You approach the Reflective Door…
Another large double door greets you as you approach, could this be another shared dream? The first thing that you notice when looking at this door is… You. The entire surface of these doors are covered with a smooth, reflective sheen. You look into your own eyes, nodding as you give yourself a quick, internal peptalk, before stepping into the dream.
You find yourself standing within a dark, dusty room, looking as if it’s gone long without any care. The first thing you notice is all the interesting looking antiques that fill the room, having aged poorly from years of neglect. What catches your attention next is the large, floor length mirror that sits within the middle of the room, and the figure that is sitting in front of it.
As you approach you immediately recognize it as Virgil Frost, a concerned expression on his face as his fingers run over the cracked glass of the mirror. You cough, catching his attention as he glances back at you with a confused but stern expression. Shaking his head, he ignores asking the obvious question of why you’re here, instead cutting to the chase.
“I don’t know what the hell this is, but I can’t get her out…”
Her? You shift your gaze to the mirror, only to realize immediately what’s wrong. That’s not his reflection Virgil is looking at… That’s his twin sister, Violet.
You turn for a moment, rubbing your chin in thought. Breaking the mirror would be a bad idea, you have no way of knowing what that would do. But how are you supposed to help? You turn back to ask what he thinks, but instead find yourself standing beside Violet instead, with Virgil on the other side of the mirror.
“Oh dear… He’s been trapped in there this whole time. How are we meant to help him?”
Wait… Who’s trapped? Which side are you meant to be on? This is all getting rather complicated, and you’re beginning to wonder which side of the mirror holds the exit from this dream. Better figure it out quickly!

Art by ghost.