/C at all so summer is just us suffering LOL

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/4 06:38:33 )

@squishy sloth: Yes yes.
Maybe not too cold enough to turn us into humancicle but just cold enough.

Sincerely, the rest of the humanity~

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Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/4 07:57:07 )

Gods I can't wait for colder weather. Here in Florida has been miserable.


Donator — he/him Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/5 02:34:19 )

@Totalanimefan: ah yeah my mum hates it too akjshdjhf
probably because she drives? although it hasn't snowed enough to hinder driving in a while >w<
i kinda wish we got a nice autumn here but right now it's just raaaain

@MoodyB: aaah that's not good ):
also we don't have a/c here either so i feel you rip
it got WAAAAAAY too hot omg

@Kory: oh god same!! i hate summer in general so this summer was the absolute worst i'm just so glad it's over oml
it's raining now but i'd take rain over heat any day (plus it's nice to listen to :3)
*hands you the rain* it's been raining for like 3 days straight take it AKJSHJD

also yeah i'd definitely get a second opinion!! i don't know much about hamsters but surely the vet would try out everything else first BEFORE recommending surgery? that's what they did with our cat's at least
i thought vet's would always offer things like medicine first before surgery so it sounds kind of weird to me aaaa

@Purpsy: yes pls don't turn us into a humansicle!!
pls be nice mother nature we love you ):

@Another Movie Addict: *hands you some rain* BEHOLD
aksjhjd it's been raining a lot here we have some spare

also your signature is so cute omg


Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/5 03:09:28 )
Moody Says. . .


@squishy sloth: it was horrendous.
and where i live fires happen a lot. Not super bad like CA.
but sometimes the smoke from their fires come into my state so then we cannot open the window.

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Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/5 12:45:53 )

@squishy sloth: Thank you. My signature is actually friends and I at a convention doing the caramalldansen.


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