Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/24 21:10:51 )
@Wildfire: lol! The books are real, and are a really easy read. I think used online, they're between 4-11$ each. :d It feels like reading a knock-off Castle episode. XD There are only 6 books. :3
I'm spending today cleaning because this is the worst I've let my house go since moving in and of course, my mom had to stop by. =3= She was on a road trip getting my Aunt to a different state, so they went out of their way a bit to visit me. :3 I'm glad they did.
I went to a specialist, they primarily focused on a very long ultrasound. The specialist was a short visit and seemed .. unconcerned with my condition. so I guess that's good, but didn't help my uneasy feeling. /sigh/
I'm okay today, Burnt out and I just want my home to be clean. So I'm crabby and bossing my kids around and getting things done myself.
I'm feeling a residual annoyance from the last couple of days and today, no one got the trash out to the road with our can overflowing. so.. just.. annoyed. :<