@Juliette: oh nice, whatcha makin? :D what time is it for you?
I’m just sitting here getting ready to go to bed lol I haven’t been able to get to sleep the last few days and when it do its not for very long xP good thing I have therapy today xD
@Totalanimefan: not everyone knows that saying, or has felt it. See most of the years for October, Fall weather it is pretty chilly for the whole month. But sometimes it is as warm as Summer, It can be odd.
@eyry: I'm trying to figure that out now, actually.
I was going to go for a walk while I finish waking up and figuring out what my day has in store.
What about you? - Anything fun or interesting going on for you today?
Good morning. Poor pup! He needs to play too!
Our dogs just chased a squirrel back and forth on and around our lanai... and they had a long walk this morning...