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Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 05:07:40 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Post about whatever! Spew your thoughts on anything!
Please ping me if your talking to me otherwise ill miss it :'^)

Some questions to break the ice:
Wierd things you dont like?
Song you currently listen to on repeat:
Anything great happen?

You dont have to answer any, you can answer all or only one, its up to you!
Dont mind if ill randomly start talking ab something random. This will be used as like a void where i can clear my thoughts

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 05:07:48 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there


。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 05:08:05 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Another claim incase
Feel free to post now!

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 05:20:35 )
hi @goblinsandtea !

Wierd things you dont like?
I don't know if this counts as weird, but I really dislike mushrooms. And I'm super bummed about it.
Mushrooms are an amazing species and they're so good for you! And they come in so many shapes and colors.
But I just... hate looking at them, hate eating them, and I certainly would never touch one in the wild. But dang it if I don't feel so left out...

Song you currently listen to on repeat:
Get into It (Yuh) by Doja Cat
I feel like there's crack in this song

Anything great happen?
I started decorating the apartment for Halloween! Just a few things so far, but it's so cozy and I love it ^^


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 05:23:13 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

So to answer my own questions:

Hobbys: Character creation + world building, collecting bjds (and likewise dolls), collecting washi tapes, drawing, creative projects, obsessing over howls moving castle and sleeping

Wierd things you dont like: Oranges and red cabage. Like theres more food i dont eat but they way i react to these is like they did me dirt may years ago. wierd thing ab oranges tho is that ive got no problem with orange juice (yup not even with pulp). However i cannot be in the same room witha red cabage, i need to hold back when i smell it or id barf. I honestly dont remember what a redcabage tastes like and im not gonna find out lol

Song you currently listen to on repeat: human procrastination by LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER (aka the dude that made the furby organ). And some of his other songs aswel

Anything great happen?
For the first time in my 21 years of being alive do i have an oven that works. Yesterday my gran made (this is from google translate so excuse me if this is wrong) "chicory rolls" with cheese saus and mashed potatos. I ate so much of it i thought my stomach was gonna burst like a balloon. Exited for more food in the oven!!!

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 05:28:51 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@icedchai: I also dont eat mushrooms! I have an irational fear that a spore would get inside me and they would grow inside me... However aestheticly i love them. Im getting a lil 13cm doll thats mushroom themed on the 3th :^D
Its also wierd bc i used to love eating it, idk where that fear even came from??

Doja is fantastic, love her vibe!!

And hell yea!! My rooms in halloween decorations all year round. Theres skeletons of all sizes, some wearing wigs and ghosts, most are actually lights. Ofc no spider stuff lol (but i know theres some spiders lurking in my room. we have a mutual agreement that if they stay put and not show themselves they can stay. otherwise its to the void aka the vacuum)

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 05:49:56 )

Omg ew the spores and the gills and the flaky bits and ooey gooey goop I can't T^T
But that only applies to real fungi, I'm sure your new doll will be super cute! Love the cottage core aesthetic of the little red mushrooms with white dots. Like, those are cute.

My best friend is like that! Halloween in her room all year. I love it.
At my place I leave the mini skeleton out, he is a valued member of this family.
And I have the same policy for spiders.... except the big one that I know lives behind my boyfriend's surfboard rack....
He's the boss of me... tried to remove him one time and he looked me dead in the eyes and said "really b*tch?"
and I haven't bothered him since T^T


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 12:26:19 )
I love reading, writing, drawing, astronomy, cooking and baking especially chocolate desserts like brownies and cupcakes.
Wierd things you dont like?
I hate that I’m lactose intolerant as I really like milk chocolate and ice cream and I have acid reflux. ;_;
Song you currently listen to on repeat:
Currently anything by Alice Kristiansen, Birdy, Billie Eilish and AURORA.
Anything great happen?
No, we’re still under lockdown. I’ve been so lonely and depressed lately. ;_;

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 17:49:13 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@icedchai: Oh god yes, house spiders are... getting chills just thinking of them...

