Ah, the Reaping Ritual. Voltra’s annual celebration of the autumn season, known for its sweet treets, playful costumes, and long history of everything going wrong. Luckily, this year seems to be free of any chaos at all, as the streets are completely calm and peaceful.
… Too calm and peaceful, in fact. Where is everyone?
“Oh no, this is a disaster!”
Oh. Great. Just what you wanted to hear. Deciding to see what all the commotion is, you approach the direction of the voices, finding Voltra’s Guardians. As you ask what’s wrong they all swing around to face you, their shared distress evident across all their faces.
“What a relief to see you’re alright…” Static spoke gently, before shaking his head, “The Agents of Entropy seem to have made their return… We wondered when this day would arrive.”
“And I’ve been waiting for it so I could kick their butts out of here all over again!” Spark puffed up his chest with a deep frown, more serious than you’re used to seeing him, “We have to hurry and fight them off!”
“Not just that!” Frizz huffed, “They’ve targeted some members of the city! We found some of our friends in some sort of magical slumber… And we don’t have time to handle both the agents and help our friends before things take a turn for the worse.”
This seems like a lot to handle all at once… Is there anything you can do to help?
“We’d appreciate that a lot!” Frizz nods eagerly, “If you could go help out our friends, we could focus on kicking the agents’ weird butts right out of the city!”
Sure thing… And how are you meant to do that?
“They are trapped within their own dreams, unable to leave on their own…” Static reaches into his coat, before producing a magnificent key with a strange aura, “With this, you can access a plane only very few know of: the dream realm. It will be the gateway to the subconsciousness of all those inflicted… Enter their nightmares, guide them to safety.”
Sounds… easy?
“If you don’t, they might be trapped forever!” Frizz chimes in, helpfully.
Sounds less easy.
“Also when you arrive, you’re going to need to use your head! To keep just anyone from wandering in, there’s also a security spell in place. You’ll need to solve it to get in!” Spark nods with a serious frown, rubbing his chin, “That’s why I always need Static to help me…”
This is starting to sound like a lot. Better not dawdle then, the people of Voltra need you!

Art by ghost.