Your feet slosh through cold water as you approach this wooden door. Water leaks heavily through the cracks and seams of the wood as the doorknob sputters out sprays of salty water droplets. It’s not difficult to imagine what’s going to be waiting for you on the other side of this door.
As you open the door you make sure to plug your nose, bracing yourself for a sudden rush of water. Fortunately for you, that doesn’t seem to be the case, and as you look around you find yourself in a vaguely familiar setting… Voltra’s city hall?
It dawns on you pretty quickly who this dream belongs to as you walk up to the mayor of the city, Volkan Aria, as he shuffles around some work papers with an exhausted expression. You try to get his attention, but he doesn’t seem to notice, his bushy eyebrows furrowing as he picks up his pen to sign some papers.
You shuffle awkwardly before coughing, finally causing him to give you a quick glance, “Ah! I’m sorry, quite sorry, but as you can see I’m very busy at the moment!” He grabs a stack of papers, slamming them down against his desk to get them in order, “Yes, yes… Phew! At this rate I’m drowning in paperwork!”
A strange sound from above suddenly catches your attention. You glance up, only to be shocked by what you see: thousands and thousands of sheets of loose paper, falling from the sky! You don’t really have time to react as the two of you are swept up in the sudden pooling wrath of the gathering paper, the rush of it carrying you away.
“Oh! Dear, at this rate I really AM going to drown in my paperwork!”
Ugh… A pun dream? You don’t even have time to react before a real danger begins to present itself, the rush of paper transforming itself into a real rushing torrent of water. You watch as Volkan coughs and sputters, grabbing onto his floating desk as he calls out to you, “Quickly! Find something to hold onto!”
That desk isn’t going to stay forever… Perhaps you should come up with something a little more seaworthy?

Art by ghost.