I've had a very stressful week.
I woke up yesterday to find someone sideswiped my car in the middle of the night.
It's not that bad, but my left side mirror is smashed and shattered,
and my front left fender over my tire is dented and scratched, and the paint is peeling off.
They left scratches on my tire rims as well.
Could be worse, at least it's still operable. But it just... sucks.
And all last week I had to catsit for my parents while they were away,
and I love seeing my childhood kitty, but I hate staying the night there.
I couldn't sleep or get comfortable at all, and it made my anxiety really spike.
I feel like I couldn't breathe for a whole week. I just kept it in and didn't really react at all.
Until this morning, I had to drive my smushed car and my anxiety reached its precipice.
I had to pull over and just let all my anxiety pour out.
My sweet sweet boyfriend drove to me on his break and helped me through it.
I don't feel too much better, things still kinda suck,
but it does feel like there's some physical pressure that's been released from my chest.
Sometimes I feel like I just need a good cry.
I wanna do something tonight - something that requires minimal effort - to make myself feel better.
I have some adorable Pillsbury Halloween cookies I wanna bake.
I'd also really appreciate if anyone left some suggestions for some things I can do.