"Hey! Do you have a moment?"
Your attention turns to the smallest guardian Frizz, who's excitingly waving you over towards her. You're curious and do have a moment to spare, so why not?
"Me and my brothers have ourselves up to our EARS in these Agents of Entropy! We're doing the best we can, but any extra hands would be useful."
"Yes!" Spark cries in agreement, slamming his foot down on a nearby step to pose heroically for you, a look of pure determination on his face, "You can join our cause! We can turn this into our defense centre, we can strategize all the different ways to destroy them! They won't know what's coming for them!"
"H-Hey now, don't take it that far..."
Static stepped in to join his siblings, shaking his head, "We don't need it to discuss violence, but we would appreciate your company and your assistance, should you wish to offer it. We could even compensate you for your efforts..."
Compensation huh? You're listening...