Donator — She/Her
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/7 02:43:31 )
lol it's okay if it's a little slow now. I haven't had much time to be online and have the time to chat, but I'm here now. Hoping to get more posting done this weekend since I'm off for once.
— She/They
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/7 03:08:18 )
If we're going by the second meaning, then I truly don't remember. It's been too long since I completed a show to remember. It was almost certainly a Korean variety show or some sort of Kpop idol show. Maybe one of the survival shows
— She/They
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/7 03:12:42 )
Actually, my memory just started working. Taskmaster would probably fit the second meaning best for me. I haven't finished it, but I watched the first nine seasons or so earlier this year when I came across it on YouTube
Donator — He/They
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/7 03:13:41 )
I love completing a series which is why I hate when they drag on for 20+ years with no end
We have a few we are watching consistently, and when there's no new episodes of things we're currently watching out, we have a handful of shows we can rerun if we don't feel like hunting for another new thing.
— She/They
Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/10/7 03:16:51 )
Speaking of Kdramas, I don't think I ever finished a Kdrama. I remember I got to the second-to-last episode of one Kdrama, but then I never watched the last episode. I usually only make it halfway through the series before I stop watching it for no real reason