While this plain wooden door doesn’t stand out too much on its own, the fact that it’s rattling and shaking does have you a little on edge. Your mind races on all the possibilities. What’s on the other side, and if you open this door, will it somehow escape?
You swallow and shake your head. The Guardians never mentioned that being a possibility, so you resolve yourself to see this through. The moment you reach out and turn the handle, the door bursts open, and you find yourself sucked in.
Your feet aren’t touching the ground anymore, the wind is rushing your ears, and you think to yourself “I must be falling!” But opening your eyes, you see your reality is somehow much worse. Debris and household objects whip around you in a flurry of wind and rain, thunder booming in the close distance as you’re thrashed about by the severe storm you now find yourself caught in the middle of.
Only one thought enters your mind: safety! Find safety! Luckily you aren’t lifted too far off the ground, and you’re able to find a structure to stable yourself on. Slowly edging your way out of the raging wind, you break free of the cyclone’s angry hold, panting as you try to catch your breath.
You don’t get long to gather your bearings, as something within the storm finally catches your attention. There is somebody else caught within its winds, who seems to be in much greater peril than you! Ran the acrobat waves to you urgently from within the whirlwind she’s been caught in, trying to catch your attention. When you finally spot her, you can see her cup her hands to her mouth, trying to shout something to you. However, her voice is lost within the raging wind, and you’re left unsure of what she’s trying to say. Judging by the terror on her face and her current predicament, you’re sure it can’t be good.
Keeping yourself braced, you try to reach out for her, but she’s too far from grasp for that to ever be an option. Ran calls out to you again with tears in her eyes, but you hear nothing.
You better find a way to save Ran before she’s blown away!

Art by Mica.