Overall, that sounds like a relaxing day. Clean dog, movies and friends, video games. :3
I have to get ready for a road trip tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to it. <.<'
I'm going to visit my old roommates [old friends], she's having a baby shower. It'll be a 3 hour drive each way. =o which isn't too bad...
I'm just not looking forward to the long day in the car, being around people I don't know, and then heading home. XDD
@Purpsy: Enjoy the sunshine!
... and I miscalculated the time change... in a couple of days 6:30 will bee 5:30, since we "fall back" in the Fall. I hate the time changes.
@Koah: Oh! I'm glad you have energy today! I hope you get some of your projects done! :3
Thanks for the compliment on the avi - the shirt is from Raver.
That's a long day for a baby shower. I hope all goes well and you enjoy yourself at least.
I just spent the last couple of hours playing in the rain and the mud. We seem to have another rainy cold front coming through today, so it's "chilly", overcast and rainy, and I figured that since I had the energy and inspiration, and had to take the dog out and was going to get wet anyway, I might as well do some work in the garden(s). So I recovered some old chicken wire and wrapped it around the seedlings that I planted yesterday. I hope it stays up since I couldn't find any stakes or rebar to support it with (used sticks from the tree trimmings I did the other day). And I also filled in what is probably an armadillo hole that's going under the house... and I leveled a pallet-size part of the yard for another garden, put down cardboard and did some prep work there...
... and now I'm all showered and clean and ... I'm not sure what I'm going to do next, tbh.
@Wildfire: You got a lot of things done! And it sounds like you had a good time gardening :3
While so far I've been on my laptop since I woke up even though I got stuff to do. But I might go for a walk later since the weather is nice.
@Purpsy: Yes, it has been a productive morning! I also set up the crockpot for lunch/dinner and revamped some leftover soup so my guys (who are home from work today because of the rain) will eat it.
There are productive days.... and there are computer days. :3
@Purpsy: and since mine seems to be a productive day today (and I'm not quite sure why that is the case, but I'll take it, since I seem to have it!), I'm going to go be productive a little longer... be back in a bit :3
@Wildfire: Sounds like you got things started! :3
An Armadillo?! omgosh. We just have ground squirrels and marmots. lol
I thought we had a skunk issue nearby... but I'm Preeeettty sure my neighbor with the fence is the cause of that smell. lmao. Smokin' her morning greens. XD