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Forums Reaping Ritual 2021: Restless Slumber Lost In A Dream|Come Hangout+Freebs

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:00:43 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: I'm not sure on the theme yet, but i want it to be cute.
I was going to buy this type writer looking keyboard of this character i thought was cute.
He's from BT21 collection and his keyboard is yellow.
and yellow is my fave color, so maybe pastel yellow will be a theme.

I was also eventually going to get some succulents. I found a planter pot that's shaped like a bat on etsy, and maybe some figurines i like.
That's all I have in mind right now.

I mostly just want to make it look very neat, but also very cute so that i enjoy just working there.
and make it overall into a place where i enjoy to work as I am a freelance artist. Or working towards that.

Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:06:12 )

@moodyb: i like that! no particular theme, just clean and neat and stuff that makes you happy.
i'm not a freelancer or anything like that, just a simple office worker. but i can see how a good work environment is super important for work like that. you wanna be able to have a designated workspace that inspires creativity and focus.
if you ever make significant progress on your desk setup i'd leave to see pictures or hear updates, maybe in the chit-chat forums ^^


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:13:18 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: Yeah! right now im forced to work in bed just because its the only place i can work
until i feel happy enough to work at my desk.

It might take a while since my desktop is going to be taking me ages. It's out of budget right now
but i cannot wait until I can afford it.

I definitely will be posting pics for it!
tho unsure if we'll be moving anytime soon as we want to move to a place with better insulation and someone
who will do their job lol

Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:30:38 )

@moodyb: ope! can't wait to see it come together eventually!
i'll share pictures of mine if i ever get the funds to buy new stuff as well.
today i added a little poinsettia plant to my desk... tryna be *festive* lol


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:34:18 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: Ooo nice. I don't know too much about plants.
Tho i really want so many succulents.

Lately i've just been cleaning my desk, i cleaned it...maybe a week ago and oh boy...FILTHY.
i live in a place that gets dusty very easily.
I still need to clean the shelves on my desk and go through the drawers and get rid and organize of things.

Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:39:28 )

@moodyb: the poinsettia is that one christmas flower with red petals, which apparently are actually just leaves.
i guess the leaves turn red if you keep it in the dark for a while?? i actually have no clue i just buy them cuz xmas.

and omg. same. my apartment is off the main road, and we get so. much. dust.
not just dust but like... black dust from car tires. ugh i hate it, i have to sweep all the damn time!
well, i know i should but i don't do it often enough....

as for organizing, i actually like doing that. sometimes. if i'm in the mood, lol.


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:50:31 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: Lol i see. We only have one plant in our house but no idea what it is
as i think it's from my sister when she was in school and it's been with us for years lol

It's hard to keep the place clean from dust.
We want to move into a bit of a smaller place so the cleaning won't be as tedious.
And well...things actually get fixed and allow pets so we can get a cat.

I like to organize but because of my ADHD it makes it very hard for me to actually do it
most days unless i end up hyper focusing on it for hours.

Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 01:55:59 )

@moodyb: i am the same way with my adhd! when i take my medication i start organizing anything and everything.
i'm off the meds now, for reasons. but back when i was on it, i used to nanny for a couple families and oh boy.
those families loved me. all the dishes done, laundry, mail, etc. but the kids... LOL
this one little boy got so fed up with me because i wouldn't let him play with his legos because i had just organized them all by color and size.
that's the day i realized my dosage might be a little too high, lmao.


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 02:02:57 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: I am currently not on meds, and not even diagnosed just because i can't afford it at all.
But i am 99% sure i do indeed have it and have had it since i was maybe 5 or 6.

But i don't think i want to get on medication and mostly just want to learn ways to cope with it better.
mostly want a cat as a emotional support animal for my depression.

LOL oh boy i can imagine.
But at least you got a whole lot done.

