"Every year!" Treat huffed to herself, her hands twisting the broom within her grasp, "Every year we come to this city and they always manage to find a new way to intrude on our ceremony!"
"N...Now, now..." Trick sighed weakly, trying his best to reassure his companion, "It isn't all bad... M... Most of the citizens are still with us! We can have a nice time!"
"Hmm..." The witch pursed her lips, skeptical but willing to listen to her longtime friend, "And what would you propose?"
It took the reaper a moment to consider his options, before lighting up, "Ah! We can introduce them to the ancient tradition of pumpkin carving! Su... Surely they would have fun with that!"
"Everyone knows about that already!" Treat shook her head, before relenting, "But it would be fun... Perhaps we could turn it into a friendly competition... Yes! The one to impress me the most will be bestowed a wonderful gift!" She turns to look at you all expectantly, "Well? Get to it!"