Plus, she liked kids, and a lot of people brought their kids.
She was lounging a bit as she was there, sewing another thing she was going to sell as she waited. The sun was high in the sky and she was most certainly not enjoying the burn she was likely going to acquire. It was an outdoor market, which wasn't anything too surprising, but it meant that she needed some sort of protection. So she had an awning above her, made of the same material that she used for her clothing.
A few people stopped by, bought something from her, and moved on. She put the money where it was meant to be, and resumed her sewing. There were plenty of people who weren't entirely thrilled with the idea of her being there, alone. Men should be the ones doing the selling, but she wasn't from around there, didn't care what people thought, and was selling stuff she made. If she made sales, cool. If not, that wasn't a huge issue to her.
Most of her money came from other means, though. This was just a hobby of hers.