I have such a hard time just even drawing when i want to draw lol.
but my sister is working hard to help accommodate me a bit more since my dad does not fully understand it.
tho i feel an organized desk might help with mine as weird as that sounds XD

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 02:06:55 )

@MoodyB: Absolutely loveeee your art! How have you been? I know it's been awhile. I recently started up again on Voltra :) I missed it so much. Everyone is so nice and welcoming!

Hey, everyone! How are you this evening?


Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 02:44:37 )

@moodyb: i feel like we have a similar diagnosis. im the same way, and i TOTALLY understand how a new desk can help, lol
and that’s super nice that you have a supportive sister! i’m lucky my mom and sister were always supportive of me, my dad however, wasn’t for a while. he was upset when i went on meds. just because he didn’t understand. because of his upbringing, he doesn’t really understand mental illnesses or mental handicaps. years later though, he came to me and apologized saying that he’s glad i took meds and went to therapy because he could see how it helped me in the long run. hopefully one day your dad will come around too :)

I also have a goal to get a kitty. I want one so bad, especially since I miss my family cat so much. But I want to get in a better place financially and mentally (even physically) before I take on the responsibility of a little fluff ball.


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 02:52:57 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: Really!? That's kind of cool! Not that we have adhd cause i know how hard it is.
But also kinda interesting since I always feel bad when i bring it up cause i often feel like i'm gonna be invalidated
*has invalidating relatives*

Yeah! Like one day i just kinda snapped myself out of my funk and decided "i'm gonna get organized"
because i just feel like people don't believe that i struggle hard and just think im lazy which i'm not.
even my sister when i told her "i have a high chance of having adhd" she was like "you know that makes a lot of sense"
since she told me i was never lazy but i struggled to clean my room as a kid up until adulthood.

I'm so sorry your dad was not super supportive in the beginning. But very glad he came and apologized to you.
I have only told my sister and my dad. But my dad often forgets XD cause with his upbringing there were just smart kids and not so smart kids. Which i guess was like a generation thing. However, he was told as a child not great things as was I so there may even be a chance he has it.

But i have relatives who if i told them would invalidate i have it and treat me unkindly. so I just tell my immediate family.

Aww. I can totally relate. Tho i never had a cat but my dad had one and i've been around cats before.
Tho i think we need one to heal from stuff that happened that was very emotionally traumatizing for us.
and I think it will help my whole family as most of us have depression and anxiety.

I understand being in a better place financially. We definitely are working on that.
Since we want to move but also move into a place that allows cats.

@danielle: Thank you.
recently not great. But im starting to feel a bit more like myself and a lot better since been through a lot
the last couple of months.
How about you?

Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 03:08:51 )

@moodyb: well just know you’re not alone! I struggled silently with adhd for so long, i felt like there was something wrong with me. everyone around me was like “uh, why can’t you just *do* it” but… everything was hard for me. even “simple” things. but not that I’m diagnosed, and I know and my family knows and my friends know, everyone’s easier on me. Including myself! It just takes people like us extra time. Or when we do things, we do it a different way than most. And when we have our peers’ support and patience, it makes it so much easier!

I definitely don’t think you have to tell everyone… cuz you’re right, not everyone will be supportive or understanding. But it helps just to have enough people in our court backing us up. Enough meaning one or two important people.

And adhd generally goes undiagnosed in females since it doesn’t present itself super obvious like it does in most boys. I have an inattentive type of adhd. So it’s like an “invisible illness”. I’ve since discovered ways to live with it and work with it, so I promise it will get easier :)

Aw, cats are so good for emotional healing… animals just… ugh they’re the best. They just get us. Without even being able to communicate with us! Amazing :’)


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/18 21:39:08 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: Yeah! I always felt i was not like other kids and even adults. My thinking process was different
and i just could not do things normally like basic chores and i just had assumed i was just lazy until October of last year and all this ADHD stuff came up for me and the more i read things about it i was like "oh wow...this definitely sounds like me"
especially with my forgetfulness, and a whole list of other stuff

For now only my sister, my friend and dad are the only ones i know. Maybe one day I'll let my grandma know as she's the type to try to help wherever she can. But she is busy with helping my sister's condition and I'm not in dire need of help.