@Juliette: Ive got a friend thats lactose intolerant and they simply dont stop drinking milk and then complain why they are in constant pain and have to go to the toillet so much... Like... I feel like thats on them lol
And Astronomy sounds awsome! :^0
I can understand the last bit... lifes been absolutly a mess lol

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 19:22:48 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@Totalanimefan: i was but then a discord im in announced a, event aswel (similer to inktober but it dosnt have to be drawn) So now im planing ahead to see what i can do for it + i drew up a skecth for todays prompt wich is "The....." And you can add what you want.

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/1 22:03:36 )
Wait...... wha?????? I can't believe I missed that.
I'm gonna look up the Inktober drama rn


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 02:18:15 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@Totalanimefan: Yea i heard about that stuff. Ive never participated with inktober itself tho so thats good i gues. But this one is called bloomtober and its related to a discord server im in about dolls.+ the entrys dont have to be drawn, ive seen pictures and poems aswel.

The prompt was "The..."

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 02:31:09 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Random nothingness:

Ive been rewatching jacksepticeye play undertale and i still love it so much hhhh. I remember when he just uploaded on of the episodes and id secretly watch it in class lol.
Also reminds me of my bad sans cosplay, ill never forgive myself for not just making a mask... no instead i painted my face and had it melt troughout the day lol

I was a lil nervous this month bc i wanted to buy a lil doll thats mushroom inspired. I was scared i might not have enough or just enough to buy it... But im scared if i actually get the first one shipped out (wich should be very soon) that customs will kick my ass and have me pay like half or mire the value of the package (each time was about 100euro. However last time ive bought from the UK (wich was after the custom stuff went down) i din have to pay anything wich is suprising. So im praying (even tho im not religious lol) that i wont have to pay.
But now it turns out i have more then i thought i did. Ive got enough to get 2 dolls + extras (but im going with 1 and some extras, just getting my point acros)
So incase i do need to pay customs ill still be able to! Whoop whoop!

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 02:32:26 )
ˑؘ ۪۪۫۫Formerly known as ChiffonOrange ۪۪۫۫ ؘ

@goblinsandtea: Hi there! *waves*

Hobbys?: Drawing (mostly just doodling/sketching rather than colouring lol), Used to write very few short stories but I stopped it because my writing skill is still poor, Listening to music (mainly video game music, sometimes pop especially 2000s-early 2010s ones and a few), Playing video games but I don't find myself playing video games as much as I used to nowadays, Watching funny videos on Youtube if I'm bored

Wierd things you dont like?: Does not liking hash browns counts? Lol

Song you currently listen to on repeat: Reach for the Stars from Sonic Colours, that song has stuck in my head after listening to it so many times lmao (But the song is catchy and good tho)

Anything great happen?: Not really since it's 9:32AM in the morning for me and I'm just lurking around the forums >w>;

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 02:37:58 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@Hydrangea: ok first off, YOUR AVI IS SO ADORABLE OMG!!!!
ab hashbrowns: ive only had 1 and that was back in 2015 when i went on vacation in london. And from my memory i loved it (but i just love potatos in general, thats the belgian in me)

What where the stories about?
Ive been trying to write a transcript for a comic but oh god its taking so long lol.
Id write normal stories but i rarely read books so i find it a bit wierd to make something for something im not intrested in.

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 02:52:18 )
ˑؘ ۪۪۫۫Formerly known as ChiffonOrange ۪۪۫۫ ؘ

@goblinsandtea: Thank you, yours too! ^^

Ah I see, to each one's own I suppose xD I didn't like hash browns due to the taste but I ironically liked french fries/potato chips ahaha

*trying to recall my memories* They're usually about the whole 'slice of life' stuff and rarely about adventure but I already deleted them from my folders due to embarrassment. (. _. ;; ) And I see, I wish I could make a comic without getting overly worried about the panels and stuff xD

Same, I don't read a lot of books, heck not even comics or manga ^^;

Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 04:07:39 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Ah! If i have the motivation to ill post my entrees for the bloomtober event here aswel.
So heres the second day:
Prompt "Bloom"
So the doll line is also called bloom and the first doll i bought will b shelled as my oc Ilya soi drew her here. However i also thought it b great to have her bc shes an oc with alot of story and it it fits into it...

