- @Kory: I want to smack the hell out of aces who think like that.
Like being asexual, at it's core, just means not having sexual attraction.
Like bisexuals/pansexual are sexually attracted anyway, homosexuals are sexually attracted the same way, asexuals are not sexually attracted to anyone.
That's it.
Doesn't mean jack about your whacking off habits, your libido, your sex drive, none of it.
I can be the acest mfer on the planet and have sex three times a day.
Doesn't mean shit.
I'm not sexually attracted to them or anyone else, and that makes me ace.
I can own 50 dildos that I use and enjoy, doesn't make me any less ace.
I've got a list of kinks, doesn't make me any less ace.
I enjoy reading smutty fics and erotic novels, doesn't make me any less ace.
SOME asexuals are sex repulsed, not all of em.
SOME asexuals are sex neutral, not all of em.
SOME asexuals are sex positive, not all of em.
ALL asexuals are NOT sexually attracted to people, all em.
Amazing how she gets some things like that, but not others. lmao
Reminds me of those whackos who are so anti-abortion, until one of their family members needs/wants one.
It's nasty if you get an STD, but not my kid.
But hey, props for not adding transphobia to the list of grievances. lmao