『 Moody Says. . .』

This will probably be a somewhat small rant, as I just..don't have anyone to talk to about all the issues
im always having trouble with/don't want to dump on my only friend since this is not her responsibility
and i hate doing that.
It always feels like I'm constantly doing something wrong. Even tho it's out of my control.
I struggle a lot with my sleep schedule. Especially since it's very much connected with my ADHD, as well as often times
i can't get up early enough since I am severely depressed. Especially since in September i lost my mother and i just....lost control of what schedule i had left.
And everyone is just...always so mad at me for not getting up early, not doing this, not doing that.
Time and Time again I've explained how hard it is for me, especially being Neurodivergent. I do not live in a household that is accustom for me as someone with ADHD. I always have to mask my symptoms just so i can get basic chores done or even feed myself without depending on anyone.
And while just doing what i need to get done, i'm also trying to do what i can to practice my art, get better at it and help bring money in so my dad won't have to work himself to death as he's in his 60's and now the only parent I have and am dependent on him to just survive.
But it just seems...like no one cares and i constantly have to drain myself of burn out to just be "normal" so people won't have to deal with me.
No one listens to what i need to be accommodated with just so i can stay on task.
Just really frustrated that i get blamed for having a bad schedule, when i have been trying for months and months and made no progress
and people just...think i'm not trying hard enough. I just want to give up on everything.
and i know to just "schedule" things. but it's unfortunately not as simple as making a schedule to sticking to it.
I am unable to stick to a routine even tho i know my body needs some sort of routine
and when people constantly hound me everyday to fix my schedule it just...frustrates me when i have told about my adhd, and how it affects things. but im still treated like i can do things without issue which isn't true. I'm just so tired.

This will probably be a somewhat small rant, as I just..don't have anyone to talk to about all the issues
im always having trouble with/don't want to dump on my only friend since this is not her responsibility
and i hate doing that.
It always feels like I'm constantly doing something wrong. Even tho it's out of my control.
I struggle a lot with my sleep schedule. Especially since it's very much connected with my ADHD, as well as often times
i can't get up early enough since I am severely depressed. Especially since in September i lost my mother and i just....lost control of what schedule i had left.
And everyone is just...always so mad at me for not getting up early, not doing this, not doing that.
Time and Time again I've explained how hard it is for me, especially being Neurodivergent. I do not live in a household that is accustom for me as someone with ADHD. I always have to mask my symptoms just so i can get basic chores done or even feed myself without depending on anyone.
And while just doing what i need to get done, i'm also trying to do what i can to practice my art, get better at it and help bring money in so my dad won't have to work himself to death as he's in his 60's and now the only parent I have and am dependent on him to just survive.
But it just seems...like no one cares and i constantly have to drain myself of burn out to just be "normal" so people won't have to deal with me.
No one listens to what i need to be accommodated with just so i can stay on task.
Just really frustrated that i get blamed for having a bad schedule, when i have been trying for months and months and made no progress
and people just...think i'm not trying hard enough. I just want to give up on everything.
and i know to just "schedule" things. but it's unfortunately not as simple as making a schedule to sticking to it.
I am unable to stick to a routine even tho i know my body needs some sort of routine
and when people constantly hound me everyday to fix my schedule it just...frustrates me when i have told about my adhd, and how it affects things. but im still treated like i can do things without issue which isn't true. I'm just so tired.