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)


Donator — He/They Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/2 22:04:18 )
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Ok so i have until tomorow evening to decide what color i want my lil mushroom doll to be. Im not sure wheter i want them to be a clasic red with white dots or a, Inky cap mushroom.... I think ill go with the inky cap one bc ive got a rough idea in mind for them.

Ive finished watching jacksepticeye play undertale (the pacifist route) and i cried a lil. Still need to watch the genocide route.

Not so long ago i was prescriped a pill to help with sleep and anxiety by a psyciatrist. I had extreme side effects, all i could do was sleep and i constantly felt dreadful, everything felt fake and i constantly felt like i was a hair close to a mental breakdown but all i could do was laugh. I owly took it twice and stopped and the side effects lasted a good week. Ontop of that the last day of the side effect i had some very dark thoughts ab harming myself and others (ive never had it that extreme before). Also after the side effects i became ill and had a terible time with that. The whole time my gran... she basicly told me that she thinks im exaggerating everything, bc "normal ppl" dont experience it like that.... its the second time that she basicly told me im abnormal... I messaged the psychiatrist and he told me i could stop for awhile and start taking it in lower doses.... But i was terrified. I then saw my gender psychiatrist, told me that the side effects meant the pill was working on me, but before it starts getting better it gets worse. She understood why i was so scared to start again. She told me i should message the psychiatrist again that day and to ask if i can do mini dose or start something else but also with a mini dose...
A week has passed... i havent send him... I- im terrified to even think of starting it again... "it will get worse before its better"... i already feel terible i literly cant hadnle feeling worse i honestly feel like.... i would do something bad.

However this isnt only my fear of that pill. Ive told a friend before. But ive already have it so hard accepting the fact that ill need testosterone my whole life in order to be myself. Just the thought of needing something extra, needing help, makes me feel terible.
My family has a history of needing pills to function normally... And due to other aspects i now feel msireble that ill just be another one... So the way im fighting that is by not sending my psychiatrist a message and refusing to take any such pills (i know smart right /s).

All i want is to talk with a psychiatrist, or just somebody whos proffesionally able to help me with my thoughts and guide me better. I dont wanna take pills, i know i can do it without it. Before the pandemic i did take a pill that helped with anxiety but i stopped taking it (without telling anybody, i know im dumb), and a saw a psychiatryst and i did great, i was healing i was thriving... and then the pandemic happend and all my progres seemed to dissapear, and then i graduated and i feel into a bottomless hole... I wanted to see that psychiatryst again but he moved so i couldnt... And i just.... was there

Rn im on a waitlsist for a rehabilitation center wich as wierd as it sounds, im so looking forward too. However its not something i need to stay at. Ill need to go everyday (for like 4 hour or longer) except sunday. Theres aperently multiple activitys and ill get to talk to a psychiatrist. The wait times between 4 to 6 months and ive been on the waitlist since may 2021. So its like 5 months now?
The thing is, i dont care about myself, ive always hated myself. And while dispite also hating school, it was the only thing that kept me from falling bc i was expected to do things. I woke up each day, went to school, had social contact and did several activities.
And i did all that bc i have a fear of disapointing ppl. So now that ill be going to the rehabilitation center ill have that kind of stuff again... you know except for the stressful stuff of being scared to fail class and needing to do hw lol

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

♦ Gob | 23 | Taurus | Belgium ♦
Insta | Toyhouse | Gallery | Carrd

♦ My Art Shop ♦

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/11 21:31:17 )
    I hope you're doing well now. There's nothing I can productively add as comfort other than the fear of disappointing others can be unnecessarily crippling. I think disappointment is harder to genuinely come by, and redemption is nearly always available.

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