I'm still learning mine, so im unsure about mine still and how it works and just journaling what symptoms I have in a notebook that way I can understand what mine is and cope with it. I feel mine went invisible a lot my whole life just because i coped with it by drawing or writing.

They really are! I want to have a litle fluff buddy to help me through my really hard days when i can't even do anything. It would just be so nice.

Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/19 00:49:46 )

Questing :
Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Draconic Dream | Garnet | Drip Drop Fairy | On Guard | Flutters Her Wings | Paints Her Webs | Capricorn| Unique High Loving Gaze | Lucky Neko | TransFURmation | Ghostly Treat | Soulcaster | Vampyr | Cheshire Cabaret | Untamed | Feline of Fertility | Doggo of Death | Corrupted Ichor | Fluers d’espoir |

Moody Says. . .


@star2000shadow: yeah, but hopefully the event picks up a little eventually.

I'm sure once people realise it's active, they'll swarm the event grounds 'nods' <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/19 04:49:02 )

@moodyb: good! Im glad you’re aware of it, that’s the first step to mastering life with adhd.. just knowing that you have it lol.
I had a bit of a struggle today, which lead to a panic attack.. so I might consider going back to see a therapist/psychiatrist. Ugh, it does get easier but still. Some days I wish I could just be ‘normal’ v.v
You’ve kinda inspired me to really think about adopting a kitty. My partners been wanting one forever, and so have I, but I kept putting it off saying I’m not ready. But I think I am ready, it’s just my adhd that wants everything to be “perfect” before I get one. But if I wait for perfection, then I’ll never do it. Ahhh idk, it’s be so nice to have a lil fur ball to come home to ^^


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/19 17:22:46 )

@MoodyB: I am glad you are feeling back to yourself even if it's just a little bit though! I am okay. I got out of a bad relationship in September and I am working on healing from that. I'm doing pretty well though!


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/19 21:41:34 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: As my sister would say, If I didn't have it then what else could it be?
I have too many of the symptoms of ADHD to say that's not it.
So i am sure it is and it would explain so much of my behavior growing up and into adulthood.

Oh no i'm so sorry. I know that's got to be rough.
My sister has a panic disorder so I know of panic attacks. I hope you feel better soon.
Yeah I get that. maybe a few days ago to a week i just felt useless. like why can't i do this? why can't i just be normal??
I hate days like those. they're always so hard to deal with my emotions then.

Yesss that's a very good point! I totally get the perfectionist part. I'm the same way.
Send pictures if you guys end up adopting a cute little furball!

We unfortunately can't until we move. But some of my dad's friends are helping us find a place
and keeping their eyes opened for a potential good one.

@danielle: September seems like it was not a good month for either for us.
Since September was also when things just got really bad.
Sorry to hear about the ending of a relationship. That's always hard.

Donator — buckaroo Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/20 08:20:36 )

@moodyb: hehe I will! About the kitty.
We’re thinking of moving… like across the country. So we should probably hold off until we decide our next plan of action.
I’m not really happy in California, since it’s where I grew up and where I had the most struggle with my adhd. I lived in oregon for a bit and loved it, but now that I’m with my partner I think I’d be cool to start over in a new place. Idk where yet! But I’m open to anything.
Now it’s just about saving enough and planning it out. Then hopefully we can get settled and get a kitty ^^
It’ll be a while, so we’ll see who ends up getting one first lol!


Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/20 21:39:43 )
Moody Says. . .


@icedchai: that sounds exciting to move across the country.
We've been stuck in the same state tho i don't think we'll ever move out of this state
as my grandma is closeby and she has helped my family through a lot of our struggles when no one else would.

we just need to find a place that is nice and not in a bad place and not asking for wild numbers of income for just renting.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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